You're at home.
[[Change clothes|wardrobe]]
<<if $hour>=7 and $hour<=8>>\
[[Go to school|school]]
<<elseif $hour>=9 and $hour<=11>>\
[[Arrive late at school|school]]
<<if $school>=1 and $hour>11 and $visitedFriendToday==0>>\
[[Visit your friend|friend][$visitedFriendToday=1]]
<<if $classmate>=14 and $hour>14 and $cantext==1 and ($lily==1 or $lily==3)>>\
<<link `"Read " + $sister +"'s text"` "sister">><</link>>
<<elseif $classmate>=14 and $hour>14 and $cantext==1 and $lily!=2>>\
<<link `"Text " + $sister` "sister">><</link>>
<<if $hour<21 and $hour>8>>\
[[Take a nap|home][$hour to ($hour+2)%24]]
<<if $chore==null and $choreIntroDone==null>>\
[[Visit the dog shelter|chore][$choredone=1]]
<<elseif $choredone==0>>\
[[Go walk a dog|chore][$choredone=1]]
<<if $hour>=21 or $hour<=6>>\
<<display sleep>>
<<if $trans>=7>>\
[[Go to the mall|mall]]
<<if $school>=1 and (($hour>=7 and $hour<8) or ($hour>=12 and $hour<24))>>\
[[Go on your computer|computer]]
<<if $classmate==null>>
<<set $classmate=1>>
<<display classmate0>>
<<elseif $classmate==14>>
<<set $classmate=15>>
<<display classmate14>>
<<elseif $classmate==13>>
<<set $classmate=14>>
<<display classmate13>>
<<elseif $classmate==12>>
<<display classmate12>>
<<elseif $classmate==11>>
<<set $classmate=12>>
<<display classmate11>>
<<elseif $classmate==10>>
<<set $classmate=11>>
<<display classmate10>>
<<elseif $classmate==9>>
<<set $classmate=10>>
<<display classmate9>>
<<elseif $classmate==8>>
<<set $classmate=9>>
<<display classmate8>>
<<elseif $classmate==7>>
<<set $classmate=8>>
<<display classmate7>>
<<elseif $classmate==6>>
<<set $classmate=7>>
<<display classmate6>>
<<elseif $classmate==5>>
<<set $classmate=6>>
<<display classmate5>>
<<elseif $classmate==4>>
<<set $classmate=5>>
<<display classmate4>>
<<elseif $classmate==3>>
<<set $classmate=4>>
<<display classmate3>>
<<elseif $classmate==2>>
<<set $classmate=3>>
<<display classmate2>>
<<elseif $classmate==1>>
<<set $classmate=2>>
<<display classmate1>>
<<display endOfContent>>
[[Go back to your room|home]]<<nobr>>
<<if $school==null>>
<<set $school=1>>
<<display school0>>
<<elseif $school==20>>
<<display school20>>
<<elseif $school==19>>
<<display school19>>
<<elseif $school==18>>
<<display school18>>
<<elseif $school==17>>
<<set $school=18>>
<<display school17>>
<<elseif $school==16>>
<<set $school=17>>
<<display school16>>
<<elseif $school==15>>
<<display school15>>
<<elseif $school==14>>
<<display school14>>
<<elseif $school==13>>
<<display school13>>
<<elseif $school==12>>
<<set $school=13>>
<<display school12>>
<<elseif $school==11>>
<<set $school=12>>
<<display school11>>
<<elseif $school==10>>
<<set $school=11>>
<<display school10>>
<<elseif $school==9>>
<<display school9>>
<<elseif $school==8>>
<<display school8>>
<<elseif $school==7>>
<<display school7>>
<<elseif $school==6>>
<<display school6>>
<<elseif $school==5>>
<<display school5>>
<<elseif $school==4>>
<<set $school=5>>
<<display school4>>
<<elseif $school==3>>
<<display school3>>
<<elseif $school==2>>
<<set $school=3>>
<<display school2>>
<<elseif $school==1>>
<<set $school=2>>
<<display school1>>
<<display endOfContent>>
<<set $hour=16>>
<<if $school>=1 and $trans==null>>
<<set $trans=1>>
<<display friend0>>
<<elseif $trans==19>>
<<display friend19>>
<<set $trans to 20>>
<<elseif $trans==18>>
<<display friend18>>
<<elseif $trans==17>>
<<display friend17>>
<<elseif $trans==16>>
<<display friend16>>
<<elseif ($trans==14 and $trans14!=null) or $trans==15>>
<<display friend15>>
<<elseif $trans==14>>
<<display friend14>>
<<elseif $classmate==11>>
<<display friend13>>
<<set $trans=14>>
<<elseif $school==13>>
<<display friend12>>
<<set $trans=13>>
<<elseif $classmate==10>>
<<set $trans=12>>\
<<display friend11>>
<<elseif $classmate==9>>
<<display friend10>>
<<elseif $classmate==8>>
<<display friend9>>
<<elseif $classmate==7>>
<<display friend8>>
<<elseif $trans==7>>
<<display friend7>>
<<elseif $classmate==6>>
<<display friend6>>
<<elseif $classmate==5>>
<<display friend5>>
<<elseif $classmate==4>>
<<display friend4>>
<<elseif $classmate==3>>
<<display friend3>>
<<elseif $classmate==2>>
<<display friend2>>
<<elseif $classmate==1>>
<<display friend1>>
<<display endOfContent>>
<<set $hour=($hour+2)%24>>
<<endnobr>>\You spend the whole afternoon moving heavy boxes and furniture. When it's finally over you sit down in her couch.
<miss>Thank you so much for helping me move, I really don't know what I would've done without you... Can I help you with something as well maybe?</miss>\
She moves in a little closer and unsure of what to say you just shake no. Then she puts her hands on the bottom off her shirt and starts moving it upwards.
<miss>Are you sure? I'm sure a hot guy like you could use some help with some things.</miss>\
You awkwardly agree, thinking to yourself that this could not be happening for real. She lifts her shirt further up now and you realise that she isn't even wearing a bra underneath it, so you immediately get to see her beautiful C cup and her pointy nipples.
<<video abella/undressing.txt>>\
You enjoy your little show. But as soon as she has taken her shirt off she stops. You just got all excited and you're a little frustrated now. $miss notices your disappointment and says
<miss>Have some patience darling. Maybe you get to have more another time *wink*</miss>\
You're really confused at this point. What just happened? And why did it go so easy? You can't wait for this to go further, but now it's time to get back home.
[[Go back home |home]]<<if $trans==7>>\
<<display clothes0>>\
<<elseif $school==13>>\
<<display clothes1>>\
<<elseif $readmail==5>>\
<<display clothes2>>\
[[Go back to the mall|mall]]
[[Enter clothing shop|clothes shop]]
<<if $sissylevel>=4>>\
[[Enter sex shop|sex shop]]
[[Enter grocery store|grocery store]]
[[Go back home|home]]<<if $school==13>>\
<<display sex0>>\
<<elseif $classmate>=12 and $hasdildo==null>>\
<<display sex1>>\
<<elseif $trans>=18 and $hasbiggerdildo==null>>\
<<display sex2>>\
<<clothesShop "sex">>\
[[Go back to the mall|mall]]
<<endif>>\<<if $school0==null>>\
Once you arrive at school you meet up with a few friends. While having a casual chat you suddenly see a girl you've never seen pass by. Who's that, you ask your friends. Not knowing themselves your friends simply respond with a shrug. Classes are about to start and you get inside the building now.
[[Enter the classroom|school0][$school0 to 1]]
<<elseif $school0==1>>\
When you enter the classroom you see that the new girl is sitting alone at a desk. Suddenly feeling confident you decide to abandon your friends and you go and sit next to her.
[[Introduce Yourself|school0][$school0 to 2]]
<<if $school0==2>>\
You introduce yourself and she tells you her name is $miss and that she will be studying here from now on. Her previous school was too hard and she was afraid that she would fail her year there. Unfortunately you only have a few classes in common.
Even from a small standard conversation you could already tell that she's a cool girl. She's also really attractive with her long brown hair and her brown eyes. When the lecture starts both of you get quiet to pay attention. When it's over it's time to eat your lunch.
[[Go for lunch|school0][$school0 to 3]]
<<elseif $school0==3>>\
During the lunch break she comes and sit right next to you with your friends. You must be the only person she recognizes for now. You chat about random stuff and quickly you realise that you both get along really well. When lunch is over you think you should really have a way to stay in touch with her.
[[Ask her number|school0][$school0 to 4]]
<<elseif $school0==4>>\
She doesn't hesitate for a second to give you her number and you give her yours as well. You both part your ways for the lectures in the afternoon. You really look forward to seeing her again. At the end of the day you simply go home.
[[Go home|choreIntro1]]
<<endif>>\You're back at school and you're looking forward to seeing $miss again. When your first class starts she's nowhere to be found... You start wondering what she would be up to, but she probably still has some other things on her mind since she has only just moved here.
During lunch however you get a text message from her to ask if you can help her out with carrying some boxes. It looks like she doesn't feel very comfortable asking for help, but you guess she doesn't really have anyone else in the area to help her out. You decide to skip classes and help her out. Once she sent the address you get up and go.
[[Go to her place|classmate]]<<set test(1)>>\
You decide to go and visit your best friend $friend. She's been your best friend since you both were 16. You were in the same class back then and somehow you really got a really good connection with her. You can share a lot of your personal stuff with her, and she does the same.
<me>Do you want to know what happened today? There's this new girl at school and somehow I managed to become friends with her. I suddenly felt really confident and I just went and sat next to her.</me>\
Your friend smiles and replies
<friend>Oh, shit. Someone is going to steal my best friend away haha. By the way, is she hot?</friend>\
You nod agreeingly while replying,
<me> She's really hot yes. To be honest I think I already have a crush on her... </me>\
She laughs and after you continue to talk some more about random things you decide to go back home.
[[Go back home|home]]$friend lets you in and she asks
<friend> And, how did it go with $miss?</friend>\
Excited about what happened you explain what happened to her.
<me> You never believe what happened... Today she asked me to help her out with moving some stuff and when we were finished she was really grateful. She gave me a little sexy reward! She took her shirt off right in front of me. I was really hoping she would do more but she stopped.</me>\
<friend>Wow! She must be quite the slut, isn't she? Better be careful with that kind of girls though. Soon she will just be using you.
<me> Maybe I don't mind being used if it's going to be like this! I'm just so excited to see her again. Finally I have some motivation to do something with my life you know.</me>\
Your friend shrugs and laughs.
<friend> Well, better enjoy it now, worry later. She already got inside your head already haha</friend>\
You nod and grin. After some more chatting about random things you decide to go home...
[[Go back home|home]]<<if ($classmate==4 and $pantyPic==null) or $mail>=1>>\
[[Take a picture|picture]]
<<if $classmate>=12>>\
[[Check your emails|mail]]
<<if $chastity!=null and $chastity!="" and $hasdildo==null>>\
[[Watch porn|porn]]
<<elseif $chastity!=null and $chastity!="" and $hasdildo==1>>\
[[Watch porn and play with your dildo|porn]]
[[Watch porn and masturbate|porn]]
[[Play a game|gameintro]]
[[Get off your computer|home][$hour to ($hour+1)%24]]<<if $chastity!=null and $chastity!="" and $hasdildo==null>>\
Being locked up you only get to watch some porn without being able to touch yourself. It's only making you more and more horny.
<<display pornselection>>\
<<elseif $chastity!=null and $chastity!="" and $hasdildo==1>>\
<<if $hasplayed==null>>\
<<display dildo0>>
<<set $hasplayed=0>>\
<<elseif $hasplayed==0 and $classmate>=13>>\
<<display dildo1>>\
<<set $hasplayed=1>>\
<<elseif $hasplayed==1>>\
<<display dildo2>>\
<<set $hasplayed=2>>\
<<elseif $hasplayed==2 and $trans>=17>>\
<<display dildo3>>\
<<set $hasplayed=3>>\
<<elseif $hasplayed==3 and $trans>=18>>\
<<display dildo4>>\
<<set $hasplayed=4>>\
<<display dildo>>\
<<set $masturbations=2>>\
<<display pornselection>>\
<div id='cum'>\
<div id='masturbation'>\
<<link 'Masturbate'>><<replace '#pornselection'>><<set $masturbations=$masturbations-1>><<randomvideo $category>><<if $masturbations<=0>><<replace '#masturbation'>><</replace>><<endif>><</replace>><</link>>
<<link 'Cum'>><<replace '#pornselection'>>You have a very intense orgasm...
<<set $daysSinceOrgasm=0>><<set $hascome=1>><<set $horny to 0>><<replace '#cum'>><</replace>><<randomvideo "cumsolo">><</replace>><</link>>
[[Go back|computer]]You still have enough food at home.
[[Go back to the mall|mall]]Version: 0.4.2
Time: $hour:00
Money: $money $
Horny: $horny
<<if false>>
<<removeclass "#readyForButtPlug" "hidden">>
<div id="readyForButtPlug" class="hidden">
<<if navigator.bluetooth>>
[[Connect your lovense toys|SetupButtplug]]
Today you literally jumped out of bed, because you were so excited to go to school and see $miss again. During the day you give eachother some playful looks and it actually makes you really horny remembering what she looked like yesterday.
Right before you leave school $miss asks if you could help her out with the math homework. You're happy to do so, remembering what happened last time you helped her out...
[[Help her out|classmate]]<<if $daysSinceReq==1>>\
Today is just a plain day, nothing really happens besides the fact that you're getting hard every few minutes thinking of $miss.
[[Go back home|home]]
<<elseif $daysSinceReq>=2 and $hascome==1>>\
You meet $miss when school is over. She's looking really great today.
<<img "abella/clothed.jpg">>\
<miss>Have you been a good boy and did you do as I asked?</miss>\
<me>No I couldn't hold it anymore and I watched some porn and masturbated. I was too excited.</me>\
<miss> Ok. You don't know what you're missing out. Guess I will find someone else who wants to play with me.</miss>\
<me> No, please give me one more chance. I'm sorry, I won't disobey again. </me>\
<miss> Alright, because you're so cute darling. Last chance not to cum for two days. See you later. </miss>\
[[Go back home|home][$hascome to 0,$daysSinceReq to 0,$fail to 1]]
You meet $miss when school is over. She's looking really great today.
<<img "abella/clothed.jpg">>\
<miss>Have you been a good boy and did you do as I asked?</miss>\
<me>Ofcourse I did, it wasn't easy however because I kept getting horny as fuck. I have never been craving for a girl so much as now.</me>\
<miss>I bet you actually enjoyed the feeling, didn't you? It's time for your reward now. Follow me</miss>\
[[Follow her to her place|classmate][$school to 4]]
<<endif>>\You enter her place and you get seated on the bed. You take out the math homework and start explaining it to her. Luckily maths is one of your best subjects. After about fifteen minutes $miss seems to get bored of it and she starts teasing you by spreading her legs open.
<<img "abella/skirt2.jpg">>\
You initially get distracted and turned on a lot. Assuming she didn't do it on purpose however you continue explaining the homework.
Because you failed to get the hint she crawls over to you and pushes you down, putting the homework away.
<miss> You're really cute trying to help out, but I think I'll be able to manage from now on. Now it's time for me to help you. </miss>\
She takes her shirt off and throws it out of the bed. She puts her hands on your pants and she feels you're really hard through the pants. She smiles and unbuttons your pants. As soon as your dick is out she starts stroking it.
<<video "abella/hj1.txt">>\
You start breathing heavily as you're enjoying the feeling of her hand stroking you.
<miss>Do you like that, dirty boy? </miss>\
After a while she gets on her knees to continue stroking you. She looks really sexy from this angle. When she increases the pace she looks like she's going to let you cum right on her face.
<<video "abella/hj4.txt">>\
But right before you're about to release she stops stroking. At first you're hoping she's gonna continue but soon it becomes apparent that she's not going to continue for today.
<me>Please don't stop. This feeling is too intense to handle. I need to cum now.</me>\
<miss>That was it for today. I know it's frustrating, but just keep in mind that next time an orgasm is going to be even more pleasurable *wink*.
You have to promise me one thing though. You will keep doing what I ask you to. Otherwise there will be no more rewards. Understood?</miss>\
Helping her out with small stuff in turn for rewards like this, hell yeah why not? You nod your head in agreement.
<miss>Okay, to prove that you're going to do whatever I ask, I want you to refrain from masturbating for the next 2 days. I know you'll be excited and horny all the time but thats part of the fun. Just keep the reward you're going to get in mind. And don't try to lie to me. I'll know, trust me.</miss>\
[[Agree and go home|home][$daysSinceReq=0,$hascome to 0]]You follow her up the stairs, and you can't help but stare at her perfect ass. It feels as if she's going extra slow on those stairs to show her ass.
<<img "abella/stairs.gif">>\
When you enter her room she immediately gets on top of you and starts kissing you. She seems really impatient to have me as well. While kissing she takes her shirt off and you take yours off. Aterwards you put your hands on her shorts and take them off.
Once again she unbuttons your pants and starts stroking your cock.
<<video "abella/hj2.txt">>\
<miss> Does that feel extra sensitive after being denied last time? You must have been craving this for so long now. </miss>\
She gets up with her pussy close to your dick as she continues stroking. She seems to be really enjoying herself and you start moaning. You're hoping that you actually get to touch that pussy today.
<<video "abella/hj3.txt">>\
<me> You're so sexy when you do that. This is the best handjob I've ever had. </me>\
Now she gets down on the bed with her face under your cock. She starts rubbing her own pussy as she is really horny as well.
<<video "abella/hjface.txt">>\
She gets you right to the edge, she slows down and finally she stops.
<miss>I can bring you lots and lots more pleasure as long as you keep obeying to what I say. Trust me, it's going to feel even better than this.</miss>\
<me> Yes, yes, I'll do anything for you, if you just make me cum right now.</me>\
After agreeing $miss really increases the pace of her stroking and you feel the orgasm rushing through your cock. You moan heavily and you come all over her face.
<<video "abella/cum.txt">>\
<me> Ooooh my god. That was absolutely amazing, it was the most intense orgasm I ever had before. We should do stuff like this more often...</me>\
You say as you're still trembling from the orgasm. $miss even gives a few licks, licking the cum off the head of your cock.
<miss> Glad you liked it darling. See you next time *wink*</miss>\
[[Go back home|home][$daysSinceOrgasm to 0]]<<if $daysSinceReq==0 and $fail!=1>>\
<me>Today she gave me a handjob! But she wouldn't let me cum! Right when I was at the edge she made me promise to do whatever she would ask me... In return she will keep giving me favors. How could I deny that, I mean I'd love to help her out with simple things to get sexual.</me>
Your friend raises an eyebrow and comments
<friend> Let's hope that these things stay simple huh. Who knows what she's going to expect of you...</friend>\
<me> Yeah well... Now I promised her that I wouldn't masturbate for the next 2 days. But this feeling I'm having right now is driving me absolutely crazy. I can't stop thinking about how she was stroking my dick. It's actually quite frustrating...</me>\
<friend>You might think it's frustrating, but I think deep inside you will enjoy that permanent feeling of excitement. Just imagine the feeling when you're finally able to get an orgasm. Wouldn't that be amazing?</friend>\
What your friend said doesn't actually make it any easier and you only get more horny thinking of that orgasm.
<<elseif $hascome==0 or $fail==1>>\
<me>It has only been $daysSinceOrgasm day(s) since I last came but I'm feeling so horny every single moment... </me>\
<friend>Don't worry you can do it! Besides, two days isn't much at all... Just imagine how desparate you'd be if it was a week or even a month.</friend>\
You shudder at the thought of doing it for that long. At that moment you can see her panties from under her dress. It's almost as if she's doing it on purpose.
<<img "marie/peak.jpg">>\
<me>I couldn't hold it anymore and I masturbated and had an orgasm. I was feeling way too horny.</me>\
<friend> $miss is not going to be happy about that... I hope for you that she gives you another chance. </friend>\
[[Go back home|home]]You enter your friends place once again, smiling like a moron. $friend notices and asks you what's up.
<me> Finally she finished me off today. That feeling was soooo good after being horny for so long. And the best thing is that it's not gonna stop here, as long as I do what she asks I'm gonna keep getting rewards. I'm such a lucky guy. </me>\
<friend> Depends what you consider as lucky... I think you've gotten yourself into something bigger than that... But as long as you're feeling good I'm happy for you</friend>\
You think that your friend is just being jealous and you don't really listen to her. You're excited for what's coming next, why can't she just be positive?
[[Go back home|home]]<<if $school4==null>>\
Right before lecture starts $miss runs up to you and starts talking to you. She whispers in your ear so nobody can hear her.
<miss> I have another quick task for you. I think it would be sexy if you took off your underwear for today. It will definitely turn me on knowing that we have a little secret. You can go to the bathroom and remove your underwear from under your pants. And besides if you turn me on I'll be more likely to reward you *wink*</miss>\
You feel slightly nervous, because what if people notice? Everyone is going to make fun of you. But you quickly realise that no one will be able to notice it. And either way the reward will definitely be worth it.
[[Go to the bathroom|school4][$school4 to 1]]
You go to the bathroom and remove your underwear. Your balls are hanging free in the pants and the whole day you feel slightly uncomfortable. On the other hand it also turns you on to obey what $miss told you to do.
<<unwear "underwear">>\
During the classes in the afternoon you can't help but notice how $miss is peeking at you. There's something in her grin that looks like shes really satisfied with my obedience. When the lectures finish she invites you over the her place once again...
[[Follow her|classmate]]
Entering the room $miss instantly takes her clothes off.
<miss>Let's not waste anymore time. Take your clothes off.</miss>\
As soon as your pants are down she lays down on the bed and she gets underneath your cock. She licks it from below in a teasing manner.
<<video "abella/softlick.txt">>\
Her teasing licks and kisses are already enough to get you way excited. From this position you also have a perfect view of her body. After a while she gets on her knees and puts her hand on your testicles. Finally she puts your dick in her mouth and starts sucking it.
<<img "abella/bj4.jpg">>\
This isn't the first blowjob you got but man this is another level. Her lips are so warm and wet around you and it feels incredible. You also feel her tongue working a lot while she's sucking. What makes it even better is that she also seems to be enjoying herself a lot while sucking.
<<img "abella/bj1.jpg">>\
You're moaning and she strokes and sucks your cock right until you're about to have an orgasm and she stops again. How does she always know the exact moment to stop?
<miss>You enjoyed it didn't you? Sadly that's it for today, I need to keep my slutboy horny and excited from time to time.</miss>\
<me> Wait what, did you just call me slutboy? </me>\
<miss>Yes you're my slutboy. Why else would you be obeying me like a dirty slut?
For tomorrow I want you to try something different, something a little more exciting. When you're home, I want you to try on my panties. And you know what, send me a picture of it as well as a little proof that you obeyed.</miss>\
She rubs her pussy in her panties while shes talking. You can only think of how wet she is and how wet those panties must be.
<<img "abella/panties.gif">>\
<me> What why would I do that? I'm not a girl...</me>\
<miss> It doesn't matter if you're a girl or not. It looks sexy doesn't it, and I think it will look sexy on you as well. And it's not really hard either is it? It will be a little exciting to try it out but I know my slutboy will do anything for his reward. </miss>\
<<add "pink panties">>\
[[Take it and go home|home]]strapon passage with abella
rewrite classmate 14 a bit
add dreams depending on days since orgasm maybe
add lust, depending on time since orgasm
add a hypno porn path
add a forced censored porn path
cuckold maybe
add penis shrinking <<if $classmate4==null>>\
<miss>You looked really cute in that picture. I bet you couldn't help but smell the panties first didn't you? You perverted slutboy. Actually now that I'm thinking of it, wouldn't it be hot if you wore the panties right now as well? I think it's definitely going to enhance our experience.</miss>\
[[Agree|classmate4][$classmate4 to 1]]
[[Disagree|classmate4][$classmate4 to 2]]
<<elseif $classmate4==1>>\
<miss> I knew that you enjoyed wearing the panties slutboy. It makes you feel sexy doesn't it? I think it really does make you look sexier.</miss>\
<<elseif $classmate4==2>>\
<miss> Do you want everyone at school to see the picture you sent me?</miss>\
Shocked you shake your head.
<miss>I didn't think so. You better just do as I ask and you'll enjoy everything so much more.</miss>\
You feel forced to wear the panties once again, but I guess you don't have any choice...
<<if $classmate4!=null>>\
Once you're wearing the panties $miss starts making out with you. She seems to be really turned on by you wearing these panties. You feel her hands rubbing on your ass. It feels somewhat weird getting your ass appreciated as a guy but it's not a bad feeling at all.
She takes your cock out of the panties and starts stroking it now. Soon she puts it in her mouth and starts sucking it. She's really hungry for you today.
After a while you realise that the feeling of the panties is really smooth and comfortable, and it just makes you feel really hot and sexy. What a weird feeling, it's probably just because $miss is being so incredibly hot right now.
After some time the panties gets in the way and she takes it completely off. She gets on her knees and sucks your cock deep down her throat. She puts one hand on your ass to make you increase the pace. Taking the hint you get more rough on her and you start fucking her throat, grabbing her hair.
What a dirty slut, she really seems to be enjoying it though...
<<video "abella/bj5.txt">>\
At the end you cum all over her face and $miss seems really satisfied with all that cum on her cute face.
<<img "abella/cum.gif">>\
<miss> Didn't that feel amazing? I knew you'd love wearing these panties, it makes you feel really sexy doesn't it? </miss>\
She's right, you do feel really amazing. Your body is feeling all hot and sexy.
<miss> Next time when I see you I want you to be wearing these panties again, alright? </miss>\
<me> What? I can't do that, what if someone notices it? </me>\
<miss> Oh don't worry, no one will suspect a thing. Besides, I know how much you loved it now, and I think it would be a great way to remind yourself of how exciting it made you feel.</miss>\
Hesitant you agree with her, but you're sure you'd be nervous rather than excited.
<miss> I'll see you next time, I'm sure that eventually you'll see the truth.</miss>\
[[Go back home|home][$daysSinceOrgasm to 0]]
<<endif>>\<<if $trans4==null>>\
You meet up with your friend once again you talk about random stuff.
<me>She gave me the most wonderful blowjob today! I really loved the way she used her tongue while sucking me. Sadly she didn't finish me though... Instead she gave me a task to complete once again.</me>\
<friend> You are so lucky! That cock is getting a lot of attention now huh. What do you have to do for her this time if I may ask?</friend>\
[[Tell her|friend4][$trans4 to 1]]
[[Don't tell her|friend4][$trans4 to 2]]
<<elseif $trans4==1>>\
<me>She asked me to wear her panties and take a picture... It just feels weird doing it though, but I guess it's not really hard either. I just need to get more of her.</me>\
<friend> Oooh interesting... Don't worry about it too much, it's just a piece of clothing anyway. And it's her panties, so I think the perverted side of you will get turned on by it hehe. Besides panties can make someone look really sexy *wink*.
Have you taken the picture already?</friend>\
<<if $pantyPic==1>>\
[[Yes|friend4][$trans4 to 3]]
[[No|friend4][$trans4 to 4]]
<<elseif $trans4==2>>\
<me>Ehh... I can't tell you. It's a little bit embarassing...</me>\
<friend> Come on you can trust me. We tell each other everything don't we? I won't think any less of you, I know you'd just do it to please her anyway wouldn't you. </friend>\
[[Tell her anyway|friend4][$trans4 to 1]]
<<elseif $trans4==3>>\
<me>Yes I have it, but I don't know, it just looks a little weird.</me>\
<friend> Show it to me, I wanna see if you look hot like that.</friend>\
You take your phone out and show her the picture...
<<img "self/panty2.jpg">>\
<friend>Wow you look hot like that! And I really like how your large cock is visible through those panties. You should wear it more often!
Now I saw you in your underwear so I guess it's only fair you get a little view of me as well.</friend>\
She quickly shows you her ass in her panties.
<<img "marie/assnots.gif">>\
[[Go back home|home]]
<<elseif $trans4==4>>\
<me> No I haven't done it yet, I was hesitating and I thought I would visit you first to think about it. </me>\
<friend> Here look at how sexy I look in panties. I bet you will definitely look as sexy for the pic, don't worry about it.</friend>\
She shows you her ass as a motivation.
<<img "marie/assnots.gif">>\
[[Go back home|home]]
<<endif>>\You can't go out wearing clothes like this.
[[Go back|home][Engine.backward();Engine.backward()]]<<if $classmate==4>>\
<<if $underwear=="pink panties" and $tops=="" and $bottoms=="" and $shoes=="">>
Click! You took a picture of yourself in panties.
<<img "self/panty2.jpg">>
[[Send it|computer][$pantyPic to 1]]
You should wear nothing more than the panties before taking a picture.
[[Go back|computer]]
<<elseif $readmail<$mail>>\
There's no reason for you to take a picture of yourself now.
[[Go back|computer]]
<<elseif $readmail==7 and $trans>=20>>\
<<display picture6b>>
<<elseif $readmail==7 and $trans==19>>\
<<display picture6>>\
<<elseif $readmail==5>>\
<<display picture5>>\
<<elseif $readmail==4>>\
<<display picture4>>\
<<elseif $readmail==3>>\
<<display picture3>>\
<<elseif $readmail==2>>\
<<display picture2>>\
<<elseif $readmail==1>>\
<<display picture1>>\
This content hasn't been written yet.
[[Go back|computer]]
<<endif>>\<<if $pantyPic==null>>\
The day goes by and $miss doesn't even say a single word to you. She's probably disappointed because you didn't do what she asked.
[[Go back home|home]]
The whole day you can see $miss looking and grinning at you. You feel vulnerable and embarassed because she has seen a picture that no one should see. Somehow it also feels good knowing that you can trust her.
At the end of the day you meet up to claim your well deserved reward.
[[Follow her to her place|classmate][$school to 6]]
<<endif>>\<friend> And? How did it go? Did you send her the picture? </friend>\
<<if $classmate4==1>>\
<me> Yes I sent it. She asked me to wear the panties again when I was there and afterwards she gave me a really rough blowjob. I was literally fucking her throat, it was insane! </me>\
<friend> You're so lucky that she allowed you to fuck her throat like that. So tell me how did the panties feel? It's comfortable isn't it?</friend>\
<<elseif $classmate4==2>>\
<me> Yes I sent it. She asked me to wear the panties again when I was there, but I refused. She threatened me by sending that picture to everyone. I didn't really have any other choice but comply.
She started giving me a blowjob in the panties so I guess I ultimately enjoyed it but still I'm quite upset that she threatened me like that.
Afterwards however, she gave me a really rough blowjob. I was literally fucking her throat, it was insane! </me>\
<friend> Woah, that's not really nice of her... But I guess you promised her to do anything she asked after all. You're lucky she still allowed you to fuck her throat like that though.
So tell me how did the panties feel? It's comfortable isn't it?</friend>\
<me> Yeah I guess... It felt strange... It felt exciting because it's something I haven't done before and maybe it also felt great because she made me do it. Something about her is so hot when she tells me what to do.
This time she told me to wear the panties to school, but I don't know it feels really scary.</me>\
<friend> I know the feeling, but that fear is part of the fun. No one's able to see it anyway, you'll be fine. I'm sure you won't regret it!</friend>\
She shows you her panties once again like she's trying to seduce you. You really love your friends ass, hoping one day you'll get to touch it.
<<img "marie/assnots.jpg">>\
[[Go home|home][$sissylevel to 1]]<me>Today I wore the panties to school and afterwards $miss fingered my ass while blowing me. It was a weird uncomfortable sensation at first but soon enough it became really intense and it felt kinda good. </me>
<friend> Woah she introduced you to anal huh. Sooner or later you'll really start to appreciate the feeling and you won't be able to live without it.
Now I see you're doing a lot for your 'rewards' huh? I can give you a few rewards of my own if you want.</friend>
She looks at you hungrily...
<<img "marie/listening.jpg">>\
<me>Woah, umm... Don't tell me you want me to do things for those rewards...</me>\
<friend> Nothing worth having comes for free, does it?</friend>\
<me> I... I think I'll pass.</me>\
<friend> You sure? You don't know what you're missing out on.</friend>\
She takes off her shirt revealing her big boobs in her bra.
<<img "marie/okay.jpg">>\
She's looking so hot you're getting turned on. You start realising what you could be missing out. You've been fantasasing of getting sexual with your friend for a long time and now that you finally get the opportunity you're going to say no?
<me> Alright, alright, I'll do it. But it better be worth it. </me>\
<friend> Smart decision. This first one isn't easy but I'm sure you'll be able to do it.
I want you to go to a clothing shop and buy yourself a bra and wear it together with your panties next time you visit me. </friend>\
<me> I need to buy a bra? What are the people going to think of me?</me>\
<friend> Just tell them it's for your girlfriend or something. I bet no one will even stop and think about it.</friend>\
<<set $trans=7>>\
[[Go home|home][$sissylevel to 2]]<miss> Take your pants off, tonight I'll open a whole new world of possibilities for you. At first it's going to feel a little bit weird, but I'm sure that sooner or later it will feel really pleasurable.</miss>\
<me> Wait what are you talking about? What are you planning this time? </me>\
<miss> Shhhh, didn't everything I do make you feel really good? Just trust me alright? You know what, take this blindfold.</miss>\
You feel hesitant but you listen to what she says, after all you don't want to be missing out on those sweet rewards... You lay down on the bed facing the ceiling with the blindfold on. You can't see anything at all and you hear $miss doing some stuff but you can't really figure out what.
Suddenly you feel her hand on your cock. She simply strokes it but you're still feeling kinda nervous awaiting what's going to happen.
Then you suddenly feel her tongue on your dick. She licks your cock's shaft all the way up and down which feels amazing. While she's sucking you she's playing around with your butt cheeks however. She seems to like them a lot now.
All of a sudden you feel her finger rubbing over your butthole. <i>Oh no, now you know what she's up to...</i> You've never been touched there before so you feel really uncomfortable and you move a little. She keeps you in place assuring everything will be alright.
After a while of rubbing her wet fingers over your hole and sucking your cock you're getting closer to an orgasm. $miss notices your heavier breathing and she suddenly slides a finger in your ass while she continues licking your cock.
<<img "abella/assfinger.jpg">>\
It feels really weird and it was really unexpected so you let out a deep gasp.
<me> What the hell are you doing? Stop it. </me>\
<miss> Just relax, focus on me licking your dick. You'll get used to the feeling soon enough and you'll really enjoy your orgasm like this.</miss>\
She keeps on licking while shoving her finger in and out of your ass and just like she said soon the weird feeling starts to feel kinda pleasurable. You even start moaning.
After a few more minutes you get really close to an orgasm. You feel your butthole clenching her finger and for some reason the feeling before the orgasm is lasting longer than it usually takes. When you finally release all your cum you're out of breath.
<me>Woah... I didn't know I could have such intense orgasms...</me>\
<miss> Haha yes, a man's prostate is really sensitive. It'll take some time to completely get used to the feeling of your prostate being stimulated, but soon enough it will be the only thing you'll desire darling.</miss>\
[[Go home|home][$daysSinceOrgasm to 0]]<<if $underwear=="pink panties">>\
<i> Oh god what am I doing... Wearing this panties feels so embarrassing.</i>\
You feel as if everyone is staring at you like they know your little secret. After some time you feel the panties creeping up in between your buttcheeks and it's kinda annoying. At first you kept pulling it out but after some time you started liking the sensation between your buttcheeks.
After lunch you meet up with $miss and you notice that she's really happy that you obeyed.
<miss> I'm happy that you finally realised how soft and smooth panties are. I have something special planned tonight for my pantywhore. </miss>\
You're wondering what she has in mind. You're also getting used to $miss calling you degrading names, now it even makes you feel somewhat slutty and you like the feeling.
[[Go to her place|classmate][$school to 7]]
You didn't wear the panties. $miss doesn't seem too happy about it because she hasn't said a word to you.
[[Go back home|home]]
<<endif>>\<<set test(2)>>\
<<if $underwear!="pink panties" or $bras==null or $bras=="">>\
<friend>You're not wearing what I asked go back home and change.</friend>\
<friend> You did it! I knew you'd do it! Take off your clothes so I can see how sexy you look in those.</friend>\
You take off your shirt and pants revealing your bra and underwear. She takes of her own shirt and pants as well showing off her own underwear. $friend has lovely big boobs.
<<img "marie/quiet.jpg">>\
<friend>Woah you look even better like this than I anticipated. I need to take a picture of this.</friend>\
<me> No please don't, it's too embarassing.</me>\
She doesn't listen and she just takes her phone and takes a picture of you.
<<img "self/brapanty.gif">>\
<friend> Now it's time for your reward horny boy.</friend>\
She takes off her bra showing off her round tits.
<<img "marie/titsnots.jpg">>\
<friend> Do you like them? Wouldn't you love to have big tits like mine for that bra? I bet you'd look even sexier than you already do.</friend>\
She pulls you towards her and allows you to suck on her sexy nipples. You really like how her nipples point out a little so it's easy to suck on them. You even bite her nipples softly while sucking and licking them.
<<img "marie/sucktits.jpg">>\
<me>Woah I didn't know you could be so hot, I absolutely love your boobs. We should've done this so much sooner</me>\
<friend> This is just the beginning, I can be so much sexier *wink*. Now for that you're going to have to do something for me as well. Next time I want you to wear this bra and panties to school. Not that hard is it? After all you already wore those panties to school *grin*.</friend>\
<<set $trans=8>>\
[[Go home|home]]classmate4 -> order to wear panties
friend5 -> tell her that she made me wear the panties again
school6 -> check panties
classmate5 -> reward panties (finger)
friend6 -> ask to buy bra
school7 -> nothing happens (to allow the friend part to play out)
friend7 -> reward (suck nipples) + ask bra and panties to school
what if user doesn't wear them? nothing happens or how do we dodge?
school7 -> now transition to go to classmate6
classmate6 -> notices bra and gets chastity
friend8 -> takes key from chastity cage and locks you up
classmate7 -> gets denied because stuck in chastity (lick some pussy instead)
friend9 -> friend is at the beach
school9 -> ask for her to come to your place
classmate8 -> talks about how frustrated he is. Abella introduces him to some more ass fun
friend10 -> kiss and discover dick.
shocked and go home? Continue and enjoy ?
school10 -> transition to classmate9
classmate9 -> We're unlocked and introduce to anal dildo
can't visit friend now but force to browse about transgenders. Send a message from friend as well
school11 -> nothing happens
friend11-> ask to see her again and touch each other or something
school12 -> miss takes you to the store to buy some clothes (stockings/ heels and buttplug )
friend12 -> try buttplug
go outside and get attention from a guy, start to like guys attention etc
get attention from another transgender first who fucks you later
and when you're used to getting fucked by a transgender get more attention and get fucked by a guy
family thing<<if $trans<8>>\
$miss isn't in school today. Nothing special happens, but luckily you have a hot teacher to keep you distracted.
<<img "teacher/teacher3.jpg">>\
[[Go home|home]]
<<elseif $underwear!="pink panties" or $bras==null or $bras=="">>\
You're not wearing what $friend asked.
You see $miss at school but for some reason she doesn't seem to be interested in you today.
[[Go home|home]]
You're wearing the bra and panties like $friend asked and it feels really uncomfortable because it makes you nervous. What if someone sees the straps of the bra through the shirt? Luckily when you meet $miss she seems in a hurry to get out of school.
<miss> Come with me quickly, it's important!</miss>\
[[Go to her place|classmate][$school to 8]]
<<endif>>\As you get in her house, $miss gets on the bed and she looks at you like she's really horny.
<<img 'abella/face.jpg'>>\
<me> Now what was so important huh?</me>\
<miss> What do you think? Come here *wink*</miss>\
You want to take off your clothes and join her, but you're kinda hesitant because of what you're wearing underneath those clothes.
<miss> Come on what are you waiting for? Undress yourself sweetie.</miss>\
You take off your pants first and then you slowly take off your shirt. You can clearly see the surprise on $miss's face.
<miss> What is this? Why are you wearing that bra?</miss>\
<me> I can explain... My friend told me to wear it to school, because then... </me>\
<miss> Shhhh... I know what's really going on here you dirty slut. You liked those panties so much you decided to buy your own bra as well? You're learning even quicker than I anticipated. Now if you're going to dress like a girl, you should also learn how to have sex like a girl. </miss>\
Wondering what exactly she means with that you simply stare at her. $miss however gets up and goes to her bedstand where she takes out a big dildo.
<miss> A girl should know how to handle one of these, don't you think?</miss>\
Not quite grasping what she is saying you nod and watch her how she seductively starts licking and sucking the tip of the dildo. She seems so focused and in control as if she has practiced this a thousand times before.
<miss> And I just love that men would do anything for me to pleasure them like this. It makes me feel so needed. <miss>\
$miss starts sucking deeper down the shaft, completely mesmerizing you. There's something so incredibly sexy about the way she is working her mouth so passionately.
<miss> It makes me feel so absolutely girly and horny to suck a cock.</miss>\
Now she pushes the dildo all the way in her throat, keeping it there for a few seconds. This little show is making you very horny once again. You're not even sure which part of it is turning you on the most. Either imagining being the cock that's getting sucked or actually being the one who's intensely sucking the dildo. It's so hard to think straight when turned on like this...
<<img "abella/dildo.jpg">>\
Finally she pulls the dildo out completely covered in her sweet saliva.
<miss> Now I want you to try it hun, I want you to feel how a girl feels when she sucks a cock. </miss>\
<me> No, no, no, you don't understand. I got forced to wear that bra, I didn't wa...</me>\
<miss> Shut up and stop the excuses. Get on your knees and take the dildo, it's just some plastic anyway </miss>\
$miss is so extremely hot when she's being dominant like this. It makes your submissive side take over and you slowly kneel for her. Once you're kneeling you can feel how she gently pushes the dildo onto your lips.
<miss> Open up your cute little mouth and suck it. You know you want it.</miss>\
You slightly open up your lips a little allowing the dildo to slide in, realising that if you don't then you might never get any rewards from $miss anymore.
$miss uses this opportunity to slowly push it deeper inside your mouth. She slowly takes it out again but before she lets you speak she pushes it straight into your mouth once again.
<miss> Look at you, so slutty wearing a bra and panties with a dick in his mouth. Lick it like you want it whore!</miss>\
You slowly stick your tongue out licking the tip of the dildo. How much more embarassing can this get?
<miss> If you lick it properly, I'll have something else for you as well *wink*</miss>\
The words barely left her mouth and you start licking down the shaft of the dildo like you're really trying to pleasure the dildo. You alternate it with a few short licks on the head. As you're working the dildo, your cock in your panties slowly gets harder.
<miss> Ooh look at that... Someone is really enjoying herself isn't she? I didn't know you'd be this slutty...</miss>\
As she is saying this she pushes the dildo even further in your mouth. It almost hits the back of your throat but you pull back gagging.
<miss>With enough training you get used to this and you might actually be able to take a cock all the way down your slutty throat.</miss>\
Now she starts moving the dildo in and out of your mouth at a decent pace. For some reason you don't quite understand you're getting really turned on by this. You just love the vulnerable and submissive position you're in.
<miss> What a cock hungry whore hahaha. </miss>\
After a long while $miss finally decides that it's enough. She puts the dildo away and she starts talking.
<miss> I was thinking if you want to be treated like a girl it's not really approprate to be getting hard, is it? </miss>\
<me> What do you mean being treated like a girl? I don't want to be treated like a girl!</me>\
<miss> Oh darling... I'm pretty sure you loved the panties and bra, and your dick definitely confirmed you loved sucking that dildo as well. All seems pretty girly to me, hun. </miss>\
You're confused with your own thoughts but you can't really deny what she is saying either.
<miss> I see you still don't quite see it huh? I suggest that you just try this chastity cage on for a bit. I'm sure you will quickly see how much better it is to be less masculine. </miss>
She points at the chastity cage on the table, laughing.
<<img "abella/chastity1.jpg">>\
<miss>It will prevent you from becoming hard at inappropriate moments, and besides it will help you controlling your orgasms. Remember how good it felt when you could get to come after just two days? Imagine how good the feeling can be when you've been denied for a week, or longer... she says with an evil grin. And besides, you have to do something if you want to get rewarded.</miss>\
It seems like really scary idea to just give away the freedom of your cock like that. On the other hand $miss really seems to be making a lot of sense. So far everything she did to you has been worth. Too horny to think you eventually decide that it's only for the best to agree with her.
<<img "abella/chastity2.jpg">>\
She grabs the cage and carefully starts putting the device around your cock. It isn't easy though because as soon as she touches you, your dick grows harder again preventing it from fitting into the cage. Taking her time she eventually manages to get the cage to click into the base ring. Holding it in place she quickly inserts a lock and locks it shut.
The cage itself feels odd. It is quite restrictive but also feels snug and comfortable at the same time. That is until $miss decides to give a small kiss on the cage and your clit instantly tries growing hard again. It's slightly uncomfortable like that and it already feels quite frustrating to not be able to get completely hard. You hope you'll get used to it quickly.
<miss> For now you can keep the key, but be sure to be wearing the chastity cage when I see you next time. </miss>\
<<set $sissylevel=3>>\
[[Go home|GetChastity]]<<nobr>>
<<if not $testMode>>
<<set $friend="Marie">>
<<set $miss="Abella">>
<<set $tibbers="Tibbers">>
<<set $day=0>>
<<set $hour=8>>
<<set $visitedFriendToday=0>>
<<set $daysSinceOrgasm=0>>
<<set $money=100>>
<<set $choredone=0>>
<<set $horny=0>>
<<set $category="soft">>
<<set $sissylevel=0>>
<<set $sissyBuyLevel=0>>
<<add "shirt">>
<<add "jeans">>
<<add "boxers">>
<<add "sneakers">>
<<wear "tops" "shirt">>
<<wear "bottoms" "jeans">>
<<wear "underwear" "boxers">>
<<wear "shoes" "sneakers">>
<<set $friend="Marie">>
<<set $miss="Abella">>
<<set $tibbers="Tibbers">>
<<set $sister="Lily">>
<<set $nyx="Nyx">>
<<set $self="Jenny">>
<<set setNames($self,$miss,$friend,$sister,$tibbers,$nyx)>>
<<set $day=0>>
<<set $hour=8>>
<<set $visitedFriendToday=0>>
<<set $daysSinceOrgasm=0>>
<<set $money=120>>
<<set $horny=10>>
<<set $dreams=2>>
<<set $sissylevel=5>>
<<set $sissyBuyLevel=9>>
<<set $category="soft">>
<<add "shirt">>
<<add "jeans">>
<<add "boxers">>
<<add "sneakers">>
<<add "black bra">>
<<add "plastic chastity">>
<<wear "chastity" "">>
<<wear "tops" "shirt">>
<<wear "bottoms" "jeans">>
<<wear "shoes" "">>
<<wear "bras" "">>
<<wear "shoes" "sneakers">>
<<wear "bras" "black bra">>
<<set $pantyPic to 1>>
<<add "pink panties">>
<<wear "underwear" "pink panties">>
<<add "red heels">>
<<add "white stockings">>
<<add "red jewel buttplug">>
<<wear "buttplugs" "">>
<<wear "stockings" "white stockings">>
<<set $school to 17>>
<<set $trans to 17>>
<<set $classmate to 11>>
<<set $lily to null>>
<<set $chore to 10>>
<<set $hasplayed to 3>>
<<set $haskey to 1>>
<<endnobr>>\<<add "plastic chastity">>
<<wear "chastity" "plastic chastity">>
<<set $haskey=1>>
<<goto home>><me> $miss saw me wearing the bra and she thought I was the one who wanted it... Now she thinks I really want to dress like a girl thanks to you. Because of that she made me suck a dildo and now I have to wear this chastity cage...</me>
<friend> Now tell me, didn't it feel good wearing that bra? And I bet sucking that dildo turned you on didn't it? I mean I know how turned on I get from simply sucking some cock. </friend>
While shes saying that she takes off her shirt and shows her boobs.
<friend> In fact already thinking of it makes me horny as hell. I feel like sucking some dick now... Take your pants off if you don't mind.</friend>
You're shocked by her proposition, but you're going to love this so you simply do what she asks.
<<if $chastity!="">>\
You take your pants off and unlock your chastity cage. As soon as you finish she puts her lips on your dick.
As soon as you take your pants off she puts her lips on your dick.
<<img "marie/bjnots.jpg">>\
She puts her hands in her pants and rubs herself while gently licking the tip of your dick. Seeing her so turned on like this is making you moan softly. Eager to taste more of you she slides your cock deeper into her mouth. Just like $miss she really works her tongue around your cock while she is sucking you and you have to admit that she's actually even better than $miss.
She starts taking your cock all the way down her throat now. You're impressed how easily she seems to be able to take your throbbing cock. She doesn't even gag the slightest and it makes you feel absolutely amazing. You start moaning even harder every time your cock slides down her gorgeous throat.
<<img "marie/bjnots2.jpg">>\
<me> Please don't stop! You're so sexy $friend!</me>\
Slowly you're geting closer and closer to an orgasm. It must've been clear from your face because right before you were about to get an orgasm she stops sucking you. <<if $chastity!="">>She grins and orders you to put the chastity cage back on.<<else>>She grins and orders you to put that chastity cage on.
<me> No, you can't do this to me... Please... </me>\
<friend> Ofcourse I can... I'm sure you'll get used to this. After all being horny is the best part isn't it?
I'm gonna keep your key as well. Just to ensure that you don't please yourself while I'm not around.</friend>\
You continue refusing, but for once $friend is really strict and doesn't let you change her mind. Eventually you don't want to ruin your friendship with her so you just comply and lock yourself up. It feels quite scary giving away control of your own body. She takes your key and lets you go home.
<<set $haskey=0>>\
<<set $trans=9>>\
[[Go home|home]]Select a name for yourself
<<textbox "$self" "">>
Select a name for your classmate.
<<img "abella/face.jpg">>
<<textbox "$miss" "Abella">>
Select a name for your friend.
<<img "marie/peak.jpg">>
<<textbox "$friend" "Marie">>
[[Confirm|confirmnames]]<<if $trans>=9>>\
$miss has been seducing you for the whole morning. Licking her lips, giving sexy winks, etc... She's really upto something. During lunch you follow her to her place.
[[Go to her place|classmate][$school to 9]]
Nothing much happens today, luckily you have a sexy teacher to keep your eyes occupied.
<<img "teacher/teacher1.jpg">>\
[[Go back home|home]]
Entering her place $miss goes and sits on top of a stool flaunting her ass.
<<img "abella/ass1.jpg">>\
<miss> I've been fantasing the whole day about you fucking me. I can't hold it any longer, come here and take me. </miss>\
She turns around revealing her ass even more now.
<<img "abella/ass2.jpg">>\
You know you're locked up in the chastity cage so you won't be able to fuck her today. You shyly take off your pants and shirt and then you slowly take your underwear off as well revealing that you're still in the chastity cage.
<miss> Come on what are you waiting for? Take that chastity cage off and fuck me! </miss>\
You can't believe she actually wants you to fuck her exactly when you're stuck in this little cage... Why do you always have to be so unlucky ?
<me> I don't have the key... My friend took it from me </me>\
<miss> For real, I was really craving some dick tonight... Guess you won't get to take this ass after all then. Who is this chick even, that she takes the right to claim your key?</miss>\
<me> She's my best friend, so uhh... she knows of some of the things you make me do. But I think she might be getting a little jealous of you though.</me>\
<miss> Oh she's jealous of you having fun with me and she cockblocks you, what a good friend. I bet her ass isn't as hot as mine, is it?</miss>\
You notice some jealousy in her voice as well, I guess she wants me completely to herself... She bends over showing off her perfectly round ass.
<<img "abella/bendover.jpg">>\
<miss> Well anyway, I guess I'll have to be satisfied with you licking my pussy... Lay down you little sissy slut.</miss>
<me> Did you just call me a sissy?</me>\
<miss> What else do you think you are? Wearing girl's underwear and locked up in a chastity cage. Ofcourse you're my sissy, now hurry up and get down. </miss>\
You lay down and soon she sits down on your face allowing you to lick her. Her ass right in your face is such an incredible view. Her curves look extra tempting from this close and you can't help but feel so insignificant underneath her big ass.
<<img "abella/facesit.gif">>\
Your locked dick trying to grow hard in it's cage is definitely making you feel even more small and submissive. However it does help you to just keep focusing on licking her sweet pussy. It doesn't take long before your thoughts are all focused on pleasing her with your tongue, and you completely forgot about your own useless clit.
<miss> Ohh yes pleaseee! Keep on licking me $self! It fels so fucking good. </miss>\
The longer you keep eating her out, the more she moves her hips over your face and the louder she moans.
<miss> Good god $self. You're going to make me cum all over your face!</miss>\
She gets all excited and eventually she gets an orgasm right onto your face. All of her sweet pussy juices are flowing out over your face. You lick off your lips getting the sweet taste of her pussy.
It was incredibly sexy, except now you feel really horny and frustrated in this chastity cage.
[[Go home|home]]<<set setNames($self,$miss,$friend,"","","")>>
<<goto intro>><<set test(0)>>\
This is an erotic interactive story. This story contains explicit images and themes so only play this game if you're above the age of consent of your country of residence.
You're a young college student meeting someone new in school. She and your best friend quickly turn your world around by slowly turning you into a girl. You soon realise that this was your secret desire all along.
Don't hesitate to give <a href="">feedback</a>.
[[Get started|setnames]]Your friend isn't at home. You text her to ask if shes gonna be here anytime soon. She replies
<friend> Hey, I'm sorry, I went to the beach for a day. The weather is really great </friend>\
She also sends you a few pictures with it though.
<<img "marie/beach2.jpg">>\
<<img "marie/beach.jpg">>\
She looks good in her bikini. You text her back and she replies
<me> What about this stupid chastity cage?! My classmate wanted me to fuck her... And I was stuck in this stupid fuckin chastity cage! </me>\
<friend> Calm down, I'll be back tomorrow... I can't wait to see you craving for a release tomorrow ;)</friend>\
<<set $trans=10>>\
[[Stop replying|home]]$miss arrives in a hot looking dress. You get seated at a table in the garden and you serve her a glass of wine.
<<img "abella/dinner.jpg">>\
<me> I think you look really beautiful by the way. </me>\
You can see her blush as she thanks you. You prepared pasta for dinner and while enjoying your dinner you suddenly feel her feet on your crotch. She sensually rubs it all over while looking you in the eye.
<miss> I see you're still stuck in that chastity cage aren't you... It must be frustrating, staying horny all the time. No way for you to get off, not being able to get any sexual pleasure at all. I wish I could help you...</miss>\
She continues eating while teasing you with her feet. At one point she's even adjusting her dress to reveal more of her boobs. She looks you into your eyes, biting her lips. It seems like she really wants to turn you on to torment you...
When you both finish eating $miss gets up and starts talking
<miss> Maybe I do know a way to help a poor soul like you out. </miss>\
She stands in the doorway gesturing you to follow her.
<<img "abella/dress5.jpg">>\
Once inside your room she tells you to get comfortable on the bed. She stays in the doorway and puts her hands inside her dress and pulls her breasts out of it. $miss's tits look really great like that and you feel your cock growing harder inside the cage.
<<img "abella/dress2.jpg">>\
It doesn't take long before she completely starts to take her dress off.
<<img "abella/undress.jpg">>\
<miss> Come on, what are you waiting for? Take your clothes off as well silly.</miss>\
While taking off your shirt and your pants she slowly takes off her panties, and it's really driving you crazy.
<<img "abella/undress2.jpg">>\
<me> You said you knew how you could help me? You're just making it worse and worse... </me>\
<miss> Have some patience darling... </miss>\
She gets onto your bed and starts kissing you. She presses her lips onto yours and she pushes you over. Soon she's going with her tongue into your mouth and you're twisting your tongue around hers.
While kissing she puts her hands on your chastity cage and plays around with it. When she stops she looks you deeply in the eyes and puts her hand onto your asshole.
You immediately know what she's up to and you pull back. She holds you in place by staying on top of you and she continues kissing you. She softly rubs her finger over the edges of your butthole.
<miss> Don't you remember how good it felt when I sucked you off with my finger in your tight little asshole? Now I don't even need to touch your cock for you to get pleasured that way. Perfect for when my sissy is stuck in his cage.</miss>\
She says as she keeps on rubbing, and softly applying some pressure to your asshole.
<miss> With enough stimulation to your prostate I can releive your sexual tension. At first you won't be able to actually get an orgasm, but it will be enough to release some of the sexual desires.</miss>\
While saying that she increases the pressure from her finger and it slides right in. When she pulls it out again she asks you if you like it.
You're having mixed feelings however. On the one hand you remember how good it felt but on the other hand you feel vulnerable to allow someone to use your butthole.
She notices you're hesitant and she slowly moves her face down to your crotch. She's giving it a little bit of attention but she quickly moves on further down.
<miss> Maybe this will change your mind. </miss>\
Suddenly you feel her tongue gently touching the edges of your hole. At first you're a bit shocked but soon you realise that it's actually quite a comfortable and enjoyable sensation.
You loosen up a bit and relax. After a while $miss is licking your butthole all over the place. You can feel that you're getting all slippery and wet down there.
<<img "abella/asslick.jpg">>\
Now you can feel her tongue applying some pressure as well. You're really getting into the feeling and suddenly you let out a soft moan.
<miss> What was that? </miss>\
Apparently your moan really motivated $miss to lick even harder. You feel the tip of her tongue slightly entering you as she licks and the feeling is really amazing.
Now you're completely sold to the feeling you completely let go of all your concerns. You start moaning more heavily begging her for more.
She abruptly stops licking and says
<miss> I knew you'd love it! Unfortunately I don't have anything with me to take it a step further... Next time we can explore a little further if that's okay?</miss>\
You're really unable to think straight, but you nod as you're head is still clouded up with the amazing experience.
[[She leaves|home]]In the morning you meet $miss in the hallway. She's looking good and happy.
<miss> Are you ready for tonight? I'm about to rock your world</miss>\
<me> What do you mean? </me>\
<miss> Oh you know what I'm talking about. We have to continue what we started last night </miss>\
You think of her licking your ass and how good it felt. You feel a weird combination of fear and excitement. What exactly is she going to do? What if you won't like it?
In the evening you acompany $miss going to her house.
[[Go to her place|classmate]]<<if $trans>=10>>\
Since you're stuck in your chastity cage anyway, you decide to ask $miss if she wants to come over to your place have dinner together.
She agrees and you're excited. After school you both go home so she has time to prepare herself. After two hours she rings your doorbell.
[[Go home|classmate][$school to 10]]
Nothing much happens today, luckily you get plenty of opportunities to admire your teachers.
<<img "teacher/teacher7.jpg">>\
[[Go back home|home]]
<miss> Let's get started right away. Take those clothes off will you. </miss>\
She starts removing her pants while she watches you undress.
<<img "abella/hello.jpg">>\
<miss> I see that you're no longer locked up? You didn't please yourself did you? </miss>\
Your mind jumps back to what happened with $friend last night. You were too shocked that you didn't even think of jerking off last night. You nod no and $miss seems happy.
<miss> Good that means tonight's gonna be extra pleasurable for you.</miss>
She gets on the bed showing off her ass.
<<img "abella/seduce.jpg">>\
<miss> Stop looking at my ass sweety. Tonight is all about your ass hehe. Are you ready?</miss>\
You look around nervously, still not really sure if you really want this. $miss notices your hesitation.
<miss> Maybe you need some motivation first. I know what turned you on last night hehe. Get on bed with your face down darling. </miss>\
You listen obediently and relax on the bed face down. She gets on top of you and softly rubs you with her boobs on your back. Her skin is so soft...
Now she grabs your buttcheeks and plays with them a little. Suddenly you feel a finger rubbing on your butthole and you tensen up a little.
$miss moves down and puts her face in between your buttcheeks now. She starts licking your asshole once again. Quickly you get really turned on and relax again. Just like last time you start moaning as she keeps on licking. You start grinding your butt over her tongue to get even more stimulation.
<miss> You're really a dirty slut aren't you? </miss>\
You feel embarassed because you're into this so much. However that feeling quickly fades away as you're enjoying yourself. All your brain is thinking of is her tongue softly licking you.
Suddenly you feel her finger popping into your ass once again. It slides in really smoothly because everything is slippery. You moan loudly because it was unexpected. She moves her finger in and out of your ass and it feels great.
Her finger keeps hitting your prostate and you're starting to get a feeling as if you have to pee in your cock. You feel your legs starting to get weak. Abruptly she stops fingering you.
<miss> I can see that you're really enjoying this aren't you? Show me how much you want it whore.</miss>\
Your ass feels strangely empty, and the feeling of your prostate being hit is still resonating throughout your body. You need more of this, she can't stop now... You move your ass up and you put your hands on your butt cheeks, spreading your ass.
<me> Please $miss finger my ass again... </me>\
Oh god, what in the world are you doing... Are you really begging her to fuck your ass with her fingers? What has become of you... But it feels soo fucking good!
<miss> Show me that you mean it! </miss>\
<me> Please I want my ass to be filled up once again. I'm begging you.</me>\
Not much later she puts in a second finger and starts fucking you like that. With her two fingers you feel your butthole being stretched open a little bit and it's not a bad feeling. Subconsciously you start moving your ass up and down over her finger.
<<img "self/finger.gif">>\
Suddenly you notice your cock is starting to leak a lot of precum. You moan even louder as the feeling in your prostate gets more and more intense.
Once again she stops.
<miss> Your ass already got used to my two fingers. I bet you'd love to have something thicker, don't you? Maybe I'll even be able to make you orgasm without even touching your cock. </miss>\
She asks for a moment and she walks away. She comes back holding a small dildo.
<<img "abella/dildo3.jpg">>\
<miss> Before your hungry ass can have this you're supposed to clean up your insides however... I can teach you how to do it, if you want?</miss>\
You're speechless. You hate to admit it but you're really looking forward to getting more ass stimulation. $miss just tells you to follow her to the shower and you follow her brainlessly.
<miss> First of all you're supposed to take a good dump in the toilet. Take your time for this. Then you can use the shower to clean out your insides. Simply unscrew the shower head and let the water flow. Let it fill up your insides and after 5 to 10 seconds you can push the water back out. Keep doing this until you're completely clean on the inside alright? We don't want any accidents to happen... I'll be waiting in the room, see you soon *wink*</miss>\
You follow her orders and after you're done taking a dump you get into the shower. You stick the end on your butthole and you feel the water flowing inside of you. It gives you a full feeling and the water flowing in gives a nice pressure on the prostate.
When you're full you push the water out of you. The water flows out under high pressure almost as if you're a girl peeing. You continue doing this until the water that comes out starts becoming clean. The constant filling of your ass has made your cock drip once again though.
You're finally finished and you go back to her room. $miss sits there with her eyes closed masturbating herself.
<<img "abella/solo6.jpg">>\
When she notices you she smiles and orders you to get in the same position as before, laying on the bed with your face down. She puts a pillow under you to raise your ass up a little.
You're feeling quite nervous right now, but you know you're ready to take it, so you put your hands on your buttcheeks and spread your ass open. You hear the sound of $miss putting some lube on her dildo and her fingers. She rubs the cold lube over your ass, and you tensen up once again in expectation of more.
A few moments later you feel the head of the dildo rubbing against your butthole. She keeps on doing it for an agonizing whole minute when you finally lose your patience and say.
<me> Come on give it to me! </me>\
At that moment she increases the pressure on the dildo and the tip slowly slides in, stretching your hole open.
<<img "self/dildo/dildo2.jpg">>\
$miss slowly moves the tip back and forth. Because of the lube it slides really smoothly and your ass getting stretched feels great. You let out soft moans and you feel really relaxed.
$miss now pushes the dildo all the way in your asshole. Even though it's quite a small dildo, your ass feels really full with the whole dildo inside, and you can't help but let a loud moan out as the balls of the dildo hit your anus.
<miss> Your ass won't get to close anytime soon darling. You better get used to this feeling. </miss>\
Then she starts shoving it all the way out and back in at a really slow pace. Your moaning gets louder and heavier as she increases the pace. You can't believe you're actually having a dildo in your ass right now and who would've thought that you'd be enjoying it this much.
$miss starts to go quite fast now and your moaning becomes really loud and uncontrolled. The feeling of the dildo continuously pounding your prostate is getting too intense to handle and you start twitching on the bed in a slight attempt to escape the feeling.
She puts one hand on your ass to keep you in place while her other hand keeps pounding you with the dildo. Your cock is leaking precum like crazy, and the feeling you have to pee really urgently is back again.
You reach some state where you're just mindlessly moaning and enjoying. Your body is sweating and shivering as if you're having an orgasm that isn't stopping even though there's not actually semen coming out of your dick. After some more time of fucking $miss finally stops.
You drop down lifelessly. All your energy has been drained, who would've though that this would be so intense. Although you didn't get an actual orgasm you feel pretty satisfied.
You doze off on the bed. 30 minutes later you wake back up and you get dressed again.
<me> That was incredible... Thank you.</me>\
<miss> I've never seen someone that's such an anal slut as you are. Not that that is a bad thing *wink*. See you next time. </miss>\
[[Go home|classmate9b]]Finally $friend is back and you're really excited. You haven't been able to touch yourself for several days and you're getting really frustrated right now.
You tell her how hard it was with the chastity and you tell her what happened with $miss.
<friend> I understand, let me make it up to you. I'm going to release you soon, but first why don't you play a little with my boobs.</friend>\
You can't refuse an offer like that even though you know she's just trying to tease you once more before she releases you. You move her shirt and start kissing her nipples.
<<video "marie/videos/0.txt">>\
It doesn't take long before she pulls you back up and moves closer to kiss you. While she's kissing you she starts opening up your belt.
<<video "marie/videos/1.txt">>\
Is this it? Is this finally the moment you're going to get to fuck $friend? You've been fantasasing about that for as long as you've known her.
You unbutton your pants further and she grabs your dick in it's cage.
<<video "marie/videos/2.txt">>\
She opens up the cage and your cock quickly grows all the way hard once again. What a relief, simply getting a full hard cock feels amazing already. $friend doesn't hesitate and strokes your aching cock. You don't remember ever being so sensitive down there before. Your cock feels amazing in her hands.
<<video "marie/videos/3.txt">>\
She must've been very hungry for you because she's barely started and she's already licking your dick, giving plenty of attention to the head of your cock.
<<video "marie/videos/4.txt">>\
As she's sucking your cock you're quickly approaching the edge and you start moaning. She doesn't want you to get over the edge right away so she slows down.
A few minutes later you're feeling really horny and you decide to take it a step further. You go down and move your hands to her shorts to take them off. She seems to be hesitant however...
<<video "marie/videos/5.txt">>\
You unbutton her shorts when she pulls away.
<friend> Nooo, just kiss me please </friend>\
You give her a soft kiss, but you're not ready to give up yet. You put your hands back on her shorts.
<me> Come on, just your shorts? You're looking so fine right now...</me>\
<<video "marie/videos/6.txt">>\
She still seems reluctant to go further.
<friend> You gotta promise me one thing though. Whatever happens, don't leave me. I can't lose another friend.</friend>\
<me> What are you talking about? Ofcourse I won't leave you? You're my best friend for such a long time. </me>\
She finally seems to be willing to go further and she strips her shorts down.
<<video "marie/videos/7.txt">>\
As soon as she took off her shorts she covers up her crotch with her hands. You pull her legs open trying to get a glimpse of her pussy...
<<video "marie/videos/8.txt">>\
You notice that she has a dick!? What in the world is this?
<<img "marie/videos/9.jpg">>\
You get up and walk backwards. You were so excited for her sweet pussy...
<friend> I can explain, please...</friend>\
You can clearly see the sadness in her eyes but you're just too shocked to talk. You put your clothes on and leave the place.
<<set $trans=11>>\
<<set $chastity="">>\
<<set $haskey=1>>\
[[Go back home|friend10b]]You're too shocked to do anything but sleep.
You start getting images of $friend looking really hot and you start thinking that the dick didn't really made her look worse or anything... It would just be pretty gay wouldn't it?
[[You doze off|home][$hour to 7,$visitedFriendToday=0,$daysSinceOrgasm=$daysSinceOrgasm+1,$daysSinceReq=$daysSinceReq+1,$mailIncreasedToday to 0,$cantext to 1,$choredone to 0]]You're finally home. Your session with $miss definitely helped you feeling less horny and excited but you didn't completely get rid of the feeling however.
Thinking about what happened with $friend last night you decide to do some research online. You get on your computer and enter "What is a transgender?" into google. You get various results explaining that they can be born like that or they can be a guy that has been transformed.
You start digging further and inspect some random pictures of transgenders... The first picture you see is of a transgender with nice round boobs and a curvy body. She has the body of the girl except she has a cock.
<<img "random/transgender3.jpg">>\
Next, you see a picture of a transgender wearing lingerie. Once again she has nice round boobs and the lingerie makes her look really hot you could almost forget the fact that she has a cock.
<<img "random/transgender1.jpg">>\
You're intrigued and you browse more and more pictures. You notice you're actually getting hard looking at these pictures. After some time you stumble upon the following picture. This transgender really has pointy tits that look really natural and she could absolutely pass for a normal girl, besides that enormous cock ofcourse.
<<img "random/transgender5.jpg">>\
<i>I mean look at that huge juicy cock... What if that was what fucked me this afternoon.
Dude what are you thinking? Are you really imagining a cock fucking you right now? A dildo is one thing but a cock?</i>
You keep thinking to yourself. But she does look stunning doesn't she, it's still a female body after all, so it's not that gay is it? And besides a dildo or a cock what's the difference. One is plastic and the other is real meat. Doesn't differ much does it.
Aaah stop these thoughts! What is wrong with me? You quickly close your browser again to get rid of those thoughts. However you can't stop thinking about $friend. How weird it may be she was still your best friend and she must be hurt, so you decide to send her a message to apologise.
<me> Hey, I'm sorry for last night. I really didn't expect to see that. Is it okay if I visit you again tomorrow night?</me>\
What a tiring day. You get ready to sleep...
[[Go to sleep|home][$hour to 7,$visitedFriendToday=0,$daysSinceOrgasm=$daysSinceOrgasm+1,$daysSinceReq=$daysSinceReq+1,$choredone to 0]]You meet $miss today and she winks hinting at what happened last night. She doesn't have more time for you today. Instead you simply admire your beautiful teachers.
<<img "teacher/teacher6.jpg">>\
[[Go home|home]]<me> Hey, I'm sorry again for reacting like that. Last night I started thinking, how good you look and how that um dick doesn't really make you less attractive...
I did some research and people like you can have really hot curves and even look exactly like a girl.</me>\
<friend> But the dick scares you doesn't it? You're afraid that it somehow makes you gay to find me attractive, aren't you?
Come on look at me, no one finding me attractive could be gay.</friend>\
<<img "marie/dick1.jpg">>\
<me> I guess you're right... But if I would touch you, I'd be touching your cock... </me>\
<friend> Well you've touched your own dick countless times. Nothing gay about that either. </friend>\
You're not really convinced yet, however after seeing all those transgenders on the internet you'd love to get a proper look of $friend as well.
<me> I don't know... Just out of curiousity I want to see it again. I didn't get to see it properly last time, and I'm wondering how it looks like on you.</me>\
She looks at you with a grin, she knew I wouldn't be able to resist. She starts by opening up her bra revealing her round tits.
<<img "marie/dick2.jpg">>\
<friend> Don't run away this time okay? </friend>\
$friend moves her hands to the edges of her panties and you start thinking to yourself once again.
<i>Did I really just ask to see a dick? What is wrong with me? You're just asking because she is so attractive okay. It's not about the dick, just her body. Gah stop lying to yourself...</i>
She starts pulling her panties down, and somehow you're feeling some form of excitement. It doesn't take long until she has taken it off and now she's sitting there on the bed with a cock in between her legs.
<<img "marie/dick4.jpg">>\
You're staring at her body and then you stare at her dick, imagining what it would feel like... You have to say that she doesn't look bad at all. Maybe that dick makes her look even more attractive after all.
$friend notices you staring.
<friend> So, do you like it? It's not that special is it? </friend>\
<me> Well I must admit it really suits you. It's nice and smooth I guess. </me>\
You realise that her dick isn't so awful as you first thought... Still it makes you feel somewhat uncomfortable.
<friend> You can touch it if you want, it won't bite you. </friend>\
At first you think to yourself that you can't do it. But why does it seem so appealing to try... What's the worst that can happen anyway?
You get drawn in and and you hold her legs staring at her cock.
Watching her from closeby you get a really detailed view of her privates. You're feeling hesitant to touch her but $friend comforts you by giving you a kiss.
<<video "marie/videos/11.txt">>\
Ah fuck it, you say and you put your hand on her dick. You feel her balls and then you move your hand up her shaft. It feels strangely normal. It has the same feel as yours when it's soft.
<<video "marie/videos/10.txt">>\
Ofcourse you can't help but wonder how it feels like when it's hard. Suddenly realising what you're doing you pull your hands away. $friend notices your shock and says
<friend> Don't worry, I know the first time with a transgender must be shocking... Let me calm you down a little. </friend>\
She puts her hand on your pants and takes them off. She puts her hands on your dick as well and starts playing with your balls. You relax a little as she starts playing with your dick now.
When she rubs over the shaft you get slightly hard and horny. Now she gets up in front of you and holds her hard cock in her hand. She moves down to give it a soft lick on the head.
<<img "marie/bj2.jpg">>\
Immediately you feel really aroused and you completely forget what you were doing just a moment ago. $friend keeps licking the head and quickly she puts your dick further in her mouth and starts sucking.
<<img "marie/bj3.jpg">>\
You breathe more heavily as she works your cock. You wish you could return the favor and make her feel as good as you're feeling right now. If she was a real girl you'd love to go down on her.
<friend>Your dick tastes so good. Do you want to taste mine? </friend>\
<me> Touching you okay, but licking your cock? </me>\
<friend> Just think of it as a girl with a huge clit? Wouldn't you love making me feel as good as I made you feel? Anyway if you don't want to it's alright. </friend>\
She gets up and stops sucking your cock. You can clearly see some form of disappointment on her face.
<me> No, no, I want you to feel good... Just... </me>\
<i> Whatever let's do it... What's the worst that can happen anyway? </i>
Hesitantly you put your hand back on her dick and you rub it around a little bit more. You look $friend in the eyes and she smiles at you, clearly excited for what you're about to do.
You put her soft dick in your mouth and suck on it. $friend is watching you intrigued. It's not that bad after all, you're just sucking as if it were a really big clit and it doesn't feel weird at all.
<<video "marie/videos/12.txt">>\
It doesn't take long before her cock starts swelling up in your mouth and it becomes harder and harder. It makes it easier to suck but it feels more intimidating however.
<<video "marie/videos/13.txt">>\
While sucking suddenly some precum comes out of the tip and you lick it off. It tastes delicious, even better than any girl you've ever tasted. Now that you've gotten a taste of what it's like you stop. $friend seems really satisfied.
<friend> I knew you could do it. Thank you very much I really enjoyed that! </friend>\
Feeling embarassed about what you did you decide to call it a day and you go home.
[[Go home|home]]At the end of the day you meet $miss again. You're just chatting with her until she suddenly says
<miss> You know, I was thinking... You wore a bra and panties, you like to be treated as a girl and you like being fucked like a girl. I think a good girl should have more than just panties and a bra don't you think? </miss>\
You're getting embarassed because what if someone else overhears your conversation? Fearing the answer you ask her
<me> What are you suggesting? </me>\
<miss> Why don't we go shopping together in the mall? So you can make yourself a little girlier... </miss>\
You don't really like the sound of that "becoming a little girlier". Why in the world would you want to do that?
<miss> I mean I know you love wearing that bra and panties. We're just gonna add a few more items you're gonna love to wear. </miss>\
Without even waiting for an answer she leaves gesturing you to follow her. I guess you don't really have much of a choice and you follow along.
[[Follow her|clothes shop][$sissyBuyLevel to 6,$sissylevel to 4]]<<if $clothes0==null>>\
You enter the clothing shop in search for a bra. You're feeling somewhat nervous but it's not that bad, because after all you're just walking in a clothing shop anyway. You walk past the bras and take a quick glimpse of the models they have.
Now you browse the male underwear thinking to yourself. Just go to the bras take something and go pay, it's not that hard. You spend some more time hesitating until you finally go and take something. You don't even look at the sizes.
<<set $clothes0=1>>\
<<clothesShop "bras">>\
You hold the bra in between your arms and go to pay. The cashier simply scans the bra and doesn't even look up. Once the bra is in the bag you feel relieved, and you walk out of the store. See that wasn't so hard was it?
[[Go back to the mall|mall]]
<<endif>>\<<if $clothes1==null>>\
<miss>First of all I think a nice pair of thigh high socks would really look good on you, don't you think? </miss>\
You look like you're really not that much into it so $miss says
<miss> Don't worry I'll be paying. And just do it for me okay? I think you'd look really hot with this if we're doing something sexy again. </miss>
I guess you have nothing to lose. You take your time to browse through some stockings pretending it's for $miss.
<<set $clothes1 to 1>>\
<<clothesShop "stockings" 1>>\
<<elseif $clothes1==1>>\
<miss> Hmm yes I like those. They're going to look good on you *wink*. Now a real girl also needs some appropriate shoes doesn't she? </miss>\
You go to the shoe department and she starts looking into high heels. Now you start imagining wearing those together with the stockings you just bought and it turns you on a little. It's going to make you look really sexy.
<<set $clothes1 to 2>>\
<<clothesShop "shoes" 1>>\
<<elseif $clothes1==2>>\
<miss> Now we need one final thing... I saw how much you enjoyed your anal session last time. Now in case I want to have another session with you it would be nice if your butthole would be ready. That's why I think we should buy you a cute little buttplug to keep you stretched out. </miss>\
Thinking back of how good you felt when she used the dildo it seems like a good idea.
<miss> There's a sex shop somewhere in this mall. Follow me.</miss>\
[[Follow her|sex shop]]
<<endif>>\<<if $sex0==null>>\
You've never been into a sex shop like this before so when you enter the sex shop you're really impressed with everything they have. On the left you see a whole collection of vibrators. On the right you see a lot of conventional dildos in different shapes and sizes. There's some really huge ones amongst them as well.
As you explore further in the shop you see a bunch of bondage gear on one side and on the other side they have plenty of buttplugs. For the buttplugs you see plenty of plugs with really weird shapes and textures.
<miss> For now I think it's best to only focus on the small ones. I think those diamond plugs would look really cute don't you think? </miss>\
You're already getting curious for the bigger sizes, but for now I guess it's best to get used to it. You pick a color...
<<set $sex0=1>>\
<<clothesShop "buttplugs" 1>>\
<<elseif $sex0==1>>\
You decided the color and $miss paid. She leaves after saying
<miss> Make sure to bring your stuff next time when you visit, will you? </miss>\
[[Go back to the mall|mall]]
<<endif>>\<<set test(3)>>\
You arrive at your friends place once again and she seems to be really excited to see you again. You start talking and you tell her what happened today and the day before.
<me> Last time I joined $miss at her place she umm she fucked me with a dildo. I was nervous at first but eventually it felt really amazing. </me>\
You say slightly embarassed. But you trust your $friend. She looks at you surprised and smiles.
<friend>Yeah I know how good it feels *wink*, especially when you have a prostate it's the best.</friend>\
<<if $buttplugs=="" or $buttplugs==null>>\
<me> And today she took me to the mall to buy some girlier clothes... I think she's gonna make me try them next time I see her. We also bought this jewel buttplug. Do you like it?</me>\
<friend> Hmm yes it looks cute. I wonder what it would look like inside of you hehe. Have you tried it? </friend>\
<<if $buttplugs=="">>\
<me> Actually I got a bit curious and I already tried it before I visitted you. The cold steel felt nice to the asshole and it wasn't too big either. It slid right in with a little bit of saliva. However I took it out again. I wonder what it would feel like to wear it for a longer period of time though.</me>\
<friend> Would you like to try it out again? Maybe this time you could try wearing it until you're home again. </friend>\
<<elseif $buttplugs==null>>\
<me> No I haven't tried it yet. I'm kinda curious though as to how it feels and how it would be like if I would wear it for a longer period of time. </me>\
<friend> Would you like to try it out now ? I could help you out... And maybe you could try wearing it until you're home again, if you want ofcourse. </friend>\
Startled by the suggestion you hesitate a little, but in fact you'd love to experiment together with $friend.
<me> Yes, I'd love you to help me out. </me>\
$friend seems happy to hear that. Slowly you take your pants off revealing your $underwear. You get on your knees pointing your ass up. You tell her to take your $underwear off so that she can enjoy the view exactly how she wants to.
$friend likes your suggestion and puts her hands on your ass. She's feeling your buttcheeks thoroughly. It seems like she really appreciates them and how smooth and firm they are. You feel really sexy getting touched like that.
After a while she finally moves her hands to the edges of your $underwear and she starts pulling them down. Slowly but surely they reach your knees and you can really feel $friend's eyes staring down on your ass. You feel really vulnerable, but also really sexy.
She rubs over your butthole with one hand while she uses the other hand to grab the buttplug. You can hear her putting that buttplug in her mouth to make it wet and suddenly you feel her spit onto your asshole.
She rubs the buttplug onto your asshole now and soon she increases the pressure. Your ass suddenly gets stretched open and the buttplug gets swallowed inside you. The buttplug continues stretching you a little though but it's a nice feeling. You can really feel $friend's eyes staring down on that buttplug in your ass and you feel really vulnerable, but also really sexy.
<me> And today she took me to the mall to buy some girlier clothes... I think she's gonna make me try them on next time I see her. We also bought a jewel buttplug for me.</me>\
<friend> Do you have the buttplug with you? I'd love to see you wearing it. </friend>\
<me> Well actually I got curious as to how it would feel like, so I tried it out when I was at home. The cold steel felt nice and it wasn't too big either so it slid right in with only a bit of saliva. Then I tried it out for a little longer and I got curious how it would feel like to wear it for a longer period of time. Then I decided to keep it in while coming to you so here I am still wearing the buttplug.</me>\
<friend>Ooh you're so perverted. You just got it today and you're already walking around with it... How does it feel? </friend>\
<me> In the first few minutes it's slightly uncomfortable but when my asshole got adjusted to not being able to close it feels quite good. The constant feeling of being stretched open a little is really nice. Also with every step I take I get reminded that there's something up my ass and it keeps me turned on for the whole time.</me>\
<friend> Would you mind if I play a little with that buttplug in your ass? </friend>\
Startled by the suggestion you hesitate a little, but in fact you'd love to experiment together with $friend.
<me> Yes sure you can, I would love it if you'd play with it a little. </me>\
$friend seems happy to hear that. Slowly you take your pants off revealing your $underwear. You get on your knees pointing your ass up. You tell her to take your $underwear off so that she can get greeted by the buttplug.
$friend likes your suggestion and puts her hands on your ass. She's feeling your buttcheeks thoroughly. It seems like she really appreciates them and how soft and firm they are. You feel really sexy getting touched like that.
After a while she finally moves her hands to the edges of your $underwear and she starts pulling them down. Slowly but surely they reach your knees and you can really feel $friend's eyes staring down on that buttplug in your ass. You feel really vulnerable, but also really sexy.
<friend> Your ass looks incredibly sexy with this cute little buttplug inside you. I need to take a picture of this for later... </friend>
You know $friend won't do anything with the picture that you wouldn't want so you don't protest as she takes her phone out to take a picture of your ass.
<<img "self/jewel2.jpg">>\
Now she starts playing with the buttplug as she pulls it out slightly so that the bigger part is stretching your hole. When she drops it your ass swallows it right back and it's quite a funny feeling.
After several times she takes it completely out and pushes it back in again. She continues doing this and she's actually fucking your ass with the small buttplug now. You feel your ass going from empty to full and it keeps expanding and shrinking everytime the buttplug leaves you.
After a while however your asshole gets used to it and it's not really closing anymore. You have a small gaping asshole now. You wonder what it would be like if you'd do this with a big buttplug. You would be gaping so much by now.
When $friend finally stops she asks you to keep the buttplug inside of you while walking home to get some extra stimulations.
<<if $buttplugs=="" or $buttplugs==null>>\
You were wondering how it would feel like to be walking around with it so you happily comply. You put your $underwear back on over the buttplug and you put your other clothes on as well.
You already know how nice it felt to keep walking around with a buttplug so you happily comply. You put your $underwear back on over the buttplug and you put your other clothes on as well.
[[Go home|home][wearCategory("buttplugs")]]<<if $trans==13>>\
You meet $miss after school.
<miss> Are you ready to try your new stuff today? I can't wait to see how good you look in those stockings. </miss>\
[[Go with her|classmate][$school to 14]]
$miss isn't around today, you feel slightly relieved because you know you won't have to try on those clothes now. Instead you decide to study your teachers clothes.
<<img "teacher/teacher5.jpg">>\
[[Go home|home]]
<<endif>>\There's no more content for this character from this point. Wait for an update to get more.
[[Go home|home]]Arriving at her place you get on her bed. $miss seems really excited.
<miss> I've been waiting for this moment for so long. Finally someone who wans to play dressup with me. Together we can try some sexy outfits.</miss>\
What is she saying? Playing dressup? You thought you were just going to try the stockings and the heels. Not wanting to ruin $miss her mood you decide to go with the flow, you probably can't change her mind anyway. She couldn't wait to go first and immediately she takes her clothes off and puts a see through dress on. She gives you a little show on the bed trying to look sexy. With her heels on she looks really sexy and you get turned on immeditately
<<img "abella/dressup1.gif">>\
<miss>You know what we should make some photoshoot out of this. I could share our pictures online and lets see who is the sexiest according to the internet. Ofcourse I'll make sure that you can't be recognised in those pictures okay?</miss>\
<me> I don't know... I haven't really shared myself on the internet before. What if someone somehow figures out who I am or something? </me>
<miss> Ah don't you worry. I'll be sharing myself as well huh and I haven't shared pics of myself either, but I know there will be plenty of horny guys or girls looking at us while they're masturbating. Doesn't that turn you on ?
Besides No one will recognise you, it will mostly be your lower body anyway. </miss>
<me> I don't know... </me>
<miss> Just do it for me please? You have nothing to lose. </miss>
You guess she's right it doesn't really matter after all, and $miss seems to be really much into this kind of thing. Now it's time for you to get dressed up. You take your $tops and your $bottoms off.
<<if $buttplugs!="">>\
$miss notices that you're wearing your buttplug already.
<miss> What is that? Why are you wearing that buttplug already? You're such an anal slut. </miss>\
<me> I was curious and I just tried it out. I kinda liked the feeling of it and I didn't take it out before coming to school I guess. </me>\
You say blushing, knowing she's damn right about you being an anal slut. You take the buttplug out and continue dressing up.
You remove your $underwear as well and you grab a random lace panties of $miss. You're getting quite used to wearing panties now so you don't hesitate to put it on. Now you take your stockings that you bought and you flip it in your hands. You're kinda confused because one leg is inside out and it takes you a while before you get it in the position to put it on.
<i> Here we go again... Why exactly am I putting these girls clothes on... </i> You think to yourself. Slightly nervous but excited you step into the legs of the stockings. You pull them all the way up to your tighs and look at yourself in the mirror.
It looks weird and unnatural but the longer you look at yourself the more you start to realise that it actually enhances the shape of your legs. <i> My legs are actually quite attractive like this</i> you think to yourself.
<miss> Time for a picture. Get on the bed and I'll take a picture from your stomach. </miss>\
She takes the picture and shows it to you.
<<img "self/dressup5.png">>\
You look at it, and you have to admit you look quite sexy. The panties hides the cock really well and you feel like if someone would tell you that this is a girl you'd believe him. Now it's $miss her turn again and she picks something new to wear. You stay in the stockings on the bed watching her change.
She gets into a white outfit of lingerie. The material is really stretching around her ass and legs, pushing it up to give it more shape. Now you take her smartphone and she poses in a few positions. You start imagining yourself wearing outfits as sexy as hers. When she's finally in a good position you take a picture.
<<img "abella/dressup2.jpg">>\
It's your turn again and you put the high heels that you've gotten from $miss on. You pose on the bed and she holds her phone to take a picture.
<miss> Hmmm, try taking your cock out of the panties, I think it will be hot. </miss>\
You do as she says and she takes a picture again.
<<img "self/dressup6.jpg">>\
You look at yourself on the picture and you see that your legs are really feminine and sexy. Somehow wearing those heels made your calves look bigger. You're not really sure about the cock sticking out in the picture but whatever if $miss likes it more then it's better you guess.
$miss starts changing once again. She puts black stockings on and she wears some really sexy heels under it which make her legs and ass look bigger. Besides that she only puts a very thin g-string on that goes right between her butt cheeks. With her naked boobs she looks incredibly hot right now. She poses in a few positions and you take a picture.
<<img "abella/dressup4.jpg">>\
Now it's your turn and you put on a new pair of white stockings with black polka dots. You wear your pink panties and get on the bed, this time showing off your ass. $miss tells you to adjust your leg position a little more and she takes a picture.
<<img "self/dressup10.jpg">>\
Once again you look at the picture and you're amazed how sexy your ass looks like. It looks quite big and your buttcheeks look soft and tasty. If you could you would love to fuck that ass right now. You gasp as you suddenly realise you're fantasising about fucking a guy. You try to push your thoughts away but you can't help but get aroused by that ass.
Finally $miss changes once more into something a little different. She dresses up as a nurse with her tits popping up. You'd love to be taken care of by a nurse like that.
<<img "abella/dressup5.jpg">>\
Now finally you dress up for one last time as well. You put on some stockings and then you take the buttplug. You slide it in your ass and get on your side, tucking your cock in between your legs. $miss takes a final picture.
<<img "self/jewel.jpg">>\
You look at your picture and you see that the buttplug is really provocative. It really makes you look as if you're completely ready to get fucked. Somehow it turns you on to be this sexy, and you start imagining how the people on the internet will find you really sexy as well.
<miss> Thanks a lot for dressing up together with me. I really enjoyed it a lot. Come here you sexy sissy, I want to reward you.</miss>\
She leaves your buttplug inside of you and starts stroking your cock still in her nurse outfit. She lubes up her hands and it doesn't take long before you're already close to the edge.
<<img "abella/nurse handjob.gif">>\
She stops, and lets you rest a little and then she continues stroking you again. After a few times of getting you to the edge however she stops for real.
<miss> I think now that you've shown how much of a girl you are, you're not supposed to have an orgasm like this anymore. Real girls only get orgasms straight from their pussy. Maybe if you're desparate enough you'll be able to come from your own boipussy as well. But you know what, I really appreciate the fact that you did this dressing up with me so I won't lock you up today. But the next time I see you however...</miss>\
You wanted to thank her but the sound of that last part sounded horrifying. You show a nervous smile and start taking your stockings off.
<miss>Not so fast. You can keep those stockings on when you go home. Just as a little reminder of how sexy you were.</miss>\
You don't really mind now and you wear your $bottoms over the stockings. When you're fully dressed you leave the place with your buttplug still in your ass.
[[Go home|home][$sissylevel to 5,wearCategory("buttplugs"),wearCategory("stockings")]]<me> Today I played dressup with $miss. We took turns to change clothes and we took a few pictures of ourselves. Now I took a look at my own pictures and I think I actually looked really sexy. Wearing some stockings really enhances the legs and look at this picture...</me>\
You show her the picture of your ass.
<<img "self/dressup10.jpg">>\
<friend>Hmm yes I have to admit that your ass looks extremely sexy like that.</friend>\
<me> I know right, when seeing it I really felt like fucking that ass. I was really shocked because I was literally imagining fucking a guys ass.</me>\
<friend> I would love to have a piece of that ass as well haha. Now do you feel the same about my ass?</friend>\
She says asking seductively. She takes her top off and takes her shorts off as well revealing her ass in a thong. You stare at her ass knowing where this is going.
<<img "marie/asstits.jpg">>\
<me> I think your ass is really, really sexy and I love that thong in between your buttcheeks. I'd love to give it a try, if that's what you're saying. </me>\
<<if $stockings !="" and $stockings!=null>>\
You start taking off your shirt and then you take your pants off as well revealing the stockings you were wearing. $friend raises her eyebrows in surprise.
<me> During the dressing up I realised they made me feel really sexy you. I felt like wearing them more often just to feel sexy. </me>\
$friend just accepts it and doesn't judge you any further, you continue taking off your clothes and your underwear. She takes off her panties as well, revealing her cock once again.
You start taking off your shirt and then you take your pants off as well. When you remove your underwear. $friend removes her panties as well, revealing her cock once again.
<friend> So which ass do you like the most? Mine or yours?</friend>\
She spanks her ass making it bounce.
<<img "marie/ass4.gif">>\
You stare at her ass and you're feeling somewhat uncomfortable again. You think her ass looks really hot but still that cock scares you a little, and her asshole also looks a little different than you're used from a girl. $friend feels your hesitation and she says.
<friend> Come on I know you'd love to fuck that ass in the picture. I'm sure you'd love to fuck mine as well </friend>\
She really does look almost as sexy as that picture of yourself. <i>But you just said that to make a point, not because you'd really want to fuck that ass, right? Right...?</i> Not really convinced of your own arguments you decide to just touch her ass and see what happens.
You get behind her and you put your hands on her butt cheeks. From above it really just looks like a girls ass and you start touching around. Grabbing her ass and playing with it. It does feel quite firm and you like her skin.
Getting aroused by touching her ass you start to see how sexy she really is, and you really start to feel like you want to fuck her now.
You put your finger in your mouth to make it wet and you rub it over her asshole. She giggles as she enjoys your touches.
You push your finger inside of her asshole and you feel that it's not very tight. Clearly her ass has been used plenty of times before. Thinking that you're about to fuck someone in the ass is making you really horny now and you jump right over her and start kissing her buttcheeks. You have never done anal with anyone before so you're really excited as to how it will feel like.
You can see that $friend is also getting very excited and turned on because she's softly moaning and her dick is becoming harder in between her legs.
<friend> I would absolutely love it if you could lick my asshole to make my hole wet. </friend>\
Horny as hell you don't even stop to think about it and you go down on her asshole. Your nose gets in between her butt cheeks but you love licking her. Everytime your tongue touches her you can sense that she's really enjoying it.
<<video "marie/videos/ass1.txt">>\
<friend> Ahhh, yes please! I need you in me... Take me! </friend>\
You're so turned on you don't even think and you get up on your knees. $friend adjusts her position as well. Still on her knees she stretches her arms and moves her ass a little closer to you.
You slide your dick over her asshole and she awaits you in excitement. You can't believe you're really about to do this. Finally you put the head of your cock on her ass and you push on it. Her asshole is being pushed but your dick isn't going in yet. She's quite tight after all.
<<video "marie/videos/ass2.txt">>\
After a while the head of your cock pops inside her ass. $friend is really tight and she moans as it enters. Now it is finally inside you slide it all the way in slowly and $friend bends down pointing her ass upwards. She's ready to be fucked.
<<video "marie/videos/ass3.txt">>\
She moves her ass slightly back and forth and as her asshole gets used to being stretched by your cock it starts getting easier or you to move in and out. You grab her lingerie and you start fucking her ass. It's an incredible feeling and you've completely forgotten that you're actualy fucking a transgender.
<<video "marie/videos/ass4.txt">>\
Both of you start moaning loudly as you continue fucking. Eventually you change positions and now $friend is laying on her side, spreading her legs open. Her cock is exposed now and you touch it for a moment while fucking her. You're so horny that you completely don't mind her cock at all anymore.
$friend is really losing herself in pleasure and she's moaning very loud. You think she's about to have an orgasm and you're getting real close to an orgasm as well.
<<video "marie/videos/ass5.txt">>\
Suddenly $friend starts shaking in pleasure and exactly at the same moment you cum right in her ass. Suddenly you feel all the energy drain out of your body and you lay down while $friend is still enjoying her anal orgasm. You can see some of your cum dripping out of her ass and it's really sexy.
You feel really satisfied and happy that you finally got to have sex with your friend. Also you feel completely comfortable with her having a cock now. You stay a little longer to enjoy the moment and eventually you go home.
[[Go home|home]]<<if $trans>=14>>\
First you have a whole day of boring lectures and then in the last lecture $miss comes and sit next to you. She rubs over your legs and soon shes rubbing over your crotch. While she's doing that she whispers in your ear.
<miss> Today I'm going to take control of your sissy dick and lock you up in your chastity cage. </miss>\
You already knew this was coming because she said it last time as well. However hearing her repeat it gives you this sudden feeling of fear. How long are you going to be locked up for? What if you can't take it anymore? She would literally be owning you.
On the other hand allowing her to be in control like that sounds so sexy though. A horny woman like her wouldn't stop teasing you, making sure you're incredibly horny all the time.
Reminiscing about all the sexy times you've already had with $miss you nervously follow her to her place after class.
[[Follow her|classmate][$school=15]]
You nervously await if you see $miss anywhere, but she doesn't show up today. You feel somewhat relieved that you'l still be able to stroke your cock tonight. Perhaps you will fantasise about your teachers perfect bust.
<<img "teacher/teacher4.jpg">>
[[Go home|home]]
<<endif>>\Entering her room she looks at you with a smile. You're hoping that $miss has something planned before she locks you up.
<<img "abella/shorts1.jpg">>
However she simply asks for you to take your pants off and to give her the chastity cage.
<<if $stockings !="" and $stockings!=null and $chastity !="" and $chastity!=null>>\
When you take your pants off she notices that you're still wearing those stockings and she grins. You're also already wearing your chastity cage so you remove your underwear as well revealing that you're already wearing it.
<miss> I see you really enjoyed wearing those stockings huh? And already caged up and everything just like a real sissy. Just give me the key then. I'm going to lock you up until you're finally able to cum from your boipussy just like a real girl.</miss>\
<<elseif $stockings !="" and $stockings!=null>>\
When you take your pants off she notices that you're still wearing those stockings and she grins.
<miss> I see you really enjoyed wearing those stockings huh? </miss>\
You take your pants off and give her the chastity cage. She doesn't wait and moves your $underwear to apply the chastity cage.
<miss> I'm going to lock you up until you're finally able to cum from your boipussy just like a real girl. </miss>\
<<elseif $chastity !="" and $chastity!=null>>\
You take your pants off and remove your underwear revealing that you're already inside your chastity cage.
<miss> Already caged up and everything just like a real sissy. Just give me the key then. I'm going to lock you up until you're finally able to cum from your boipussy just like a real girl.</miss>\
You take your pants off and give her the chastity cage. She doesn't wait and moves your $underwear to apply the chastity cage.
<miss> I'm going to lock you up until you're finally able to cum from your boipussy just like a real girl. </miss>\
Exactly at that moment she locks you up and puts the key in her bra. Suddenly you get this intense worrying, what if you won't be able to cum like that? How long is that even going to take?
$miss sees you worrying and she comforts you by saying,
<miss> Don't worry I'll help you out. I'm sure you'll get there in a bit more than a week or so</miss>\
A week?!? What did you get yourself into... nervously you put your clothes back on.
<miss> It might be useful if you'd buy something to practice with, if you know what I mean. The more you practice the quicker you'll be able to get out of this, so enjoy! </miss>\
You accept your fate, while you're already imagining how it would be like playing with your own dildo. You turn around when suddenly miss says
<miss> Oh and I almost completely forgot. Today I checked the pictures we had shared online and apparently I had 870 votes and you had 488 votes. I guess most people on the internet still like a normal sexy girl over a sissy, but still this means that at least 488 people found you sexier than me! Just imagine all of those people jerking off while they were looking at your pictures. </miss>
You blush, feeling somewhat flattered and sexy.
<miss>And one more thing, there was this one person who reached out, sending me a private message and he seemed really interested in you. He thought you were extremely hot and he was asking for more pictures. I didn't have any so I just gave him your email address.</miss>\
<me>You did what?!?</me>\
<miss> Ah don't worry about it, if you're not interested then just ignore his emails, or even block him.</miss>\
You roll your eyes and you're upset because of what she did. You finally leave the room without saying anything more than a grump.
<<set $sissyBuyLevel to 7>>\
<<set $haskey to 0>>\
[[Go home|home][wearCategory("chastity")]]<<if $sex1==null>>\
You enter the sex shop once again and walk towards the dildos. You feel the cashier looking and you think she recognizes you from last time...
You're slightly embarrassed but you comfort yourself by thinking that this must not be the first time for a shop like this to see someone buy a dildo. You take your time to browse through a whole different array of dildos.
Not sure what an appropriate size would be you decide to pick the smallest ones available. They have about 15cm of insertable length and a diameter of 3cm to 3.5cm. Theres plenty of shapes and colors. First you see some realistic looking dildo, with a cock head, balls, veins and a skin color. It looks somewhat intimidating because it looks the most like a real cock.
Secondly you see another dildo that also tries to resemble a real cock but this one doesn't have a skin color or testicles. The last one has no textures at all but it looks like it could be fun as well. Not sure which to take eventually you decide anyway...
<<set $sex1=1>>\
<<clothesShop "dildos">>\
[[Go back to the mall|mall][$sex1 to null]]
<<elseif $sex1==1>>\
You walk up to the cashier to pay and she looks down at the dildo and back at you while grinning. She clearly knows what you're about to do with it. You try not to be bothered by it and simply pay. Having paid you finally walk out of the store with your newbought dildo in your bag.
<<set $hasdildo=1>>\
[[Go back to the mall|mall]]
<<endif>>\You see an email from someone calling himself $tibbers. It's probably the person that $miss gave your email address to. Curious to what he has to say you open up the email.
I saw your pictures online and I really loved them. I think you look really sexy in those stockings and heels and your ass looks perfect.
I'm sending this mail because I would love to see more of you. I'm even willing to pay you a small amount for each picture.
If you're interested you can reply your bank details and I'll send you 20$ to show you that I have good intentions.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Greetings $tibbers</email>\
You read the email and you start wondering if it's some sort of scam. You spend some time researching if people could abuse your bank number but it seems like all they can really do with it, is send you money.
<<if $mail==null>>\
<<set $mail=0>>\
<<if $readmail==null>>\
<<set $readmail=0>>\
[[Send him your bank details|mail][$mail to Math.max(1,$mail),$readmail to Math.max(0,$readmail)]]
[[Don't reply|mail][$readmail to Math.max(0,$readmail)]]<<if $trans>=18 and $mail==6>>\
<<set $mail to 7>>\
<<if $mailName==null>>\
Select a nickname for your male email correspondent.
<<textbox "$tibbers" "Tibbers">>
[[Confirm|mail][$mailName to 1]]
<<set setNames($self,$miss,$friend,$sister,$tibbers,$nyx)>>\
<div id='email'>\
You check your mails...
<<if ($mail==8 and $mailIncreasedToday==0) or $mail>8 >>\
<<link "I'm back">>\
<<replace "#email">>\
<<display mail8>>
<<if ($mail==7 and $mailIncreasedToday==0) or $mail>7 >>\
<<link "I'm back">>\
<<replace "#email">>\
<<display mail7>>
<<if ($mail==6 and $mailIncreasedToday==0) or $mail>6 >>\
<<link "RE: skirt picture">>\
<<replace "#email">>\
<<display mail6>>
<<if ($mail==5 and $mailIncreasedToday==0) or $mail>5 >>\
<<link "RE: buttplug picture">>\
<<replace "#email">>\
<<display mail5>>
<<if ($mail==4 and $mailIncreasedToday==0) or $mail>4 >>\
<<link "RE: RE: RE: ass picture">>\
<<replace "#email">>\
<<display mail4>>
<<if ($mail==3 and $mailIncreasedToday==0) or $mail>3 >>\
<<link "RE: ass picture">>\
<<replace "#email">>\
<<display mail3>>
<<if ($mail==2 and $mailIncreasedToday==0) or $mail>2 >>\
<<link "RE: First picture">>\
<<replace "#email">>\
<<display mail2>>
<<if $mail>=1>>\
<<link "RE: Bank details">>\
<<replace "#email">>\
<<display mail1>>
<<link "Loved your pictures">>\
<<replace "#email">>\
<<display mail0>>
[[Go back|computer]]
You only just sent your bank details to $tibbers and he already replied.
Thanks for your response! I sent the 20$ to your bank account. If you want you can use it to buy something sexy. I'll send you another 10$ if you send me a sexy picture of yourself in some stockings, panties and a bra.
Greetings $tibbers</email>\
You check your bank account to see if he really deposited the money and you see that it is there. You feel happy because that was some really easy money. However now he asks for another picture for a little bit of money. You slightly hesitate but soon you realise it doesn't really matter anyway. He has already seen you and it's just more easy money. You just need to get dressed to take the picture...
<<if $readmail==0>>\
<<set $money=$money+20>>\
[[Go back|mail][$readmail to Math.max(1,$readmail)]]You're about to try your dildo for the first time. You already cleaned yourself up on the inside just like $miss taught you and you get comfortable on the bed. You open up your favourite porn site on your laptop and you watch your favourite category.
<<display pornselection>>\
You get on your side and spread your legs. First of all you start rubbing your butthole, making it wet with a little bit of lube and some saliva. The gentle touches over your own ass already make you feel somewhat turned on.
<<video "self/dildo/dildo1.txt">>\
When you feel like your ass is slippery enough you slide your finger inside. Soon you already feel that one finger is not enough. It's not really stretching you and it's not giving much of a feeling either. That's why you quickly push a second finger inside of you. With this second finger you feel your anus being stretched slightly and you feel a little filled. You move your fingers around trying to hit your prostate and you're getting really in the mood.
<<video "self/dildo/dildo2.txt">>\
After playing with your fingers for a while you start thinking how good the dildo felt when you were with $miss and you suddenly get a craving to get this dildo inside and fill you up. You start sucking the dildo to make it wet. Not long ago you wouldn't even think of touching a dildo and now here you are, about to fuck yourself with a dildo.
When the dildo is smooth enough you apply some more lube and you align the dildo with your asshole. Excitedly you increase the pressure on the dildo and the tip of the dildo slowly stretches you open and starts moving in. When the tip finally is completely inside you get really horny. The stretching of your ass alone already feels really good and you can feel your cock grow harder inside it's cage.
Now you start pushing the dildo deeper and deeper inside of your own asshole. The filling feeling of the dildo pressures your prostate and you feel some kind of stimulation deep inside of you as well. When it's all the way in you relax for a moment to enjoy the filling feeling and afterwards you pull the dildo all the way out again.
<<video "self/dildo/dildo3.txt">>\
Horny as hell you slide it back in and you decide to start fucking yourself. You start moving it in and out. At first your ass is still really tight so it's quite hard for your hand to move it, but soon your ass starts to loosen up and the dildo slides in and out faster and faster.
You absolutely love the feeling of getting fucked like this and in your mind you even start imagining that it's someone else that is fucking you. Not even bothered by this kind of thoughts you continue fucking yourself and you even start moaning.
<<video "self/dildo/dildo4.txt">>\
Finally the dildo slides really smoothly and you're really pounding yourself with that dildo. You get a really intense feeling throughout your body and you get that weird feeling inside your cock as well as if you need to pee.
<<video "self/dildo/dildo5.txt">>\
Unfortunately your hand starts getting tired and you slow down. You felt you were approaching an orgasm but you weren't really close either. Desperate to get that orgasm however you start pounding yourself and try to bite through the pain in your hand. After some time you give up and still feeling satisfied you relax on the bed with the dildo next to you.
You hope that next time you'll be able to cum like this already but you doubt it since $miss told you it would take at least a week or something.You watch some porn and once again you fuck yourself with a dildo...
<<display pornselection>>\
<<img "self/dildo/chastity3.gif">>\$tibbers received your picture last night and replied today.
<email>Hey sexy,
I really loved your sexy legs in that picture! And damn, that ass! I wish I could grab that ass and give it a good spanking.
You really turn me on over and over again and I'd love to see more of that ass. I'd love to see picture of you displaying your ass, wearing just your stockings and a bra. I'll pay you 20$ for it, and by the way I sent you the 10$ for the previous picture.
Greetings $tibbers</email>\
Flattered by the fact that he really loves your looks you feel excited to send him more of yourself, hoping it really turns him on.
<<if $readmail==1>>\
<<set $money=$money+10>>\
[[Go back|mail][$readmail to Math.max(2,$readmail)]]<<if $stockings!="" and $underwear!="boxers" and $underwear!="" and $bras!="" and $tops=="" and $bottoms=="" and $shoes=="">>\
You're wearing exactly what $tibbers asked. You pose in front of your webcam and take a picture of yourself.
<<img "emails/selfpic8.jpg">>\
You look at your own legs and you think they look quite sexy in those stockings. And your ass is looking quite okay as well. You send the picture to $tibbers and secretly you're hoping that he likes how you look.
[[Go back|computer][$mail to 2,$mailIncreasedToday to 1]]
You're not wearing what $tibbers asked.
<<if $tops!="">>\
Try removing your $tops.
<<if $shoes!="">>\
Try removing your $shoes.
<<if $bottoms!="">>\
Try removing your $bottoms.
<<if $stockings=="">>\
Try wearing some stockings.
<<if $bras=="">>\
Try wearing a bra.
<<if $underwear=="" or $underwear=="boxers">>\
Try wearing panties.
[[Go back|computer]]
<<endif>>\<<if $stockings!="" and $bras!="" and $underwear=="" and $tops=="" and $bottoms=="" and $shoes=="">>\
You're wearing exactly what $tibbers asked. You arch your back and stick your butt out to the webcam when you take a picture of yourself.
<<img "emails/dressup1.jpg">>\
You look at the picture and you really love your ass in this picture. Your skin looks really smooth and your butt cheeks are quite round. You also like the fact that your butthole is slightly visible. You send the picture to $tibbers hoping he will enjoy the view as well.
[[Go back|computer][$mail to 3,$mailIncreasedToday to 1]]
You're not wearing what $tibbers asked.
<<if $underwear!="">>\
Try removing your $underwear.
<<if $tops!="">>\
Try removing your $tops.
<<if $shoes!="">>\
Try removing your $shoes.
<<if $bottoms!="">>\
Try removing your $bottoms.
<<if $stockings=="">>\
Try wearing some stockings.
<<if $bras=="">>\
Try wearing a bra.
[[Go back|computer]]
<<endif>>\<div id='pornselection'>\
<<link 'Softcore'>><<replace '#pornselection'>><<set $horny=$horny+1>><<set $category="soft">><<randomvideo "soft">><</replace>><</link>>
<<if $classmate>=4>>\
<<link 'Hardcore'>><<replace '#pornselection'>><<set $horny=$horny+2>><<set $category="hard">><<randomvideo "hard">><</replace>><</link>>
<<if $classmate>=6>>\
<<link 'Anal'>><<replace '#pornselection'>><<set $horny=$horny+3>><<set $category="anal">><<randomvideo "anal">><</replace>><</link>>
<<if $chore>=11>>\
<<link 'Blowjobs'>><<replace '#pornselection'>><<set $horny=$horny+2>><<set $category="deepthroat">><<randomvideo "deepthroat">><</replace>><</link>>
<<if $classmate>=10>>\
<<link 'trans softcore'>><<replace '#pornselection'>><<set $horny=$horny+2>><<set $category="transsoft">><<randomvideo "transsoft">><</replace>><</link>>
<<if $trans>=14>>\
<<link 'trans hardcore'>><<replace '#pornselection'>><<set $horny=$horny+3>><<set $category="trans">><<randomvideo "trans">><</replace>><</link>>
</div><<if $stockings!="" and $underwear=="" and $tops=="" and $bottoms=="" and $shoes=="" and $bras=="">>\
You're wearing exactly what $tibbers asked. You lay down on your bed and you put your hand on your buttcheek. You spread it apart so that your asshole is really visible and you take a picture.
<<img "emails/dressup2.jpg">>\
Once again you admire your own ass in the picture. You start imagining what it would look like with some cum dripping out of your ass. Shocked by your own thoughts you try to stop thinking about it and put the picture away after sending it.
[[Go back|computer][$mail to 4,$mailIncreasedToday to 1]]
You're not wearing what $tibbers asked.
<<if $underwear!="">>\
Try removing your $underwear.
<<if $tops!="">>\
Try removing your $tops.
<<if $shoes!="">>\
Try removing your $shoes.
<<if $bras!="">>\
Try removing your $bras.
<<if $bottoms!="">>\
Try removing your $bottoms.
<<if $stockings=="">>\
Try wearing some stockings.
[[Go back|computer]]
<<endif>>\$tibbers received your picture last night and replied today.
<email>Hey there sexy ass,
Wow. Just wow. Your ass is so provacative, I really felt the urge to fuck that ass! I'm glad we have this arrangement going, because I wouldn't want to miss out on that ass.
This time I want another picture of your ass, but spread those buttcheeks, I want to see if your asshole is as sexy as the rest of your ass. Wear nothing more than your stockings. I'll pay you 25$ for it, and by the way I sent the 20$ for the previous picture to your bank account.
Greetings $tibbers</email>\
You feel flattered by him worshipping your ass like this. You grab your own ass appreciating how nice they are. You never actually realised what you had down there but you have to admit that it's really great.
<<if $readmail==2>>\
<<set $money=$money+20>>\
[[Go back|mail][$readmail to Math.max(3,$readmail)]]Once again a boring day at school. You've gotten used to the feeling of the chastity cage. Sometimes it feels as if it's not there anymore, but everytime you get slightly excited about a hot girl passing by, you get reminded that you're stuck in the cage.
During your lunch break $miss you're eating with $miss and some of your friends. Suddenly she asks you
<miss> So have you bought it already?</miss>\
Your friends are giving a questioning look wondering what she is talking about. Startled you stutter slightly but you get yourself together and lie.
<me> Uh no, I haven't bought those tickets yet.</me>\
The conversation continues with your friends asking what tickets and you invent a whole story. You give an angry look at $miss and she's just grinning back. She really loves teasing you like this. Later in the day she invites you over to her place.
[[Follow her|classmate]]$tibbers received your picture last night and replied today.
<email>Hey love,
Thanks for that picture once again! I deposited your money. I really love the way your asshole looks. I wish we could meet up because I'd love to have a taste of that.
However before I fuck my sluts in the ass I really like it if they're plugged. It gives me the feeling as if they were ready and waiting for me to fuck them. Send me a picture of yourself wearing a buttplug and stockings and I'll give you 30$.
Greetings $tibbers</email>\
For some reason you start imagining that he's there and you're sitting waiting with a buttplug in your ass. The thought of him grabbing your ass and pulling out the buttplug to use it really turns you on.
<<if $readmail==3>>\
<<set $money=$money+25>>\
[[Go back|mail][$readmail to Math.max(4,$readmail)]]You visit your friend once again and you talk about some random stuff.
<me> Do you know what $miss did this time? I told you that we dressed up and took pictures right. Well we had agreed that she would share them online, just for fun. Someone reached out to her and he really loved my pictures, so she gave him my email address!</me>
<friend> Woah that's not really a nice thing to do... Has he sent a mail already? I guess you could just block his emails if you want. </friend>\
<<if $readmail!=null and $mail>=2>>\
<me> Yeah, he sent me an email saying he really liked my pictures and he would love to see more. He was even willing to give me some money for it so he asked me for my bank number. I did some research if it was safe to share it and apparently it was safe so I sent it.
Very quickly he replied and he had deposited 20$ on my account. Really easy money...</me>
<friend> But now he will expect more pics of you in exchange right?</friend>\
<me> Yeah well... I guess he has seen me already anyway, and it's easy money right? </me>\
<friend> Gosh, you're such a whore </friend>\
She says grinning.
<<set $trans14 to 0>>\
<<elseif $readmail!=null and $mail==1>>\
<me> Yeah, he sent me an email saying he really liked my pictures and he would love to see more. He was even willing to give me some money for it so he asked me for my bank number. I did some research if it was safe to share it and apparently it was safe but still I didn't really trust it...</me>
<friend> Well it's true that they can't steal from you with just your account number. Maybe you should consider it, it would be easy money in case you're low on money. After all he has already seen your pictures...</friend>\
<<set $trans14 to 2>>\
<<elseif $readmail!=null>>\
<me> Yeah, he sent me an email saying he really liked my pictures and he would love to see more. He was even willing to give me some money for it so he asked me for my bank number. I did some research if it was safe to share it and apparently it was safe so I sent it. I haven't checked if he replied yet though.</me>
<friend> But then he will expect more pics of you in exchange right?</friend>\
<me> Yeah well... I guess he has seen me already anyway, and it's easy money? </me>\
<friend> Gosh, you're such a whore </friend>\
She says grinning.
<<set $trans14 to 1>>\
<me> No, I haven't checked my mails yet. I bet it's not going to be anything interesting anyway.</me>\
<friend> You never know... </friend>\
<<set $trans14 to 3>>\
[[Go home|home]]<miss> So did you buy the dildo already? </miss>\
<<if $hasdildo==1 and $hasplayed==0>>\
<me>Yes I have. I was really excited to try it out. When I got home I tried it out immediately.</me>\
You say with a shy voice.
<miss> Did you like it? Was it better than when I did it to you?</miss>\
<me> Yeah, it was really good, but I wasn't able to cum like that though... I think you're right that I need some more practice.</me>\
<miss> Maybe you should try it with another position? </miss>\
Maybe she's right, but thinking of it makes you feel horny once again...
<<set $classmate=13>>\
<<set $school=16>>\
<<elseif $hasdildo==1>>\
<me> Yes I have, but I haven't tried it out yet.</me>\
<miss> Weren't you excited to try it out? I know how much of an anal whore you are... </miss>\
<me> Something just got in my way... </me>\
<miss> You're nervous to try it on your own aren't you? Don't worry you'll love it as much as you loved it when I did it on you. </miss>\
<me> No, I haven't. I was too nervous to go to the shop and buy it. </me>\
<miss> Too bad, I'm sure you'll soon realise that you need it. When you're stuck in that cage for a long time you'll need some way to release your sexual energy. </miss>\
[[Go home|home]]Once again you're about to use your dildo to pleasure yourself. Just like $miss suggested you're going to try to use another position and you feel like doggystyle would be an easy position to try as a first. Luckily your dildo has a suction cup so you attach it to your bedpost and you get on your knees.
In front of you you have your laptop on which you watch your favorite category of porn...
<<display pornselection>>\
This time you don't take a long time to prepare your asshole and you decide to try and take it right away. You lube the dildo so it is really slippery and then you lean your ass back onto the dildo. The dildo isn't aligned properly so you adjust it and when you move further back the tip of the dildo slides right in. Apparently the dildo slides in easier in this position, or maybe you're still a little stretched from last time...
Once the tip is in you feel that your ass is getting stretched a little and it even hurts slightly. Biting through the pain you push your ass further onto the dildo and when it's almost completely inside you feel really great. The filling feeling is such a nice feeling. Soon you start rocking your ass back and forth onto the dildo...
<<video "self/dildo/doggy.txt">>\
Soon you start moaning while fucking yourself, and you speed up slightly. Somehow having to move your own ass to get fucked makes you feel more sexy, and it gives you the feeling as if you have to try your best to please the dildo as well. You're imagining someone watching your ass from above and grabbing it. Turned on by those thoughts you move your ass faster, and the pleasure gets really intense once again.
<<video "self/dildo/doggy1.txt">>\
You want to go even faster but it's quite hard to move your whole body faster than this. If this cock could move as well you're sure you would be able to get an orgasm like this.
After a while of trying you get exhausted and stop. Still you had a lovely feeling doing this and you feel satisfied.<<if $trans14==3>>\
<friend> So did you check your emails this time? </friend>\
<<if $readmail!=null>>\
<me> Yeah I have, he sent me an email saying he really liked my pictures and he would love to see more. He was even willing to give me some money for it.</me>\
<friend> Gosh you would be such a whore, earning money by exposing yourself.</friend>\
<<set $trans15=16>>\
<me>No, I haven't... I'll let you know when I have...</me>\
<<set $trans15=15>>\
<<set $trans15=16>>\
<<if $trans<15>>\
<me>So did I tell you that $miss locked me up in that chastity cage a few days ago? She says I have to stay locked until I am able to have an orgasm through anal stimulation alone...</me>\
$friend looks slightly disapointed because she knows that means she won't get fucked by you for a while now. She replies
<friend> Ooh is that so? You must've been feeling really horny lately. </friend>\
<me> Well... I had to find a way to practice and I bought my own dildo and it really helps releasing that sexual tension. I'm still craving for an actual orgasm however so I hope that I'll be able to orgasm from the dildo soon. It's gonna take some time but I'm already starting to get used to the feeling</me>\
<friend> She got you so far to take that big step huh? She seems to really have unleashed the buttslut inside of you. I'm sure you loved playing with that dildo, but yeah it's gonna take training until you're ready to get an orgasm like that.</friend>\
She starts taking her shirt and her bra off and instantly you get turned on again. She gestures you to help her take her pants off as well.
<<img "marie/panties.jpg">>\
Your cock starts growing hard inside it's cage and you kiss her. Then she says
<friend> Thinking of it, I actually really feel like playing with my dildo now. Since that dick of yours won't be able to help me out this time. You can watch if you want? Maybe you could learn a thing or two.</friend>\
Woah, is she really suggesting for you to watch her masturbate? Looking at $friend you feel really happy to see her play with herself and you agree.
She gets down on her bed and she spreads her legs nicely. She takes some lube and starts rubbing her fingers on her ass. Her cock gets hard and she strokes it while rubbing herself. She seems to be enjoying already and you get really turned on.
<<video "marie/videos/dildo1.txt">>\
Quickly however she takes her dildo and moves it to her ass. Slowly she slides the tip inside and very slowly she pushes the dildo inside. As the dildo starts filling her more and more you can see that it's really pleasurable for her. She's looking really hot like this as well, her boobs are big and her huge cock is looking attractive as well.
You're just staring down at her imagining that you're in her position, playing with yourself while being watched, and it turns you on even more.
<<video "marie/videos/dildo2.txt">>\
Once the dildo is inside slowly she starts fucking herself with it and she starts moaning. Your cock is growing hard inside thinking of the previous time when you fucked her like this. You really love the way she moans and she starts speeding up the dildo. After a while she slows down and starts stroking her cock as well.
<<video "marie/videos/dildo3.txt">>\
You can see in her body that she's close to getting an orgasm and you feel jealous. You wish you could stroke yourself while playing with yourself. Finally she gets a loud orgasm and being satisfied she gets dressed once again.
You're feeling somewhat left behind and not satisfied at all. You feel like you want more since only she got to experience pleasure and all you got was getting frustrated while watching her.
<<set $trans=$trans15>>\
[[Go home|home]]Another day at school and $miss is nowhere to be found. You feel annoyed because even though you're locked up you want to have some sexy moments with her.
Once again you appreciate one of your hot teachers. Today you feel like her cleavage is extra distracting, every time she moves you can feel your locked clit straining in its cage. You'd almost wish that she would cover her cleavage more, but deep down you know that's not true.
<<img "teacher/teacher11.jpg">>\
[[Go back home|home]]<<if $stockings!="" and $buttplugs!="" and $underwear=="" and $tops=="" and $bottoms=="" and $shoes=="" and $bras=="">>\
You're wearing a buttplug and stockings just like $tibbers asked. You get on your knees showing your ass with the buttplug and take a picture.
<<img "emails/dressup7.jpg">>\
Once again you admire your own ass in the picture. However when you look at yourself like this you think back of what $tibbers said in his mail. How he loves his sluts to be plugged before he fucks them. You start imagining a stranger playing with the buttplug and taking it out. It must look really inviting for them to fuck you.
Not wanting to think further about someone fucking you, you quickly send the image and close it.
[[Go back|computer][$mail to 5,$mailIncreasedToday to 1]]
You're not wearing what $tibbers asked.
<<if $underwear!="">>\
Try removing your $underwear.
<<if $tops!="">>\
Try removing your $tops.
<<if $bottoms!="">>\
Try removing your $bottoms.
<<if $shoes!="">>\
Try removing your $shoes.
<<if $bras!="">>\
Try removing your $bras.
<<if $stockings=="">>\
Try wearing your stockings.
<<if $buttplugs=="">>\
Try wearing a buttplug.
[[Go back|computer]]
<<endif>>\$tibbers received your picture last night and replied today.
<email>Hey sissy,
What a wonderful picture once again! You should be proud, having an ass like that!
I deposited your money once again. Now I started thinking I would really love to see that ass being dressed with something. I love when an ass is not very revealed so I can use my imagination more. What about a skirt or something similar? Do you have one of those?
If you don't have one you could use the money I sent you to buy yourself a nice skirt I guess. If you buy the skirt I'd love to see a picture of you wearing it together with a buttplug and I'll send you 35$.
Be seeing you,
A skirt?! Everything you owned up to now was something that you could wear underneath your clothes, besides the heels ofcourse.
You start hesitating because a skirt would be really really girly. Panties and stockings is almost like a special version of things you normally wear, but a skirt however...
Thinking of it you'd love to see yourself wearing that skirt. You thought the same of the panties at first but after all they simply look really sexy. And at least no one needs to know that you have a skirt anyway.
<<if $readmail==4>>\
<<set $money=$money+30>>\
[[Go back|mail][$readmail to Math.max(5,$readmail),$sissyBuyLevel to Math.max(8,$sissyBuyLevel)]]Just another day at school. You've been locked up for a few days now and you're starting to feel different. The frustration is slowly changing into a feeling of permanent horniness. Permanently craving for some sort of pleasure. And the gorgeous teachers definitely aren't helping you to keep your mind pure. You feel like they're almost teasing you on purpose.
<<img "teacher/teacher12.jpg">>
[[Go back home|home]]<<if $classmate13==null>>\
You knock on her door and $miss opens the door. When you enter you surprisedly see a young girl who appears to be $miss her sister.
<<img "lily/normal3.jpg">>\
<miss> Say hello to my sister. I thought she would arrive in later on but she arrived earlier than I expected.
She's staying here for a few days to look for a place to stay and make some arrangements for when she starts studying here next year. </miss>\
You greet her and not knowing what to say, you get seated. You take a good look at $miss her sister and you realise they have some similarities but you wouldn't say that they were sisters. She's really cute she has an amazing smile.
Select a name for $miss her sister.
<<textbox "$sister" "Lily">>
[[Confirm|classmate13][$classmate13 to 1]]
<<set setNames($self,$miss,$friend,$sister,$tibbers,$nyx)>>\
$miss is trying to be nice for her sister and she asks both of you if you want something to drink. You ask for a beer and her sister does the same. While $miss is gone to fetch the drinks, $sister looks at you smiling and asks you
<sister> So are you two dating or something? </sister>\
<me> Uhhh kinda, yeah. It's more like a friends with benefits thing you know?</me>\
She smirks and keeps staring at you. You feel as if her interest in you has increased. Maybe if you're good enough for $miss, you must be good for her as well?
<sister> Oh I didn't realise my sister was such a slut... </sister>\
You sit uncomfortable, not wanting to tell to $sister how much of a slut her bigger sister is. Luckily she continues the conversation by saying
<sister> I can't wait until I start studying here and I can be like my sister. Meeting up with as many guys as I want. </sister>\
Right at that moment $miss enters the room again with 3 beers and apparently she overheard the last sentence. $miss suddenly becomes really mean to her sister and says
<miss> I doubt you'll get any guys looking like that, you dork. </miss>\
$sister looks angrily at $miss but you interfere and say
<me> Come on don't be so rude to your sister, I think she's definitely attractive enough. </me>\
Both of them look at you, $miss looks like she's somewhat jealous now and her sister smiles because you just complimented her. $miss gets pissed off quickly and she angrily shouts
<miss> Gah are you serious? Get out of here, both of you!</miss>\
You never knew that $miss could get jealous so easily. Maybe she's just jealous of her sister's looks. After an awkwark silence she tells you to leave again and you both leave her place. At entrance of the house you chat a little more with $sister.
<sister> I don't know what got into her to act like this, I have never seen her behave like this.
Thanks for defending me anyway. Do you really think I'm attractive though?</sister>\
She asks shyly and you reply
<me> Yeah ofcourse I do. You're young, cute and you have an amazing smile. Who wouldn't love that.</me>\
She giggles and thanks you
<sister> You know what, you seem to be pretty cool, you should text me sometime. </sister>\
She hands you her number and you're surprised because you didn't really expect to become friends with $miss her sister.
<sister> Now I have to go and make some arrangements. Let's hope my sister has calmed down when I'm back and lets me back in...
I'll see you later alright</sister>\
She smiles and winks before she turns around and walks off. What a nice girl, you really like her energy.
[[Go home|home][$cantext to 0]]
<<endif>>\Once again you're going to try to use another position and you feel like trying to ride the dildo on top by sitting on it.
In front of you you have your laptop on which you watch your favorite category of porn...
<<display pornselection>>\
After gently preparing your asshole a little, you put the dildo on the floor and you get up on top of it. You get on top of it and you poke the dildo on your asshole. The tip of the dildo slides in quite easily now, since you're getting used to getting something inside of your asshole. Uncomfortable as to how you're supposed to ride a dildo from this position you drop down your weight on the dildo and it slides in really quickly.
<<video "self/dildo/top.txt">>\
You didn't expect it to slide in that fast and you get a sudden burst of pleasure inside your body as the dildo fills you up. You find it hard to keep your balance but you try moving up and down on the dildo. It feels good but it's really hard to get a consistent grind on the dildo.
<<video "self/dildo/top2.txt">>\
After a while you lean back and put your hands beside you. Getting used to moving like this you're able to pick up the pace and you start fucking the dildo faster.
You're really getting used to being fucked by a dildo now. In the beginning the dildo inside you still felt somewhat alien but now you really start feeling as if the dildo belongs inside your ass. Also being locked inside the chastity for a few days now you notice that the pleasure you're getting is increasing. The saved up sperm inside of you is urging to get out, but still you're not really experienced enough to get an orgasm like this.
<<video "self/dildo/top1.txt">>\
After a while of fucking the dildo like this you feel satisfied and exhausted and you stop. Moving like that takes a lot of your energy. <<if $hasplayed>=2>>\
You talk to your friend about the dildo and how hard it is to get an orgasm like that.
<me> I've tried several positions and I'm getting used to the anal stimulations and it feels really good. However I'm still unable to consistently move at the correct pace. </me>\
<friend> You could try using something else maybe? Something with a different size or maybe even a different shape? </friend>\
While she's saying that she reaches to her bed stand and she grabs something out of there. She crawls back with a cheeky smile, hiding the item behind her back.
<me> What did you take? </me>\
She takes it from her back and shows a weirdly shaped buttplug to you. It has two areas that look like a ball. She plays with it between her fingers and then she starts licking it. She reveals one of her boobs and with her sexy outfit she instantly turns you on.
<<img "marie/plug.jpg">>\
<friend> Maybe something like this could give you a different stimulation and will help you to cum? Maybe it won't but I'm sure you would enjoy playing with it. At least I love playing with it.</friend>\
She gets undressed and she slides on of those balls into her asshole. You can see how it is stretching your asshole and you start imagining how it would be if your ass got stretched like this. When the ball passed it's wided point it gets swallowed into her asshole right until the next ball starts. You imagine it must feel amazing.
<<img "marie/plug3.jpg">>\
She's looking hot and her semi hard cock looks great in this position. You're turned on but sadly she quickly stops her little demonstration.
<friend> Would you like to take it with you so you can try it out? </friend>\
Curious and horny, you can't really say no and you accept the buttplug. You thank $trans and eager to try it out you leave her place.
[[Go home|home][$trans to 17]]
You ring your friends door and she opens the door looking all dressed up.
<<img "marie/ready.jpg">>\
<friend> Hey, I'm sorry I was just about to go out partying with a friend. I'll talk to you another time alright?</friend>\
Disappointed you simply go home once again.
(Maybe you should get some more experience with your dildo before you can continue here)
[[Go home|home]]
<<endif>>\<<if $buttplugs!="" and $bottoms!="jeans" and $bottoms!="" and $underwear=="" and $stockings=="" and $tops=="" and $shoes=="" and $bras=="">>\
You're wearing a buttplug and a skirt just like $tibbers asked. You put your phone down on the floor and you get on your knees on top of the phone. You pose your ass by almost sitting on your phone, getting a good view from below.
<<img "emails/selfpic.jpg">>\
You really love how feminine your ass looks with this skirt. If you had this ass in front of you right now you wouldn't hesitate for a second to play with it. You don't even mind that there's a little caged cock hanging there, maybe it turns you on even more now than if it were a pussy.
Satisfied you send the picture to $tibbers, hoping that he will like it as well.
[[Go back|computer][$mail to 6,$mailIncreasedToday to 1]]
You're not wearing what $tibbers asked.
<<if $underwear!="">>\
Try removing your $underwear.
<<if $tops!="">>\
Try removing your $tops.
<<if $shoes!="">>\
Try removing your $shoes.
<<if $bras!="">>\
Try removing your $bras.
<<if $stockings!="">>\
Try removing your $stockings.
<<if $bottoms=="" or $bottoms=="jeans">>\
Try wearing a skirt.
<<if $buttplugs=="">>\
Try wearing a buttplug.
[[Go back|computer]]
<<endif>>\<div id="imgcontainer">\
<canvas id="circle" width="30" height="30"></canvas>\
<canvas id="target" width="6" height="6"></canvas>\
<img id="img">\
[[Stop playing|computer][clearInterval(window.interval)]]<<if $clothes2==null>>\
You're looking for a skirt this time. You're feeling really uncomfortable and you wish you had a girl next to you so it wouldn't look suspicious when you browse through the skirts. you're browsing through some pants nearby until you finally get the courage to go to the skirts.
Once you're looking through the skirts you completely lose your fears and imagine how each one would look on you. The thought of you in a skirt, and looking sexy turns you on quite much. It's weird, but somehow it feels natural browsing through these skirts and imagining what would look good. Eventually you decide between a few skirts//.
<<set $clothes2=1>>\
<<clothesShop "bottoms">>\
You go and pay the skirt and you realise that you weren't even nervous to go and pay it. You realise that it doesn't really matter what strangers think, and you go home as a happy owner of a sexy new skirt looking forward to try it on.
[[Go back to the mall|mall]]
I never expected you to be as sexy as that in a skirt! If I could I'd take your ass over my own girlfriends ass, and trust me she does have an amazing ass.
I deposited your money. You're really a wonderful little whore, aren't you? I'll be a little busy now but you'll be hearing from me soon.
see you soon,
Somehow you feel disappointed that he didn't have any more requests for you. You think to yourself you actually started enjoying someone appreciating your body. You hope it won't be long before he's back.
<<if $readmail==5>>\
<<set $money=$money+35>>\
[[Go back|mail][$readmail to Math.max(6,$readmail)]]<<nobr>>
<<if $lily==null>>
<<set $lily=1>>
<<display sister0>>
<<elseif $lily==3>>
<<set $lily=4>>
<<display sister3>>
<<elseif $lily==2>>
<<set $lily=3>>
<<display sister2>>
<<elseif $lily==1>>
<<set $lily=2>>
<<display sister1>>
<<display endOfContent>>
<<set $hour=($hour+3)%24>>
<<endnobr>>\<<if $sister0==null>>\
$sister made quite an impression on you and you decide to text her. You take your phone and type a message to $sister. You're trying to leave a good impression and you start overthinking what to type.
You're hesitating for a while but eventually you just type something and hit send quickly, so you can't change your mind once again.
<me> Hey, how are you? Did $miss let you back in when you got home? </me>\
You nervously await a reply, and you feel weird because normally you don't get so nervous with girls as now. Luckily you get a response really quickly.
<sister> Hey! Yeah my sister was calmed down when I came back. Today she kicked me out once again though, because she had some other guy coming over and she didn't want me to disturb again. </sister>\
Another guy huh... It hurts a little to hear it like that but after all $miss isn't your girlfriend or anything so whatever you guess. However now that $sister is not able to go home you decide to ask her if she wants to meet up.
<me> So, what are you up to now that she's busy? Do you want to go for a drink maybe?</me>\
<sister> I was just sitting in the park, reading a book. I would love to go for a drink though, do you know any good places around? </sister>\
Realising that she's new in the area and that she doesn't know where everything is you decide that you can just pick her up.
<me> That park is really close to my place. I could come there and show you the way to some of the cool places in the area if you'd like? </me>\
Not really expecting her to deny your offer you put your shoes on and apply some perfume, and you start leaving the place. Before you leave the door you get a reply
<sister> Good idea, see you soon then!</sister>\
[[Go out|sister0][$sister0 to 1]]
<<elseif $sister0==1>>\
A few minutes later you already arrived at the park and you see $sister sitting on a bench in the park. She's wearing a red sleeveless top with flowers and a gray jeans short. You think she's looking beautiful.
<<img "lily/benchhi.gif">>\
<me>Hey, here I am already. You're looking good in this outfit by the way.</me>\
She giggles a little and blushes.
<sister> Ah stop it you, I didn't even try... </sister>\
Now that makes you wonder how good she would look if she did try though... She gets up and walks next to you.
<<img "lily/benchup.gif">>\
You walk around and you show her a few places where you usually go out with your friends and eventually you enter a nice pub and get seated. You order a large pint of beer and she does the same.
You feel really comfortable with her and you two chatter and laugh for a few hours. Eventually it's almost midnight and you think it's time to go home.
<me> It's getting late isn't it? </me>\
<sister> Yeah, I guess it's time to go home. However I'm not really sure until what time my sister will be busy with that guy... It's possible that he's staying the night there.</sister>\
<me> She can't just let you sleep on the streets... I guess you could sleep at my place if you don't want to disturb your sister. I'll sleep in the sofa. </me>\
<sister> I'm sorry to bother you like that, you know how selfish my sister can be sometimes.</sister>\
<me> Don't worry, it's not a problem at all. I have space anyway</me>\
<sister> Alright, thank you very much for helping me out </sister>\
She gets up and so do you. You walk out towards your place together.
[[Go home|sister0][$sister0 to 2]]
<<elseif $sister0==2>>\
Arrived at your place you quickly arrange your room a little bit and you get a blanket and a pillow for yourself on the couch.
$sister sits down on your bed and thanks you again.
<<img "lily/sitbed.jpg">>\
You smile and you close the door and you walk to your couch. You're feeling good being able to help her out. While sitting on the couch you're wondering if you didn't let an opportunity slip to get into bed with $sister, but you realise it wouldn't be a nice thing to do. You just helped her out without expecting anything else in return. And besides you have no idea how you would explain that chastity cage...
[[Go to sleep|sister0][$sister0 to 3,$hour to 10,$visitedFriendToday=0,$daysSinceOrgasm=$daysSinceOrgasm+1,$daysSinceReq=$daysSinceReq+1,$mailIncreasedToday to 0,$cantext to 1]]
<<elseif $sister0==3>>\
In the morning you wake up around 10 AM. Apparently you're not going to school today. You go to your room to check up on $sister. You knock on the door and she says that you can get in.
<<img "lily/bed.jpg">>\
<me> Good morning. Did you sleep well?</me>\
<sister> Yeah I slept well, you have a really comfy bed, I should sleep here more often </sister>\
She grinns as she says that and she gets up from the bed. Not allowing you to react to what she said she continues and says
<sister> I should start going home to $miss, she must've been wondering where I was.</sister>
You let her out and you get seated to eat some breakfast.
[[Eat breakfast|home][$cantext to 0]]
<<endif>>\Once again a plain day at school. You didn't believe it would be possible but today you're feeling even hornier than yesterday. Your balls are getting slowly getting more full, and you're becoming so desperate to get out of the cage. You have to admit, the intense feeling is really amazing but on the other hand it's also torture at the same time. Especially being constantly surrounded by such goddesses of teachers.
<<img "teacher/teacher8.jpg">>\
You don't see $miss around so you text her during class. She tells you that she's really busy arranging her place for her sister, who is coming over tonight.
You decide to go over to her place and see if you can help her a hand.
[[Go there|classmate]]Note that this game is not necessary at all to play the story. So feel free to skip this.
The purpose of the following game is to shoot at the indicated spot and to strip off the clothes of your target. Press any key to shoot when the red circle is around the blue circle. Any clothes will slowly be taken off. Beware however because if you miss your target will put some of her clothes back on.
If you manage to complete the game, you will be rewarded with some money. Good luck!
[[Return|computer]]<<set $money=$money+50>>\
<<img "computer/games/laserfull/end.jpg">>\
Congratulations! I'm impressed with your ability to focus with such distractions. I deposited a small reward for your skill.
Enjoy it and hopefully you'll be back soon to strip me once more!
</div>\<<if $lily==null>>\
You spend the day at school. You think of $sister once in a while, but besides that nothing really happens, besides your straining cage and a cute teacher ofcourse.
<<img "teacher/teacher9.jpg">>\
[[Go home|home]]
<<elseif $lily<=1>>\
You think back of the good time you had together with $sister. Your teacher today is looking very strict and it's making you feel really submissive again. You feel prepared to do absolutely anything to be released out of this frustrating cage.
<<img "teacher/teacher2.jpg">>\
[[Go home|home]]
<<elseif $lily==2>>\
<<set $school to 20>>\
<<goto sister>>\
<<endif>>\<<if $sister1==null>>\
$sister sent you a message and you read it.
<sister>Hey, I really enjoyed spending time with you last night. Would be cool if we could meet up again tonight?</sister>\
You're happy to hear that she enjoyed your company. You feel the same about your time with her last night. It was nice to be with someone new who's just interested in talking and relaxing together.
<me> Sure, I'd love to. What do you want to do? Maybe we can just watch a movie together? </me>\
<sister> Sure that's fine, I'll be there in an hour or so</sister>\
[[Wait for her to arrive|sister1][$sister1 to 1]]
<<elseif $sister1==1>>\
She arrives in a looking amazing once again. You really like her legs and her posture and her smile is just amazing.
<<img "lily/normal5.jpg">>\
You offer her something to drink and soon you're awkwardly sitting next to each other in the couch. You start the television and Browse through the movies. Unsure of what to watch, you ask her what she wants to watch. She suggests
<sister> Do you want to watch avatar? You know, that movie with the blue people? It's a really good movie. </sister>\
It's been a while since you've seen it and you agree. As soon as the movie starts $sister takes a blanket and puts it over herself. Soon she comes closer and gets comfortable by resting her head on your shoulder. You put your arm around her, but it's not really easy since she's resting on your shoulder.
You're glad that the awkward moment is gone now and you enjoy the movie. In the middle of the movie you have to pee and you pause the movie. You go to pee and when you return you find $sister on her phone laughing.
<<img "lily/couchpoint.jpg">>\
You look at her with a wondering look and she says
<sister>Just look at this girl. The other day she was screwing some random guy and now she's jealous that I'm spending time with you? </sister>\
She must've been texting with her sister. So $miss knows that you've been hanging out with $sister and probably next time when you see her she won't be really happy about it. However you don't really mind because $sister is such great company.
You laugh it off not wanting to go deeper into the topic and you say.
<me> Don't worry about her, let's just enjoy this evening together. She can't always control everyone... </me>\
You get seated again and you continue playing the movie. This time $sister leans in closer and rests her head on your lap. You put one hand on her waist and the other you rest next to you. You're not really certain if $sister is okay with your hand but she doesn't seem to mind so you just keep it there.
You can't really focus on the movie anymore, because you keep getting distracted by thoughts thinking of $sister. Your mind is already imagining her as your girlfriend and it's driving you crazy. You barely met her...
Nearing the end of the movie $sister changes her position once again and leans her body to yours again. This time however she put her hand on your legs. You feel her rubbing and you feel really good inside.
However you know where this is going and you're getting nervous that she's going to find out about your chastity cage.
She's taking it slowly and right before she was about to touch your privates the movie ends. You feel relieved at this way out and you lean forward to grab the remote, pushing her hand away. You shut off the tv and you get up and ask if she wants something else to drink. You know she must be noticing that you're quite nervous, but you try to ignore it. She asks for a coke and you go to the fridge to get it. You take another beer for yourself.
When you come back you find $sister in a really weird position. She must be trying to show off her ass to seduce you. God, how do you tell her that you can't do anything without offending her...
<<img "lily/asscouch.jpg">>\
<me> Hey, what are you doing haha </me>\
<sister> Oh, uh nothing just stretching my legs... </sister>\
She gets back to her normal position and you get seated next to her. You get comfortable next to her and you put your arm around her. You talk a bit about the movie and she touches you again. You gently push her hand away, and she looks at you disappointed.
She asks you directly
<sister> What's wrong? Am I not good enough for you or what's the matter? </sister>\
Not knowing how to explain it to her you try to just tell the truth.
<me> Um, it's kinda hard to explain. I really like you but um, I'm kinda limited down there. </me>\
She doesn't even let you finish her sentence and she puts her hand on your crotch, feeling your chastity cage. You see some relief in her face as she understands why you were so rejecting to her. Quickly however her look changes into anger and she says
<sister> I should've known... I've heard stories of my stupid sister locking up guys and playing with them like her little puppet. She really loves controlling people, god damn bitch. </sister>\
You're glad she seems somewhat comprehensive of your situation. She calms down once again but you can see that she's bothered by it.
<me>I'm sorry...</me>\
She moves closer and hugs you
<sister> It's not your fault, don't worry about it. I was just worried that you just didn't like me or something... </sister>\
<me> No, I really like you being here with me and we've had a great time together. </me>\
You see $sister her face lighting up again and she smiles. However she gets up now and gets ready to leave.
<sister> Yeah I really enjoyed as well. I have to go now before my sister starts asking too much questions. I'll be seeing you another time alright?</sister>\
You nod and she goes to the door.
[[let her out|home][$cantext to 0]]
<<endif>>\<<if $hasplayed>=3>>\
<friend>Have you tried the new buttplug? </friend>\
<me> Yeah I have. It was really hard to get it all the way in. I was surprised how easily you got it inside. But damn when I had it all the way inside of me, I felt realy full and my ass was stretched open so wide... </me>\
<friend> Your ass didn't gape didn't it? </friend>\
<me> Um, it did gape quite a lot. After a while I was pounding myself with it and my asshole didn't even close anymore. I felt really slutty with a gaping ass like that. </me>\
<friend> Hahaha, now you're going to need a bigger dildo as well so that it still fits in your stretched ass. </friend>\
Realising she's right you're already thinking of going to the sex shop to buy something new. You're imagining the big, thick dildo's you saw there last time. The thought of them makes you so horny once again.
<friend> But before you start thinking about that dildo too much we should discuss something else.</friend>\
What could she be talking about? You raise an eyebrow looking at $friend.
<friend>You know that I didn't start looking like this right? Once I was just an ordinary guy like you. I was lonely and bored and I expiremented with ways to make masturbation more exciting. I found that crossdressing really turned me on and I tried anal stuff. I was really an anal addict just like you're becoming now.</friend>\
You never really thought about how $friend became to be like how she is today. But why is she telling you all of this now?
<friend> I just recognise my past self in how you are now. Maybe you would become happier if your body matches how you're behaving? You could be your true self whenever you want without anyone turning their head. </friend>\
<me> What are you talking about? I don't want to be a girl. Yes maybe I do enjoy wearing girly clothes and all but I don't want to change gender? Like what would my friends and family even think of me.</me>\
<friend>See some part of you knows you would like it right? You're just scared of others... But I understand you know, I had those same fears. My friends and family took it quite hard when I first told them. After some time most of them just accepted me the way I am.</friend>\
You feel as if $friend doesn't truly understand you, like you really don't want to become a girl. She thinks you <i>secretly desire</i> it but it's just not true. You don't have much else to say and you just say no a few times while shaking your head.
<friend> Maybe you just don't realise it yourself... I have an idea though. You should try going out dressed up as a girl, wearing a wig and makeup and everything. Let's see how it makes you feel, maybe I'm wrong and you won't feel anything. Or maybe you'll realise that it is what you really desire.</friend>\
<me> I don't know... What's the point? I know what I want already. </me>\
<friend> Just to prove me wrong then? You have nothing to lose anyway. I'll help you out and we can do it together okay. </friend>\
<me> Okay, okay, fine. I'll do it just to prove you that I'm not interested in becoming a girl.</me>\
You say in an agitated tone.
<friend> Okay good! I'll get you a wig next time you come and bring some of your girly clothes as well alright?</friend>\
[[Go home|home][$trans to 18,$sissyBuyLevel to 9]]
<friend>Have you tried the new buttplug? </friend>\
You shake your head no, and $friend seems somewhat disappointed. The conversation dies early and you go home fast.
[[Go home|home]]
<<endif>>\You've been awaiting this moment to finally try out the buttplug that $friend gave you. You get cleaned up on the inside and you warm your ass up with your fingers a little. When you're ready you get down on your knees and point your ass in the air.
You apply some lube on your asshole and some lube on the buttplug thing as well. Somehow you're feeling extremely horny and excited to try this new thing out. Finally you apply some pressure onto your butthole and the first part slides in easily.
As it goes deeper and deeper you're getting more of the girth of the balls. Your asshole is slowly getting stretched and at one point it starts to hurt a little. You back off and try again. Now when it starts hurting you feel how much of it you have inside. You still have a little more to go and you're surprised because you thought you almost had one ball completely in.
<<img "self/buttplugglass.gif">>\
You poke it in a little more and each time you notice it hurts just a little less. After a while your asshole is finally stretched enough that you think you can get it in. You push it in and try to push a bit harder even when it hurts a little. Suddenly it pops into your asshole, as the ball gets swallowed in.
Surprised by the sudden feeling you feel your cock contracting in it's cage and some precum is dripping out. You're surprised that $friend was able to put it in so easily without even stretching at first. You think of the amount of times she must've played with herself or the amount of times she must have been fucked. Somehow that idea turns you on and you'd love to be stretched like her.
Now that the ball is inside you're able to relax a bit more because only the thin part is stretching you open. Still the feeling of the ball inside of you feels good.
Now it's time to try and push the second ball in your ass. You know it's a little bit bigger so you play with the first ball a bit more by pulling it out until it's widest point and then trying to keep it there. Sometimes it pops back in and sometimes it pops all the way out.
You start thinking to yourself that you won't be able to cum like this. It feels good and everything but it's more like playing fun than actual pleasure, because you're not really hitting the prostate much. Maybe you can use this to train for a bigger dildo size though, which may help you out.
With this new motivation you start pushing the second ball in. Once again most of it goes in quite easily, but at it's widest point it starts hurting a bit again. Slowly you push it in and out and now you also feel the first ball touching your prostate as you move, making you more horny.
Eventually your ass is so stretched out that the second ball pops in as well. You enjoy the feeling of being really full but it quickly becomes uncomfortable and you have to pull it out. You get it all the way out and your ass is gaping a little now.
<<img "self/gapesmall.jpg">>\
You slide your fingers into your gaping asshole and you realise you can easily slide 3 fingers in without stretching your ass open much. Now you start playing with the buttplug again and you start increasing the insertion speed. Each time a ball enters you you get a great feeling and you feel such a slut with your gaping asshole.
Eventually you're really pounding yourself with it and your ass doesn't even close anymore. However it starts to feel uncomfortable and you decide to stop. That was fun... except now you're craving for a bigger dildo...Finally $tibbers is back... You're excited to see what he's requesting this time.
This time I have a little riskier request though. I would love to see your face. Buy a wig and hide most of your face in the wig. Maybe put on some lipstick as well ? I know this one is a little more scary to do, but
I like to imagine you sucking my cock when I masturbate to your pictures... Would be much better if I had an actual face to imagine.
It probably scares you but, you can trust me. And besides the reward will be bigger to compensate as well.
see you soon,
Woah... You're not sure if you can do that... What if he recognizes you or what if he shares it and someone else recognizes you? The idea kinda turns you on though, the thought of him imagining you sucking him, not really the though of sucking itself. Or does it?
<<set $readmail to Math.max(7,$readmail)>>\
<<if $trans>=20>>\
You take the picture you took with $friend and send it to him. You feel somewhat proud being able to show off this good looking side of yourself.
<<set $mailIncreasedToday to 1>>\
<<set $mail to 8>>\
<<elseif $trans>=19>>\
Luckily you already have the wig from $friend that you could use to take a picture. You could as well try to take a picture and if you're not able to recognise yourself, you might as well send it.
Either way next time you're gonna be with $friend she's gonna bring a wig and maybe you can take some pictures then? If you feel like you could recognise yourself you won't send them. On the other hand if you wouldn't even be able to recognise yourself then why would anyone else recognise you?
[[Go back|mail][$readmail to Math.max(7,$readmail)]]<<set test(4)>>\
You arrive at $friend's place again. $friend receives you and she's looking really stunning today.
<<img "marie/stairs.jpg">>\
You're quite nervous because you know the deal you made last time, but somehow her looks make you calm down a little already.
$friend notices that you look a little worried and she says.
<friend> Don't worry, we're not going to go out today. Today we will just do some preparations and practice a little bit. </friend>\
<<if $readmail==7>>\
Knowing you need the wig for $tibbers his picture you impatiently ask her for the wig already. She jokingly replies
<friend> Woah what makes you so impatient? Really can't wait to become a girl, can't he haha. You can take it home when we're done okay</friend>\
You're not certain what she means with 'some preparations' but you deicde to just follow along.
<friend> First of all I think we should do something about those legs. To be truely convincing you're going to need real smooth legs. We're going to have to wax them all the way. </friend>\
<me> Is that really necessary? I have already shaved my legs for the pictures I sent to $tibbers. </me>\
<friend> Yeah, shaving your legs is okay, but you'll always see some hairs and your legs won't be very smooth like that. Just see how nice my legs look. It's only going to hurt a little, but trust me you'll feel good with really smooth legs. </friend>\
She shows off her legs and also reveals a huge sexy cleavage.
<<img "marie/stairs2.jpg">>\
Her legs are indeed really smooth and sexy, and you get turned on. $friend quickly uses your blank stare to command you and she tells you to take your pants and underwear off and to lay down on her bed.
Being turned on you always listen much easier so you do as she says. You can see her grabbing the waxing strips and soon you can feel her paste it on the back of your leg. You start worrying about how much it will hurt, but as soon as that thought popped up she already ripped the strip off.
Ouch! That hurt more than you expected. $friend continues mercilessly however. After what seems to feel like ages she finally finishes and you feel relieved.
<friend> Don't be too excited yet, we still have the whole front part of your legs to go as well... </friend>\
You feel like giving up, because it's hurting too much. Suddenly $friend slaps your buttcheek.
<friend> Come on, don't be a pussy. We don't have all day...</friend>
Resentfully you turn yourself around and $friend continues waxing your legs. You feel like you're being tortured... Some more time passes and $friend finally finishes. You look at your own legs now and they look amazing.
<<img "self/smooth.jpg">>\
It's not perfectly done around the pubic area, but that will stay hidden anyway. But your legs themselves, damn. They look so soft and smooth you would want to rub them all day long.
You jump up wanting to try on your high heels to see how sexy they look when you're in heels. $friend laughs at your excitement but you don't care and you check yourself out in the mirror now.
You're standing in front of the mirror and you're really surprised how feminine your legs look like. If you ignore your upper body and your cock, you'd be convinced that these were girl's legs. You really like how they look and it makes you feel good.
<friend> I see you're enjoying your new legs huh aren't you? </friend>\
You don't really want to admit it but you slowly nod yes.
<friend> Next thing we should do is practice your walk. A girl's way of walking is somewhat different than how a guy walks. Mainly because of differences in their body composition. A girl has a lower center of gravity so her steps will be more in a line and she will move more through her hips. A guy on the other hand usually walks using their shoulders. If you try to keep your shoulders still and move more through your hips you'll definitely look more girly. </friend>\
You step with your heels, and try to keep $friend's suggestions in mind. After a few tries $friend stops you and says
<friend>I see you're trying to put your feet more in a line, but you're kinda exaggerating too much. Your right foot is coming to the left of your left foot, always crossing your legs. You need to try to do it a little more subtle. </friend>\
You're happy for the feedback and quickly you feel that it starts going better. You're able to keep your shoulders still and your feet positions are okay. The only thing that's still hard is your hip movement. You move it a little bit, but it's not looking as good as you had hoped it would look yet. You practice some more and eventually it goes quite well.
<<img "self/heels.gif">>\
You feel ready to try it tomorrow. You also noticed that you didn't even think of what you were doing, trying to walk more girly and all. It simply felt fun to try it out and to practice it. Maybe being a girl doesn't have to be such a bad thing after all...
When you're finally done $friend gives you the wig.
<friend>Here, maybe you can try it on when you're home already. To practice a little for the next time we meet.</friend>\
She winks and you leave.
<<add "brunette curled wig">>\
[[Go home|home][$trans to 19,$sissyBuyLevel to 10]]<<if $sex2==null>>\
You enter the sex shop once again and walk towards the dildos once again. You feel more confident walking in here for the third time now. You're not really bothered anymore about what someone else might think and you go straight away to the dildos. There you browse through and you skip the smaller ones from last time.
Your previous dildo had a diameter of around 3.5 cm and a length of 15 cm. This time you want something a little thicker and possibly something a little longer as well. There's some huge dildo's with 5cm thickness but you think it will be too much. You see a few dildo's with 4cm and a few with 4.5cm diameters. They look really big and you start imagining how they would stretch your ass out really good.
Suddenly the cashier comes next to you and asks if she can help you. Startled, you hesitate for a second but then you tell her that you're hesitating between the two sizes, and that you're worried that the bigger size will be too big to handle.
She smiles and asks you some questions about the biggest size you've used so far. You like how professional she is and she makes you feel comfortable. You tell her about the dildo you own and then you tell her about that buttplug thing. It must've had a bigger diameter than 4cm.
Eventually she ensures you that you should be able to handle the bigger dildo as long as you don't pick the lengthiest ones. You follow her advice and you pick a dildo amongst the different models now.
<<set $sex2=1>>\
<<clothesShop "dildos" 0 1>>\
[[Go back to the mall|mall][$sex2 to null]]
<<elseif $sex2==1>>\
You go and pay for the dildo and you thank the cashier for her advice.
<<set $hasbiggerdildo=1>>\
[[Go back to the mall|mall]]
<<endif>>\Excited to play with your new bigger dildo you clean your asshole again. And you get on your bed. This time you're not warming up with your fingers and you're lubing up your smaller dildo first. You put some music on and you lay on your back and rub it on your asshole.
Just the soft touches of the dildo are enough to get you relaxed and feeling good. Soon you increase the pressure and the dildo smoothly slides into your tight asshole. You enjoy the feeling of this initial stretching and you're glad that soon you get to experience the feeling again with the thicker dildo.
You move the dildo in and out at a slow pace and you're pulling it al the way out before inserting it again. You really enjoy the dildo filling you up and then leaving you to feel empty again. After a while you get impatient and you grab the bigger dildo. It looks quite big and impressive and you really hope that you can get it in.
You place it on the floor and lube it up. You get on your knees and you decide that you're going to insert it by sitting on it. You hold the dildo with one hand and you move your ass down. The dildo touches your asshole and you feel the excitement building up. Quickly you increase the pressure and you feel your asshole stretching open wide. It's not painful but you feel that it shouldn't have been much thicker than this. When the tip of the dildo is inside you let out a soft moan and you feel your cock twitching inside it's cage.
<<img "self/dildo/skirt2.jpg">>\
You take a moment and afterwards you slide it in deeper. The dildo has the same thickness over it's whole length so that your ass continues feeling really thight with this thick dildo. You're feeling really full like this. When you're about half way it's getting a bit too much to handle and you go back up on the dildo. Then you lower your ass on the dildo again and try to take it all the way in. Slowly it slides all the way in until you reach the bottom.
Your whole body feels amazing and your cock just started leaking some precum. You feel really slutty with this dildo in your ass and somehow you absolutely love that feeling. You move a little up and a little down on the dildo, but you realise this isn't the easiest position to fuck yourself in so you remove the dildo and change your position. You get on your knees now with your ass up in the air.
You slide the tip of the dildo in your ass again. It's still quite tight as it probably takes quite some time for your ass to get used to this thickness. Once the tip of the dildo is inside you close your legs and you feel your ass getting even tighter around the dildo.
You start fucking yourself with the dildo now. It's not moving much in and out but you're really hitting your prostate like this.
<<img "self/dildo/dildo5.gif">>\
You're getting the feeling as if you have to pee, and then some more precum starts leaking out. The feeling gets more and more intense and you think that if you were able to continue this pace you would definitely be able to cum like this. However your hand starts hurting after some time and you slow down.
Maybe you should try a position that needs less of your hand? You stick the dildo to the wall with it's suction cup and you get on your knees. You move your ass back and forth on the dildo and you start feeling great again. Sadly you can't really go as fast as you want to go in this position.
<<img "self/dildo/dildo6.jpg">>\
You start imagining someone grabbing your ass in this position and giving you a good ass fucking the same way you're fucking yourself now. You wouldn't get so tired and it would be much easier to get the desired speed. The thought really turns you on and you start leaking precum again. You move your ass a little faster on the dildo with this thought still in your head.
Suddenly you realise the shocking truth of what you were thinking. You were imagining another guy fucking you in the ass like this! You're feeling quite confused because you don't really feel attracted to guys but still the thought of his dick fucking you like that really turned you on. This internal conflict with yourself stops you from enjoying the dildo and you stop, taking the dildo out.
<<img "self/dildo/dildo2.gif">>\
It leaves behind a nice big gape.You take the wig you got and you put it on your head. Excited as to how you'd look like you look in the mirror only to see a dissapointment. You look surprisingly manly and it's really easy to be recognised like this. The wig doesn't look bad per se but you realise you're missing makeup.
You don't even have any single piece of makeup at home and you have no idea how to apply it properly either. Maybe $friend could help you out?
[[Go back|computer]]THE END FOR NOW -- from this point there's no more content with $friend
<<if $trans19==null>>\
Once again you arrive at $friend's place, nervous about what you're going to do with her today. When you see her you think she looks different.
<<img "marie/normal.jpg">>\
You realise it's because she's not wearing as much makeup as she usually wears. She notices you looking strange and she says
<friend> Yeah, I'm not wearing my makeup yet. Thought I'd do it while demonstrating how you should do it. </friend>\
Oh god... What have you gotten yourself into? $friend is gesturing you to follow her to the bathroom and reluctantly you follow her. You're kinda curious though to how all this actually works. She explains
<friend> I usually do my makeup before I get dressed, because I don't want to spill any makeup on my clothes. You just have to be careful when you get dressed. </friend>\
You nod and then she washes her face and you do the same. Then she grabs her bag of makeup and she grabs a tube of primer. You have no clue what it is but she explains
<friend> First of all this is primer. It's the first you have to apply this as first because it helps for the other makeup to be smoother and to last longer on your face. It's not really necessary but if you have it, it's a nice thing to use.</friend>\
She spreads a little on her face and you take approximately the same amount on your finger. You look at it and it has a pinkish color. You spread it on your face as well, and you try to do it evenly accross your face.
<friend> Next is the foundation. This is mainly meant to give your face a evenly distributed color. For you I think it's better to take a paler tone. </friend>\
She grabs a darker one for herself and she gives you a lighter tone. She squirts some of it out on her fingers and spreads it over her face. She gestures you to do the same and you do so. After it's spread you can see in the mirror that your face looks good. This isn't so hard as you had thought.
<friend> Now look at yourself in the mirror and look for some small imperections. You can hide them by applying a little bit of concealer on the specific spots. </friend>\
Not sure what she means you take a good look in the mirror and you indeed see some small dents and bumps on your face. You apply a little bit of the concealer on each spot and they're much less visible now.
<friend>Okay now that you've completed the makeup base we can start applying some makeup to your eyes. This is much more difficult, so I'll do it for you. You can practice at home by watching some youtube tutorials. </friend>\
She grabs a box with different eyeshadow tones and a brush.
<friend> First of all we apply the eyeshadow. I think a subtle pink will look good on your eyes. </friend>\
After she carefully applied it to both of your eyes she continues and grabs the eyeliner.
<friend>Next we take some eyeliner and we apply it above the upper lashes. Its mainly to draw attention to your eyes.</friend>\
She draws a nice looking black pointy line above your eye and your look instantly looks much better now.
<friend> Finally we finish by applying some mascara to make your eyelashes longer and thicker</friend>\
Now she grabs some powder.
<friend> We can apply this to your cheek to make your cheekbones appear a little differently. It will definitely look more feminine. </friend>\
When she finished applying that to your cheeks she gives you a red lipstick.
<friend> And now as a finishing touch you can apply some lipstick! </friend>\
You carefully put the red lipstick on your lips and you slowly move it around. You smudged a little on the edges but after wiping it off you look at yourself in the mirror in awe.
<<img "self/girl/face.jpg">>\
You can't help but admire your own beauty. It's amazing what some makeup and a wig can do. You still see some masculine features in your face, but there's no way a stranger would notice them. Quickly you take out your phone and take a picture of yourself, \
<<if $readmail==7>>\
maybe you could send it to $tibbers, feeling somewhat proud of your looks.
you never know when it might come in handy...
$friend just finished her own makeup as well and she looks even better.
<<img "marie/normal2.jpg">>\
[[Get dressed|friend19][$trans19 to 1]]
You carefully put on some girly clothes and eventually you get ready at the door. You feel nervous and a bit awkward but $friend opens the door and gives you an encouraging push.
You feel awkward and uncomfortable walking in the streets like this. There's not much people around, but the longer you follow $friend the more people you encounter. A few girls passed and they didn't even turn their head. Clearly they don't notice anything's off.
Next you pass a guy and he gives you a nice smile. Weird, you don't think you've ever had a random guy smiling at you like that. You kinda enjoy the feeling, and it makes you feel a little more confident.
Suddenly $friend stops at a cash machine.
<friend> Sorry I gotta withdraw some cash for later</friend>\
You nod and wait for her. You nervously look around and suddenly you see some guy across the road checking out your ass. You blush by the thought of it and you nervously try to ignore it. It feels good to have people think that you look hot. It doesn't really happen when you're walking as a guy.
The guy starts crossing the road approaching you and suddenly you get really nervous. You freeze having no clue what to do. He gets closer, but right before he arrives $friend takes your arm and walks away with you.
You're relieved that she was there exactly at the right moment. $friend grins and says.
<friend> You'll get used to that. It can get really annoying, but most of the times it feels nice to get some appreciation.</friend>\
You nod and $friend brings you to your house and drops you off there. Slightly happy that it's over you go inside and wave your friend goodbye.
[[Get inside|home]]
<<endif>>\After some classes it's lunch and you suddenly see $sister walking around. You notice she's somewhat lost and you jump up from your table and walk towards her.
<me> Hey! What are you looking for? </me>\
<sister> Oh hey! Thank god, I was looking for the place where I can buy a uniform, but I got completely lost.</sister>
<me> Yeah, the school is quite big. But I know where it is, follow me </me>\
She smiles and she walks next to you and you show her the way. You ask her a bit if she's excited to start studying here. When you arrive you're about to drop her off but she gestures you to come in.
After a few minutes she has already picked a uniform and she goes into the single fitting room to make sure it's the right size. She comes out looking really cute.
<<img "lily/uniform.jpg">>\
You really love girls in uniform, it makes them look so sexy.
<sister> So what do you think? Do you like it? </sister>\
<me> Yeah look great! I think the colors look great on you and it's a nice skirt as well. Cutest student in the school haha</me>\
She smiles and she opens up her jacket to show her uniform a little more.
<<img "lily/uniform2.jpg">>\
You smile and she says to the guy in the uniform shop that she's going to take the uniform. He gives her some form to fill in and she starts writing. Suddenly she drops the writing pen on the floor and she bends down to grab it from the floor.
When she bends however you're able to peek under her short skirt. She has such an amazing ass, and her legs are absolutely perfect. You love how her panties is tucked nicely in between her ass cheeks as well.
<<img "lily/uniform3.jpg">>\
You feel your cock get hard inside it's cage and you look around nervously. $sister gets back up and unaware that anything happened she finishes filling the form and turns around to the dressing room to get changed again. You're not sure if it was really an accident or if that was some sneaky way to tease you.
A few minutes later you walk back out and you have to go back to your lectures. $sister has some other things to do as well and you leave each other again. After school you go home thinking about the amazing view you had for just a second...
[[Go home|home][$cantext=0]]<<if $sister3==null>>\
<<set test(5)>>\
You receive a message from $sister again and she seems really excited.
<sister>Hey! Can I come over tonight? I have a little surprise for you.</sister>\
<me> Ofcourse, you're always welcome here</me>\
Wondering what her surprise will be you realise she might be wanting to take your clothes off or something, so you decide to change your girly clothes back into normal clothes for the evening. You wouldn't want $sister to know your secret. When you're changed you wait for her to arrive.
[[Wait|sister3][$sister3 to 1]]
<<elseif $sister3==1>>\
<<set undress()>>\
<<wear "tops" "shirt">>\
<<wear "bottoms" "jeans">>\
<<wear "underwear" "boxers">>\
<<wear "shoes" "sneakers">>\
In the night you get a knock on your door
<<img "lily/knock.jpg">>\
You open up the door for her and $sister is standing there so you let her in.
<<img "lily/undressjacket.jpg">>\
She seems a little weird and you quickly realise that she has been drinking. She probably went out first or something and you don't mention it. You take her coat and she wanders to the kitchen.
<sister> You want something to drink? </sister>\
You nod yes, and she grabs two cans of beers. You're not used to see $sister like this and you're not sure if she should actually have any more drinks. Before she sits down she already opened the can and started drinking.
<<img "lily/undressdrink.jpg">>\
Worried that something might be wrong you ask her
<me>Hey is everything okay with you? You seem a little off today...</me>\
She puts her drink down and starts talking
<sister> You know I really don't wanna go back home to my parents next week. I really enjoy it here, and I love meeting up with you... It's just so boring at home.</sister>\
<me> Just a few more months and you'll come back here to study for 5 years! When you're back I promise we will meet again, okay? And now you can still try to fully enjoy your final week here.</me>\
<sister> Yeah we should really try to enjoy it now, I'm glad I'm with you now. </sister>\
While saying that she strikes a pose looking like 'what are you waiting for?'
<<img "lily/undressstare.jpg">>\
You move closer to her and you move your arm to her side.
<<img "lily/kiss.jpg">>\
You can sense that she's really comfortable and she closes her eyes. You go in for a kiss and she moves closer to you as well.
<<img "lily/kiss2.jpg">>\
You put your hand on the side of her head right before your lips touch
<<img "lily/kiss3.jpg">>\
When your lips finally touch you feel amazing. She has such smooth lips and your cock instantly gets harder. You've kissed many times but this kiss feels so different, it feels more real and more loving than usual.
<<img "lily/kiss4.jpg">>\
After the initial kiss you back off a little and $sister smiles.
<<img "lily/kiss5.jpg">>\
You move closer again and tilt your head a little. After kissing her you open your mouth slightly and slide your tongue slightly into her mouth. She touches your tongue with her tongue and you twist your tongue softly while kissing.
<<img "lily/kiss6.jpg">>\
The kiss doesn't last very long and when you stop $sister seems really happy again. She seems to have forgotten about her worries for a moment.
<me> Now tell me what was the surprise you had for me? </me>\
She giggles and kisses you again in an attempt to dodge your question. You're feeling really curious and suddenly she slowly takes something out of her pockets. She holds it in front of your face with a mischievous grin. It's a small key? What's that supposed to mean? And suddenly it hits you... You point to your crotch and look at her with a raised eyebrow.
She giggles and nods yes.
<sister> I took them from my sister's bedroom when she wasn't there </sister>\
This girl has been planning all of this. You're kinda flattered but on the other hand you also feel somewhat uncomfortable with this. You try to grab the key, but she pulls it away before you could reach it.
<sister> You'll have to be patient hihi </sister>\
She playfully puts her hand with the key into her pants and into her panties. The view turns you on a lot, and you feel the chastity cage straining your cock once again.
She kisses you and then she puts her hands on the straps of her top and slowly takes them off her shoulders.
<<img "lily/undressstart.jpg">>\
You excitedly look at her little show. She seems somewhat nervous
<sister> You know, this is the first time in my life I'm taking my top off in front of someone else. </sister>\
It makes you feel really special and you give another soft kiss on her lips. She continues taking her top off and reveals her brown nipples
<<img "lily/undressnipple.jpg">>\
You're all heating up and you get the urge to touch her boobs so you move in closer to kiss her.
<sister>Na ah, no touching... yet</sister>\
You back off and your cock is really hard inside it's cage, the foresight of her letting you out of the cage only makes it worse. She continues taking her top off and now she stands there completely topless in your room. She looks a little awkward and nervous but you guess that's normal for her first time.
<<img "lily/undresstits.jpg">>\
She looks at you expectantly and you give her a comment about how she looks.
<me> Wow! I love your boobies $sister, those nipples are just amazing. I like the curves on your waist as well. Wish I could feel your amazing body.</me>\
Happy that you like her body she now opens up her pants while you're just sitting there with a throbbing cock in your pants. Your excitedness is probably also visible on your face.
She teases you further by moving her pants down reavealing her red underwear.
<<img "lily/undress.jpg">>\
You can see through the underwear that she hasn't shaved down there. It kinda turns you on for some reason.
<<img "lily/undresspanty.jpg">>\
When her pants are finally completely removed you look at her in awe. She still looks somewhat nervous but she is so so sexy like this. Wanting to see her ass you ask her
<me> Come on, show me some of that ass baby</me>\
This made her feel more confident in what she's doing, and she turns around showing her ass. Now she starts taking her underwear off like this giving you an even better view of her big ass.
<<img "lily/undressstartnaked.jpg">>\
Eventually she turns around again and she shows her bush. Nervously she puts her hand on her privates and she asks
<sister> Do you mind a little hair down here? </sister>\
<me> Ofcourse not! I think it makes you look extra cute and it suits you. </me>\
<<img "lily/undressnaked.jpg">>\
Finally she completely removes her panties and the key drops from her panties on the floor. She confidently stands in front of you posing her whole naked body.
<<img "lily/undressnaked2.jpg">>\
Seductively she grabs the key from the floor and gestures you to come closer. You come closer and she puts her arms around you, pressing her naked body against you while she kisses you. With your hands you feel her smooth skin on her hips and soon you touch her butt.
She pulls you over and lays down on the bed with you on top of her. You stare at her and then at her nipples and you kiss her while you touch her boobs. She seems to love it and you softly play with her nipple now. She moans and then she asks
<sister>Mhmm lick it please, I love how you touch my nipple</sister>\
Realising that this is the first time she's being touched by a guy really turns you on. You're frustrated that you're still in the chastity cage but you don't mind that much because you're making $sister feel good. Eventually you go down with your lips on her nipple and start kissing it. After a few kisses you lick it with your tongue and you can see $sister really enjoying.
<<img "lily/titsuck.jpg">>\
Soon you increase the pace of your licks and she starts moaning loudly, wrapping her legs around you. It's almost as if she's trying to rub her pussy on your body. She clearly needs some attention down there and you slowly put your hand down there and start rubbing there.
You can't believe how wet and slippery she is already. After rubbing her pussy for a while you try to slide your finger into her, and she pushes your hand away.
<sister> Not today, darling. Wouldn't want to lose my virginity just like that. </sister>\
You understand her but still you feel somewhat disappointed. You softly cuddle and kiss her again and whispering you ask about the keys.
<sister> Patieeence... It's almost your turn now</sister>\
She seems to really enjoy this power over you. Clearly she has something in common with her bigger sister after all. Next she pushes your head down towards her pussy and spreads her legs open. You stare at her pussy, admire it and then you give it a soft lick.
<<img "lily/pussylick.jpg">>\
Instantly at your touch she moans in pleasure and you keep on licking her. Soon she's using her hand to push your hand deeper into her and she uses her legs to keep your head stuck. You really love pleasing her like this.
<<img "lily/pussylick2.jpg">>\
She moans loudly and eventually she seems to be really losing herself in pleasure. Finally she has a shivering orgasm while you're licking her. $sister seems really pleased, and finally she grabs the key.
<sister> You've served me well, now it's time for your fun</sister>\
She puts her hands on your pants and starts unbuttoning your pants. She takes out your chastity cage, admires it for a second and then she opens up the lock. When she takes the plastic cage off your cock instantly gets really hard and $sister looks surprised. You forgot how good it felt to be able to get a full hardon like this.
Clumsily she starts stroking your cock. It's clear that she hasn't really done this before but you don't mind because you're so turned on right now. Your cock is also feeling so sensitive after all this time in it's cage.
<<video "lily/handjob1.txt">>\
You moan quite quickly, and you feel like you're in heaven.
<sister> You know that I can't let you cum right? I don't want my sister noticing you've been out of your little cage. </sister>\
This means she's gonna be locking you back up soon and your mood already drops again. However once she gets used to the stroking her pace increases and you start moaning uncontrollably.
<<video "lily/handjob2.txt">>\
You love the softness of her hand but to all good things come an end and she stops stroking.
<sister>You've had your fun now. It's time to go back in the cage.</sister>\
She gets dressed again and after some time of waiting she's finally able to fit your cock back in the cage and she takes the key with her.
<sister> Is it okay if I sleep here? </sister>\
She asks before falling asleep right next to you on your bed. You don't have much of a choice but to go to sleep as well. You decide to sleep on the couch again because you're not sure if she would be okay with you sleeping next to her.
[[Go to sleep|sister3][$sister3 to 2,$hour to 7,$visitedFriendToday=0,$daysSinceOrgasm=$daysSinceOrgasm+1,$daysSinceReq=$daysSinceReq+1,$mailIncreasedToday to 0,$cantext to 1,$choredone to 0]]
THE END FOR NOW -- from this point there's no more content with $sister and $miss
Next morning you wake up on your couch. $sister is still sleeping and you grab something quick for breakfast. After some time you decide to go check on her and you go to your room. You knock and then slowly open the door.
You find $sister gently waking up from her sleep. She yawns and puts her hand on her head as if she's having a headache. Maybe she did have a little bit too much to drink after all last night. She moves her blanket to the side and gets up looking at you. Apparently she was only sleeping in her panties...
<<img "lily/morning.jpg">>\
You stare at her sexy ass for a moment, and suddenly realising that she's barely wearing anything she covers herself back in her blanket. She seems a little disoriented and it seems like she forgot what happened.
<sister> Where am I, what happened last night? Did we ... </sister>\
You start explaining everything but it doesn't take long before she starts to remember what happened again. That last drink must've been too much.
She became much more comfortable and she slowly gets from under the blanket with her back faced to you. She takes her bra and puts it on sensually, slightly teasing you.
<<img "lily/morning2.jpg">>\
You stare at her ass again, and when she has the bra on she turns back around smiling at you.
<<img "lily/morning3.jpg">>\
While she continues getting dressed she says
<sister>Next time that bad boy gets out of it's cage, it will have something better to please. </sister>\
She winks and sensually rubs on her panties while saying that, and just the thought instantly turns you on again. Eventually she finishes dressing and she leaves your place after giving you a kiss on the lips.
[[She leaves|home]]
[[Go home|home]]<<if $dreams>=1>>
You have sexy wet dreams in your sleep...
<<randomvideo "dreams">>
<<timed 3s>>
<<set $dreams=$dreams-1>>
<<goto dream>>
[[Wake up|home]]
<<goto home>>
<<if $chore==null and $choreIntroDone==null>>
<<set $chore=1>>
<<display chore0>>
<<elseif $chore==10>>
<<set $chore=11>>
<<display chore10>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<<elseif $chore==9 and $trans>=15>>
<<set $chore=10>>
<<display chore9>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<<elseif $chore==9>>
<<display choredefault2>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+15>>
<<elseif $chore==8 and $school>=15>>
<<set $chore=9>>
<<display chore8>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<<elseif $chore==8>>
<<display choredefault2>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+15>>
<<elseif $chore==7>>
<<display chore7>>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<<elseif $chore==6 and $trans>=12>>
<<set $chore=7>>
<<display chore6>>
<<set $money to $money+15>>
<<elseif $chore==6>>
<<display choredefault1>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<<elseif $chore==5>>
<<set $chore=6>>
<<display chore5>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<<elseif $chore==4>>
<<set $chore=5>>
<<display chore4>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+15>>
<<elseif $chore==3>>
<<set $chore=4>>
<<display chore3>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<<elseif $chore==2>>
<<set $chore=3>>
<<display chore2>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<<elseif $chore==1>>
<<set $chore=2>>
<<display chore1>>
<<display walk>>
<<set $money to $money+5>>
<<display endOfContent>>
<<endnobr>>\She drags you to her room all excited and happy. You wonder what she's so excited about... Upon entry you notice 2 hot girls standing there and you ask her umm, what are they doing here?
<miss> Don't be so disrespectful, I invited them over for some fun</miss>\
You're not sure what kinda fun she means exactly but the tone she used turns you on anyway. You feel the other girls staring at you and you start blushing.
<miss> I thought it could be fun for them to tease your cock a little. Maybe you could even learn a thing or two from them? </miss>\
Instantly you get hard inside your chastity cage, thinking how hot that would be to have multiple girls on your cock. You blush even more when you notice the girls staring at your crotch.
One of the girls is checking herself out in the mirror and you're getting more horny by the second. You love how her short skirt is so close to reveiling what's underneath.
<<video "abella/videos/aan1.txt">>\
$miss gestures you to start undressing and you comply wilfully. In the meanwhile she's searching her drawers for something. You take you shirt off and then you take off your pants, reveiling your chastity cage.
The hot girls stare in awe at the little thing and start giggling amongst eachother. It feels really humiliating, but you're also just so extremely horny.
Suddenly $miss exclaims
<miss> Got damn it where are those fucking keys? </miss>\
Before you can even think you start saying
<me> I think I know where they could be... </me>\
Suddenly realising you shouldn't have said that you give yourself an internal facepalm. $miss comes aggresively towards you and you realise she will stop at nothing to get the truth out of you, so you tell her right away.
<me> Umm, um, I think your sister took them to um... </me>\
<miss>You've been doing what with my sister?! I was actually wanting to give you a little reward here for your good behavior, but apparently I was wrong about you. I think I'll turn this into a punishment.</miss>\
You're really disappointed now that all these horny ideas you had won't be happening.
One of the girls excitedly pulls $miss closer and they seem to be discussing something. You can't quite overhear them, but they look excited.
<<video "abella/videos/aan2.txt">>\
Before you know it, the two other girls start kissing each other. They barely even started kissing and they're already moving on to lick each others nipples. $miss watches them closely and starts rubbing herself.
<<video "abella/videos/aan3.txt">>\
As soon as $miss touches herself you reach for your cock to touch it as well, but soon you come to the painful realisation that it is still locked.
<miss> Don't get excited so quickly darling. No touching tonight, only watching. </miss>\
This is the first time you get to see a girls only threesome and you can't touch yourself... This has to be the hottest and most frustrating thing ever. Now they switch and the blonde girl gets her huge tits sucked as well. You really crave to feel those babies, but you sadly you can't.
<<video "abella/videos/aan4.txt">>\
They're slowly undressing and the blonde girl starts licking the black girls pussy. $miss also starts undressing and everything is just getting way too hot too handle. You try looking away, but you can't miss this either. What a damn torture..
<<video "abella/videos/aan5.txt">>\
Now $miss grabs a double ended dildo and lets both of them suck it.
<miss> Look at how they could've been sucking your cock instead </miss>\
You look at how they take that dildo really deep into their throat, and you imagine how it could've been your cock.
<<video "abella/videos/aan6.txt">>\
<me> Please can you stop this torture... I'm sorry </me>\
$miss laughs and instead of stopping she grabs a strapon and puts it on. She looks so sexy with her big black cock. You feel your cock throbbing inside it's cage and you wonder why this turns you on so much.
<<video "abella/videos/aan7.txt">>\
Now she gets the two girls on their knees in front of her huge cock and they start sucking her cock.
<miss> The torture isn't over yet darling. Look at how these two hotties suck my cock. Someday soon I'll let you take their place so take good notes of how they do it. </miss>\
<<video "abella/videos/aan9.txt">>\
Puzzled you wonder what she meant with that. Your confused look causes her to say.
<miss> You know, before I release you out of that cage you're going to have to prove that you've learned how to serve my dildo cock. </miss>\
You're shocked by the idea. Terrified and also turned on by the fact that you could be as sexy as those two girls.
<miss> And at the end of all that, I'll fuck you like this in your cute little asshole</miss>\
<<video "abella/videos/aan8.txt">>\
The two girls laugh and mortified you stare at how she pounds her dick into the two girls. You imagine how you're one of them and $miss pounds her dick into you while slappng your ass.
With this thought a big drop of precum comes out of your cock, and you see all of them clearly grinning because clearly that idea did really turn you on.
At last the torture is over and everyone gets dressed. You're still feeling horny as hell but at least you don't have to watch this anymore...
[[Go home|home]]Walking home you notice an ad for the dog shelter saying "Walk one of our dogs and earn a little money".
That sounds like easy money and the you'll definitely be able to use that. You decide to go check the place out whenever you have time.
[[Coninue going home|home]]You walk into the dog shelter, but you don't see anyone at the desk. You wait a moment and you decide to check behind the door. There you find a nice young lady cleaning up some stuff. You can't help but notice her amazing ass. When you enter she turns around
<<img "nyx/heythere.jpg">>\
<<if $nyxName==null>>\
Select a name for her:
<<textbox "$nyx" "Nyx">>
[[Confirm|chore0][$nyxName to 1]]
<<set setNames($self,$miss,$friend,$sister,$tibbers,$nyx)>>\
<nyx> Oh, hey there </nyx>\
<me> Hey, sorry to come in like this. I didn't see anyone in the front.</me>\
She tells you not to worry and takes you back to the front. You ask her about the ad you saw, and she explains you how it works. Basically you just have to walk one of their dogs for 15 minutes whenever you feel like it, and you get 5$. It really helps them out.
You kinda like the idea and you tell her that you're interested. She asks your name and writes down some details on some papers. Eventually she hands you a few brochures and safety guidelines etc. You put them away because you probably won't be reading them anyway. Finally she hands you a paper
<<img "nyx/contract.jpg">>\
<nyx>This is just some insurance stuff, if you sign this then you're all good to go. </nyx>\
You quickly glance over it and sign the paper before you hand it back to her. That's it she says and gestures you to follow her to the dogs. You pick a smaller silent dog and go for a walk. When you're back you happily receive your 5$. You feel satisfied for helping that hot girl out.
[[Go home|home][$money to $money+5,$hour to ($hour+1)%24,$choreIntroDone to 1]]
<<endif>>\You come in to walk a dog again but today someone else is sitting at the desk. On your way out however you see $nyx in the hallway. She smiles at you and she's looking quite good actually.
<<img "nyx/dress.jpg">>\
Somehow this girl gives you a strange feeling, but you can't really point out what it is... It must be nothing, right?Today $nyx is back at the desk and she's wearing a plain skirt today.
<<img "nyx/skirt.jpg">>\
You chat a little bit with her about the weather before you take off to walk with the dog. You enter the place once again, and you greet $nyx. She's looking hot today, you like her skirt and the fact that her top is revealing her belly.
<<img "nyx/skirt2.jpg">>\
<nyx>Thank you for helping us out with these dogs by the way. It really means a lot to us.</nyx>\
<me>It's not a problem at all. I appreciate a little bit of money.</me>\
<nyx> You know can you do me another favor? Can you drop this package off while you're walking with the dog? I'll give you another 10$ if you do that.</nyx>\
You agree, and after getting the address you leave for the walk. While walking you wonder what's inside the package and why she wouldn't simply do it herself. You don't think it's anything malicious but it makes you curious.
After a bit you agree that you'll never figure it out anyway and you drop the package at it's destination.$nyx is here to receive you once again. She's wearing a nice dress and her hair is looking somewhat wild.
<<img "nyx/shoeson.jpg">>\
You realise that you haven't seen anyone else coming in here to walk with any of the dogs, and you start to wonder if there's anything more to this place than it looks like.When you come in you find the place empty once again... You guess to check in the back again and when you open the door you find $nyx at the table rolling some joints.
<<img "nyx/weed.jpg">>\
Surprised you look at her exclaim
<me>What? Is this what you made me deliver last time? You asked me to deliver illegal drugs? </me>\
$nyx laughs at your accusations.
<nyx>No this is just for me smartass. Whatever you delivered last time really isn't illegal or anything. Trust me, I was just lazy to go myself.</nyx>\
You huff, not really satisfied with her answer.
<nyx> I can't really explain it... I guess you'd have to trust me. Anyway I'll do it myself next time, don't worry. So do you want to walk a dog now? </nyx>\
She gives you a nice smile and you guess you should just let it go. You pick some dog and get going once again.<<if $buttplugs!="" and $buttplugs!=null>>\
You walk around in the neighbourhood. The buttplug in your ass moves with every step you take and the feeling keeps reminding you how naughty you are. You love the feeling of your ass permanently being stretched open.
You just hope that no one notices that you're walking funny sometimes.
Once outside you walk around with the dog in the neighbourhood for a while and nothing special happens.
[[Return the dog and go back home|home][$hour to ($hour+1)%24]]It's Monday again and your alarm is going off once again. You turn around, frustrated by the fact you have to get up for school once again. Spring just started and you're supposed to feel excited but you just don't feel really motivated to do anything anymore. School is always the same and nothing interesting happens in your life.
After contemplating how much you hate school for a while, you get up, pick some clothes off your messy floor and prepare to go to school again.
Maybe this day will be different, you say to yourself.
[[Go to school|school]]These are just some music suggestions to listen to while playing the game (links to youtube):
<a target="_blank" href="">Neffex - Rumors</a>
<a target="_blank" href="">Neffex - No sleep</a>
<a target="_blank" href="">I touch myself (Nightcore version)</a>
<a target="_blank" href="">Put your ass in the air (Nightcore version)</a>
<a target="_blank" href="">Ride it (Nightcore version) </a>
<a target="_blank" href=""> Dom Dolla - Take it</a>
<a target="_blank" href=""> Two feet - Love is a Bitch</a>
[[Go back|computer]]
This time $nyx is ready to help you out. She's looking cute as usual and you can't help but feel good seeing her.
<<img "nyx/shorts2.jpg">>\
You're still slightly upset about the package so you don't really talk much and you just take the dog for a walk.<<if $chore6==null>>\
When you enter the place once again you find $nyx about to leave. She's looking great and her shirt is pretty see through so you can actually see her nipples through it.
<<img "nyx/nipplepeak.jpg">>\
She puts no effort at all in trying to hide them as well and it slightly turns you on.
<nyx> Hey! I was just going out to deliver this package... Can you wait until I'm back? I won't take that long.</nyx>\
Figuring you don't really have much time to wait you think to yourself that you should just deliver the package yourself. She seems quite stressed out anyway.
<me> You know what, I'll deliver it for you.</me>\
<nyx> Really? That would be great you know, I have so much left to do. I'l give you the usual extra when you're back. </nyx>\
You can't really back out now so you take the package and grab a dog. Once outside you read the address and you realise that this is $friend her place... You walk over there really confused about what's going on here.
[[Ring the bell|chore6][$chore6 to 1]]
<<elseif $chore6==1>>\
$friend opens the door and you hand her the package with a strange look. Surprised she asks you
<friend> Since when do you deliver these packages? Where's $nyx?</friend>\
<me> You know her? She was just quite busy and I decided to help her a hand. </me>\
<friend> Of course I know her... She's a good friend.</friend>\
<me> You really have to tell me what's inside these packages. It's driving me crazy. Are they drugs?</me>\
Uncomfortable $friend shuffles around. She seems to be contemplating if she can trust you, but after a moment she replies
<friend> You know $nyx takes care of people like me.</friend>\
Not sure what she's talking about, you raise an eyebrow.
<friend>You know, transgenders... We need hormones to become like this. She is the one who helped me become like this. I can't thank her enough for how much she helped me.</friend>\
Everything starts to make sense now and you regret being so nosy...
<me> I'm really sorry. I though it had to be some kind of drugs or something... </me>\
She tells you not to worry about it and eventually you continue with your walk.
[[Return the dog|chore6][$chore6 to 2,$hour to ($hour+1)%24]]
When you arrive back at the dog shelter, you explain $nyx how $friend told you everything about the packages. You feel sorry for the way you reacted that one time.
<nyx> I understand, don't worry about it </nyx>\
<me> You know it's really nice of you to help those people out.</me>\
<nyx> I just love helping people out. I can imagine it must already be hard enough for them.
And besides, in return I get a nice thank-you gift from them once in a while.</nyx>\
She smiles and spreads her legs a little, hinting at what she actually meant.
<<img "nyx/skirtpeak.jpg">>\
The sight turns you on and you smile uncomfortably. She continues
<nyx> I bet you already noticed how sexy a transsexual girl can be. Just seeing their hot feminine body together with their rock hard cock gets me wet instantly.</nyx>\
It's almost as if she already knows what happened with $friend. Maybe they talked about it?
$nyx started rubbing herself softly while talking. Suddenly remember that you were there she stops and gets back up.
<nyx> Well anyway, it was nice talking. I really should be continuing my work now</nyx>\
You tell her she can count on you if she ever needs some more help as you walk out the door.
[[Go home|home][$hour to ($hour+1)%24]]
<<endif>>\You find $nyx outside on the balcony this time. She's dressed up real nice and you're wondering what she's upto today.
<<img "nyx/balcony.jpg">>\
She doesn't give any of it away though and after some casual banter she lets you pick a dog as usual. Happy to earn a little bit of money once again you go out. This time there is no package to deliver though.
You enjoy your little walk with the dog. It's actually really relaxing to do and it's nice to earn some money for it. You've always wanted a dog for yourself as well but that's simply not possible in your current living situation.
When you return however you find $nyx kissing with a girl. You guess she was having a date with a girl. Or who knows, maybe this is actually a very feminine transgender. Thinking of it you have to admit that the idea of being really girly like that must be awesome.
<<img "nyx/kissing.jpg">>\
You quitely put the dog away while they're enjoying eachother. You think they didn't even notice you and you walk out the door.
[[Go home|home][$hour to ($hour+1)%24]]$nyx smiles as you enter. She's happy to see you.
<<img "nyx/dress2.jpg">>\
She asks if you want to deliver a package for her again and you happily oblige.You come in the shelter once again to walk a dog. $nyx is wearing a really short and cute pink outit today and you love how she looks.
<<img "nyx/shorts.jpg">>\
She smiles as she sees you coming in. And she quite directly asks
<nyx> I heard that you and $friend really enjoyed each other the other day?</nyx>\
while winking. Startled by such a direct question you stutter
<me> Ummm, she told you about it?</me>\
She nods and says
<nyx> You know, can I tell you a secret? Ever since I know $friend she has been nagging to me how she wants to get fucked by you, but she was always too scared to tell you the truth. </nyx>\
You're really surprised by this, you never actually realised that $friend had that kind of interest in you.
<nyx> And from what I heard she really enjoyed it. She said it was the best sex she had in a long time. </nyx>\
You think back of the time you had with her and you remember her going really crazy. She must've loved her fantasies finally come true. It's so hot that you were part of her fantasy and you get so turned on just thinking of it again. Sadly you're locked up now and you won't get to do it anymore.
<me> Well wow, I didn't know she thought of it that way </me>\
<nyx> You're a lucky guy as well, having her as a friend. Maybe I'm a little jealous haha</nyx>\
She grins and not wanting to waste more of your time she starts moving towards the dogs to give you one.$nyx greets you and gets up to give you another dog to walk with. You follow her and you can't help but admire her wonderful ass from behind.
<<img "nyx/ass.jpg">>\
$nyx looks at you and as if she can read your mind she says
<nyx> You would love to have an ass like this wouldn't you? No one would be able to keep their eyes of them </nyx>\
She winks as she says that and you apologise for staring like that.
<nyx> No, no don't worry about it, you can look at it as much as you'd like, it makes me feel sexy</nyx>\
Somehow that comment makes you feel uncomfortable anyway and you look away.
<nyx> And I get it, being locked up in chastity now doesn't help a whole lot with your horniness </nyx>\
Shocked you stare at her and you roll your eyes, you can already guess how she knows... Quite upset you say
<me> Does $friend really have to tell you everything?? This is so embarrassing...</me>\
<nyx> Don't worry about it! I won't judge anyone. $friend is just a really good friend and she was a bit upset so she wanted to talk about it to clear her mind. We're really open to each other about this kind of thing. </nyx>\
Now you feel somewhat jealous because you thought that you were actually $friend's best friend. $nyx sees you thinking and she continues
<nyx> Maybe I also really love to talk about about anything sex related haha. And she was upset because she was actually going to let her fuck you again, but then hearing that you're locked up must've been quite a mood killer.</nyx>\
Hearing that makes your cock twitch in it's cage once again.
<me> Yeah well I didn't really have a choice, I have to do what $miss asks me. </me>\
$nyx grins.
<nyx> Oh yes, $miss. $friend told me about her as well. So is she going to blackmail you if you don't do what she asks? </nyx>\
You shake your head.
<me> No, she wouldn't do that, just... </me>\
You start to realise that there's nothing actually forcing you to oblige $miss and you could've just backed out.
<nyx> So you're actually just doing it because you secretly want to?</nyx>\
Ashamed by the actual truth you stutter a no, but $nyx isn't having it. She smiles, knowing that you realise the truth.
<nyx> I don't care what you do, you know. I just want to make you understand what drives your sexual desires. Because I know if you truly embrace your own secret desire, you'll open up a whole new world for yourself and it will end it up to be so much more fun. </nyx>\
She does make some kind of sense though, but still you're not really convinced either.
<me> What do you think my 'secret desire' is then? </me>\
<nyx> What's the fun in that, You will eventually figure it out for yourself! </nyx>\
Unsatisfied you nod, and you decide to end the conversation here. It's probably good food for thought anyway. You finally get the dog to walk and you head out.END OF CONTENT WITH $nyx
$nyx welcomes you excitedly. She actually looks really serious today, she must've had some kind of important meeting or something.
<<img "nyx/office1.jpg">>\
When you greet her she directly asks you how you're holding up in that chastity cage. You're not really surprised anymore by this kind of direct questions from $nyx. She's always so direct, but maybe that's also really nice and you get the feeling that you can trust her.
<me>Um, It's just hard sometimes... I'm getting so horny all the time and I keep craving to please my cock again. It's a nice feeling honestly, but also so frustrating at times. </me>\
<nyx> I think I know a way to reduce that craving slightly. </nyx>\
Now she really has your attention. Intriged you listen to what she has to say
<nyx> You should try pleasing someone else's cock, it will get your mind of your own locked cock.</nyx>\
What the ... That doesn't make sense at all... Confused you reply
<me> I really don't see how that would help at all </me>\
<nyx> Think of it. Are you really craving the pleasure on your cock? Or is it more some kind of habit of stroking it that you're missing? Just like someone who quit smoking misses something to fiddle with. </nyx>\
You shake no, and you don't want to be convinced by $nyx her corrupting ideas.
<nyx> Why are you so rejective? Didn't you like it when you sucked $friend her cock? </nyx>\
<me> That was different! She looks like a girl. </me>\
<nyx> So you would be okay if you look at a female body while doing it? </nyx>\
While she says that she lifts her skirt and drops her blouse a little, revealing her bra and panties.
<<img "nyx/office2.jpg">>\
She really turns you on and the hesitation starts to become visible on your face.
<nyx> Anyway it's just an idea in case you get really desperate.</nyx>\
She gives you a teasing smile and turns around to give you a dog to walk with once again.<<link 'Sleep'>><<set $dreams=Math.random()*
<<if $Pair == null or $Pair == 0>>
<span id="spaceAct"><<link "Continue Setup"`passage()`>>
<<set $Pair to 1>><<buttplugconnectlocal>><<connecting>><</buttplugconnectlocal>>
<<elseif $Pair==1>>
<<link "Start Scanning">>
<<removeclass "#devicediv" "hide">>
<div id="devicediv" class="hide">
<b>Devices Found:</b>
<div id="devicelist">
<<append "#devicelist">>_device.Name<</append>>
If your device is listed, then LET ME SHOW YOU ITS FEATURES!
[[Demo|ButtplugDemo][$Pair to 3]]
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<custompattern>><<widget disablevibe>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget medlustvibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .3>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget maxlustvibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .6>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget orgasmvibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget lightvibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat 2.5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget medvibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat 2.5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget heavyvibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat 2.5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget lightpulsevibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat 3s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2.5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget medpulsevibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat 3s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2.5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget heavypulsevibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat 3s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2.5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget fastlightpulsevibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .3s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .4s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .6s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .7s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .8s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .9s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget fastmedpulsevibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .3s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .4s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .6s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .7s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .8s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .9s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.75>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget fastheavypulsevibe>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat 1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .3s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .4s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .6s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .7s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .8s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .9s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget lightwavepattern>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .25>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.3>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.35>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .3s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.4>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .4s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.35>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.3>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget medwavepattern>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .5>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.55>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.6>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .3s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.65>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .4s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.6>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.55>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget heavywavepattern>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<repeat .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .85>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .1s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.9>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .2s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.95>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .3s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 1.0>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .4s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device .95>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed .5s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.9>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<widget wornvibes>>
<</widget>><<widget custompattern>>
<<if $Pair gte 3>>
<<for _device range setup.bpClient.Devices>>
<<capture _device>>
<<for _msg range _device.AllowedMessages>>
<<if _msg eq "VibrateCmd">>
<<timed 0.000000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 0.150000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 0.300000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 0.450000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 0.600000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 0.750000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 0.900000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.050000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.200000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.350000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.500000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.650000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.800000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 1.950000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2.100000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2.250000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2.400000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2.550000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2.700000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 2.850000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 3.000000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 3.150000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 3.300000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 3.450000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 3.600000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 3.750000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 3.900000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 4.050000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 4.200000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 4.350000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 4.500000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 4.650000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 4.800000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 4.950000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 5.100000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 5.250000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 5.400000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 5.550000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 5.700000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 5.850000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 6.000000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 6.150000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 6.300000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 6.450000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 6.600000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 6.750000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 6.900000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 7.050000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 7.200000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 7.350000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 7.500000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 7.650000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 7.800000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 7.950000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 8.100000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 8.250000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 8.400000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 8.550000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 8.700000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 8.850000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 9.000000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 9.150000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 9.300000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 9.450000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 9.600000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 9.750000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 9.900000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 10.050000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 10.200000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 10.350000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 10.500000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 10.650000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 10.800000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 10.950000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 11.100000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 11.250000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 11.400000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 11.550000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 11.700000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 11.850000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 12.000000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 12.150000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 12.300000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 12.450000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 12.600000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 12.750000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 12.900000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 13.050000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 13.200000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 13.350000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 13.500000s>>
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<<timed 13.650000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 13.800000s>>
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<<timed 13.950000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 14.100000s>>
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<<timed 14.250000s>>
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<<timed 14.400000s>>
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<<timed 14.550000s>>
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<<timed 14.700000s>>
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<<timed 14.850000s>>
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<<timed 15.000000s>>
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<<timed 15.150000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 15.300000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 15.450000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 15.600000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 15.750000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 15.900000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 16.050000s>>
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<<timed 16.200000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 16.350000s>>
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<<timed 16.500000s>>
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<<timed 16.650000s>>
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<<timed 16.800000s>>
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<<timed 16.950000s>>
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<<timed 17.100000s>>
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<<timed 17.250000s>>
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<<timed 17.400000s>>
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<<timed 17.550000s>>
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<<timed 17.700000s>>
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<<timed 17.850000s>>
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<<timed 18.000000s>>
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<<timed 18.150000s>>
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<<timed 18.300000s>>
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<<timed 18.450000s>>
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<<timed 18.600000s>>
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<<timed 18.750000s>>
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<<timed 18.900000s>>
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<<timed 19.050000s>>
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<<timed 19.200000s>>
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<<timed 19.350000s>>
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<<timed 19.500000s>>
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<<timed 19.650000s>>
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<<timed 19.800000s>>
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<<timed 19.950000s>>
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<<timed 20.100000s>>
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<<timed 20.250000s>>
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<<timed 20.400000s>>
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<<timed 20.550000s>>
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<<timed 20.700000s>>
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<<timed 20.850000s>>
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<<timed 21.000000s>>
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<<timed 21.150000s>>
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<<timed 21.300000s>>
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<<timed 21.450000s>>
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<<timed 21.600000s>>
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<<timed 21.750000s>>
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<<timed 21.900000s>>
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<<timed 22.050000s>>
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<<timed 22.200000s>>
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<<timed 22.350000s>>
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<<timed 22.500000s>>
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<<timed 22.650000s>>
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<<timed 22.800000s>>
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<<timed 22.950000s>>
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<<timed 23.100000s>>
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<<timed 23.250000s>>
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<<timed 23.400000s>>
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<<timed 23.550000s>>
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<<timed 23.700000s>>
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<<timed 23.850000s>>
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<<timed 24.000000s>>
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<<timed 24.150000s>>
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<<timed 24.300000s>>
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<<timed 24.450000s>>
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<<timed 24.600000s>>
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<<timed 24.750000s>>
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<<timed 24.900000s>>
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<<timed 25.050000s>>
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<<timed 25.200000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 25.350000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 25.500000s>>
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<<timed 25.650000s>>
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<<timed 25.800000s>>
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<<timed 25.950000s>>
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<<timed 26.100000s>>
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<<timed 26.250000s>>
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<<timed 26.400000s>>
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<<timed 26.550000s>>
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<<timed 26.700000s>>
<<buttplugvibrate _device 0.000000>><</buttplugvibrate>>
<<timed 26.850000s>>
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<<timed 27.000000s>>
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<<timed 27.150000s>>
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<<timed 27.300000s>>
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<<timed 27.450000s>>
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<<timed 27.600000s>>
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<<timed 27.750000s>>
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<<timed 27.900000s>>
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<<timed 28.050000s>>
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<<timed 28.200000s>>
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<<timed 28.350000s>>
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<<timed 28.500000s>>
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<<timed 28.650000s>>
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<<timed 28.800000s>>
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<<timed 28.950000s>>
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<<timed 29.100000s>>
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<<timed 29.250000s>>
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<<timed 29.400000s>>
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<<timed 29.550000s>>
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<<timed 29.700000s>>
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<<timed 29.850000s>>
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<<timed 30.000000s>>
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<<timed 30.150000s>>
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<<timed 30.300000s>>
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<<timed 30.450000s>>
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<<timed 30.600000s>>
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<<timed 30.750000s>>
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<<timed 30.900000s>>
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<<timed 31.050000s>>
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<<timed 31.200000s>>
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<<timed 31.350000s>>
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<<timed 31.500000s>>
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<<timed 31.650000s>>
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<<timed 31.800000s>>
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<<timed 31.950000s>>
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<<timed 32.100000s>>
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<<timed 32.250000s>>
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<<timed 32.400000s>>
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<<timed 32.550000s>>
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<<timed 32.700000s>>
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<<timed 32.850000s>>
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<<timed 33.000000s>>
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<<timed 33.150000s>>
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<<timed 33.300000s>>
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<<timed 33.450000s>>
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<<timed 33.600000s>>
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<<timed 33.750000s>>
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<<timed 33.900000s>>
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<<timed 34.050000s>>
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<<timed 34.200000s>>
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<<timed 34.350000s>>
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<<timed 34.500000s>>
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<<timed 34.650000s>>
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<<timed 34.800000s>>
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<<timed 34.950000s>>
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<<timed 35.100000s>>
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<<timed 35.250000s>>
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<<timed 35.400000s>>
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<<timed 35.550000s>>
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<<timed 35.700000s>>
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<<timed 35.850000s>>
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<<timed 36.000000s>>
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<<timed 36.150000s>>
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<<timed 36.300000s>>
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<<timed 36.450000s>>
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<<timed 36.600000s>>
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<<timed 36.750000s>>
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<<timed 36.900000s>>
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<<timed 37.050000s>>
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<<timed 37.200000s>>
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<<timed 37.350000s>>
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<<timed 37.500000s>>
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<<timed 37.650000s>>
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<<timed 37.800000s>>
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<<timed 37.950000s>>
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<<timed 38.100000s>>
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<<timed 38.250000s>>
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<<timed 38.400000s>>
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<<timed 38.550000s>>
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<<timed 38.700000s>>
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<<timed 38.850000s>>
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<<timed 39.000000s>>
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<<timed 39.150000s>>
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<<timed 39.300000s>>
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<<timed 39.450000s>>
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<<timed 39.600000s>>
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<<timed 39.750000s>>
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<<timed 39.900000s>>
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<<timed 40.350000s>>
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<<timed 41.250000s>>
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<<timed 62.400000s>>
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<<timed 62.550000s>>
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<<timed 62.700000s>>
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<<timed 62.850000s>>
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<<timed 63.000000s>>
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<<timed 63.150000s>>
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<<timed 63.300000s>>
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<<timed 63.450000s>>
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<<timed 63.600000s>>
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<<timed 63.750000s>>
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<<timed 63.900000s>>
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<<timed 64.050000s>>
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<<timed 64.200000s>>
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<<timed 64.350000s>>
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<<timed 64.500000s>>
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<<timed 64.650000s>>
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<<timed 64.800000s>>
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<<timed 64.950000s>>
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<<timed 65.100000s>>
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<<timed 65.250000s>>
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<<timed 65.400000s>>
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<<timed 65.550000s>>
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<<timed 65.700000s>>
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<<timed 65.850000s>>
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<<timed 66.000000s>>
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<<timed 66.150000s>>
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<<timed 66.300000s>>
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<<timed 66.450000s>>
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<<timed 66.600000s>>
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<<timed 66.750000s>>
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<<timed 66.900000s>>
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<<timed 67.050000s>>
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<<timed 67.200000s>>
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<<timed 67.350000s>>
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<<timed 67.500000s>>
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<<timed 67.650000s>>
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<<timed 67.800000s>>
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<<timed 67.950000s>>
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<<timed 68.100000s>>
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<<timed 68.250000s>>
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<<timed 68.400000s>>
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<<timed 68.550000s>>
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<<timed 68.700000s>>
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<<timed 68.850000s>>
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<<timed 69.000000s>>
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<<timed 69.150000s>>
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<<timed 69.300000s>>
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<<timed 69.450000s>>
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<<timed 69.600000s>>
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<<timed 69.750000s>>
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<<timed 69.900000s>>
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<<timed 70.050000s>>
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<<timed 70.200000s>>
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<<timed 70.350000s>>
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<<timed 70.500000s>>
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<<timed 70.650000s>>
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<<timed 70.800000s>>
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<<timed 70.950000s>>
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<<timed 71.100000s>>
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<<timed 71.250000s>>
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<<timed 71.400000s>>
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<<timed 71.550000s>>
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<<timed 71.700000s>>
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<<timed 71.850000s>>
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<<timed 72.000000s>>
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<<timed 72.150000s>>
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<<timed 72.300000s>>
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<<timed 72.450000s>>
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<<timed 72.600000s>>
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<<timed 72.750000s>>
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<<timed 72.900000s>>
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<<timed 73.200000s>>
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<<timed 73.350000s>>
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<<timed 73.500000s>>
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<<timed 73.650000s>>
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<<timed 73.800000s>>
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<<timed 73.950000s>>
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<<timed 74.100000s>>
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<<timed 74.250000s>>
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<<timed 74.400000s>>
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<<timed 74.550000s>>
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<<timed 74.700000s>>
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<<timed 74.850000s>>
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<<timed 75.000000s>>
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<<timed 75.600000s>>
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<<timed 75.900000s>>
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<<timed 76.500000s>>
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<<timed 76.650000s>>
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<<timed 97.500000s>>
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<<timed 97.650000s>>
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<<timed 97.800000s>>
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<<timed 97.950000s>>
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<<timed 104.700000s>>
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<<timed 165.300000s>>
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<<timed 468.150000s>>
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<<timed 501.750000s>>
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<<timed 501.900000s>>
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<<timed 502.050000s>>
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<<timed 502.200000s>>
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<<timed 502.350000s>>
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<<timed 502.500000s>>
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<<timed 503.700000s>>
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<<timed 503.850000s>>
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<<timed 504.000000s>>
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<<timed 504.450000s>>
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<<timed 504.600000s>>
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<<timed 504.900000s>>
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<<timed 505.200000s>>
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<<timed 505.350000s>>
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<<timed 505.500000s>>
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<<timed 505.650000s>>
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<<timed 505.800000s>>
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<<timed 505.950000s>>
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<<timed 506.250000s>>
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<<timed 506.550000s>>
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<<timed 506.700000s>>
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<<timed 506.850000s>>
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<<timed 507.000000s>>
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<<timed 507.150000s>>
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<<timed 507.300000s>>
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<<timed 510.450000s>>